Official Spurs(4)vs Clippers(0) Series Thread. Sweep City, Sweep Sweep CIty

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Spurs are so weak for pulling the hack a shack
disgraceful to want to win on a technicality.

mind gamesgot deandre jordan thinking nowi remember they did that to biedrins and dude was missing every ft cause the coach didnt want to take him out.
sooperhooper wrote:
Spurs are so weak for pulling the hack a shack 
 disgraceful to want to win on a technicality.
. Damn them for playing cerebral basketball and exploiting a players weaknesses. Guess people should just let Kobe shoot wide open jumpshots and let Bynum stay in the post all game... if the game was on the line in the final seconds anyone in their right mind would intentional him, and this is the playoffs, he should be making his free throws so this isn't a viable option for San Antonio.
I'm ok with this deficit, The Clippers should be scared. Very scared.
I never thought about the fact that the championship banners had to be taken down when the clippers play and when other events took place in staples. I just felt like they were "permanent", but instead they're like decoration.

Hack a Shaq technique is weak and shouldn't be allowed in the game. The dude above me that defended it probably praises floppers too, talking about it's cerebral technique to draw a call or some nonsense. Cats have ZERO honor or respect for the game these days. Flop on.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I never thought about the fact that the championship banners had to be taken down when the clippers play and when other events took place in staples. I just felt like they were "permanent", but instead they're like decoration.

Hack a Shaq technique is weak and shouldn't be allowed in the game. The dude above me that defended it probably praises floppers too, talking about it's cerebral technique to draw a call or some nonsense. Cats have ZERO honor or respect for the game these days. Flop on.
Go check the flopping thread I am adamantly against it, but concede that its now a basketball play and not much can be done about it right now. 
Intentional fouling people who are poor free throw shooters shouldn't be allowed? Listen to how you sound. Only Ray Allen, Steve Nash, and Steph Curry should be allowed to be fouled.... You're reaching by bringing terms like "honor" and "respect for the game"into it because intentional fouling poor free throw shooters when they have the ball is a legitimate strategy that has been going on for decades. By calling it hack a Shaq, you're trying to put it into this vacuum where this is the only time that it has happened.
It happens all the time to anyone who's a poor free throw shooter, forwards and guards. Guess fouling to stop the break or an easy basket is dishonorable now.
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