Anyone have a guest pass code they're not planning to use?  I wanna buy the game, but I want to see if my computer will run it.  Thanks in advance!
I have this game, first RTS so dear God am I weak
Originally Posted by Drizzyd

someone gimme a review, is it worth the buy?

If you liked the first one, there is no reason why you wouldn't like this one. Blizzard obviously kept all the basic concepts the same but the game has better graphics and new units. A lot of the strategies from SC1 are still being used but the new units offer a more balanced playing field because everyone has to get used to finding new strategies to use with them. Overall, I'd just it's worth the buy. It's addicting so you won't feel like you've wasted money on it.
Originally Posted by Drizzyd

someone gimme a review, is it worth the buy?

yes. should be in shelves.. some places sold out around me during the release week.

if you're new, itll be some time til get the hang of it especially for competitive play.
One thing I've heard was that there were no chat rooms, no LAN, and you can only play within your region. Confirm?
^ US server covers both west to east.

Im sure the next patch or eventually they'll add the chat rooms. Who lans anyways, we're always connected online anyways. BNet2.0 has its flaws but its all about the gameplay.

Wanna chat, use ventrilo or skype.
finally finished the single player. great story but we still got two more expansions and possibly sc3?
I seriously need a good partner to play with noobs be getting me MAD

I rock terran and i can hold my own

GT: Mario
Code: 347
Ya'll ever fight A.I. insane zerg? That $++% is so hard

Me and my boy can only beat em 2v2 on twilight fortress when we turtle smh
As much as i wanna play you guys i still dont feel like im ready 
 this !@#* is mad hard. i havent played sc in like 8 years so im still rusty as hell. ive been playing against the comp on hard and its 50/50 i win sometimes and lose others... ahhhhh man this is addicting but so frustrating it takes so much time to get good.  
This game is mentally draining
So many things you need to worry about when playing online. Nonetheless, a solid sequel.

I wish I would've placed lower than Platinum for I'm getting raped in this division
Originally Posted by young dunny

can this run on a mackbook unibody? (late 2009 model)

don't see why not.

almost any game can run on any computer, just some you have to sacrifice FPS/quality.

so, is this game good for a complete RTS noob?
Ugh...Single player is SO DOPE. Wasn't expecting it to be like this. I love how you can explore the bar (I'm still early in the game) and the in game graphics in the bar are looking so good. I forgot how much more advanced PC gaming is than console. Glad I got back into it. Also, those who are playing multiplayer be sure to add me. I used to be a SC VET...time to get back into the swing of things.

Name - bimbady
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Ugh...Single player is SO DOPE. Wasn't expecting it to be like this. I love how you can explore the bar (I'm still early in the game) and the in game graphics in the bar are looking so good. I forgot how much more advanced PC gaming is than console. Glad I got back into it. Also, those who are playing multiplayer be sure to add me. I used to be a SC VET...time to get back into the swing of things.

Name - bimbady

You need to tell us your code, you can find it in the friends section on the bottom right of the main menu, its a 3 digit one, e.g mine is 347
man **** my life

i got all i hyped when i heard about this game

copped it retail

looked at specs after the fact

bought more ram for like 90

total price up to 150

now the game is running OD slow and i went back to check the settings and my processor is at 1.7 ghz when it should be at somewhere around 2.6 ghz for the game

is this game really worth 200 something dollars!?

what can i do with the game now that its open (havnt put the key in yet)
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