Need to learn about options feel like I’m missing out on too much $.

Might throw a rack at either RKT or NVDA but I feel like the return on an option would be much higher.
Risk v reward. Options can see your money evaporate in a day, even if you're right. It happened to me, I know johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm had a blowup, and many more. Never play earnings unless you really dont gaf about the outcome. Dont risk more than you can REALLY stomach losing for nothing.

Shares at least dont evaporate and leave you with nothing but a tax writedown. They can bounce, they can be sold. Options are a quick way to lose your shirt if you're not careful.
Risk v reward. Options can see your money evaporate in a day, even if you're right. It happened to me, I know johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm had a blowup, and many more. Never play earnings unless you really dont gaf about the outcome. Dont risk more than you can REALLY stomach losing for nothing.

Shares at least dont evaporate and leave you with nothing but a tax writedown. They can bounce, they can be sold. Options are a quick way to lose your shirt if you're not careful.
I’m trying to learn about them partly to know what tf y’all be talking about lol
I'll admit that I'm in no position to give advice or provide solid DD. But I appreciate the knowledge and insight on this forum.

A lot more common sense and realism in here.

As for those getting into options, I'll just advise that you do not get carried away with the "gains" you see. There are FAR more losses for every gains post you see somewhere.

As always, just make sure you educate yourself the best you can before jumping into options.

And for the fellas who are active and are able to post some analysis and plays, you guys are appreciated.

Hopefully with time and experience, more of us can contribute just as much.
@everyone good morning! The market seems pleased with how Powell's Jackson Hole speech is going so far and unemployment numbers were on target with expectations. Combine that with positive news on the testing front (ABT) and continued hope for COVID vaccines/therapies seem to have us in full bull mode this morning. Here are the SPY levels I am watching and some ideas on how to trade them. One thing to note, the purple lines on my chart are fib extensions and mostly untested, so please take them with a grain of salt for now. TRADING SPY TODAY: I like calls today but be careful of a pullback at open. We seem to be holding 346.99 support PM. You could either grab calls at open and use 346.99 as your SL and average down there if/when we bounce. Option two would be to exercise some patience and see if we pullback to that level at open and get into calls there. I would go with 351c today. If we lose 346.43 support, take puts. Personally I would take 344p. Also congrats to our Gold/Platinum members who took @FunTrade's ABT 105c trade from the premium channels. With the news last night those contracts are over $7 ITM!!!
Congrats to the PTON holders :pimp:

Took 2 shares of CRM premarket based off of the Power Earnings Gap and the insane volume. Should continue to run over time but I'll DCA into it.

Options are amazing because you can make millions right. But if you don't know what you're doing, you'll lose all your money before you get rich. Learn how theta works. Learn the benefits of collecting deltas. Learn about implied volatility and vol crush. Start off trading 1 contract at a time. Front month premium should be looked at as a scalp unless you're collecting deltas. Back month premium is what you can hold as a swing. Always take targets when trading options. Don't be a greedy idiot from WSB :lol:

It's too much to post in here, but lmk if anyone is thinking about investing in NVDA. Just pm me.
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Bynd with an e-commerce site too
lot of companies are going to start building their own site off of shop and im guessing bigc to some extent. a lot of people are upset with amazon listing their generic brand on searches for name brand products.

stopped on rkt, trimmed fsly, next sells 100 and 110 and never selling again. crm is killing me but whatever, only 5 shares.
Bought sq sep 170 calls. Technicals looks like it is bouncing off its support in its upward channel. My prediction is that it will go 167 ish by sep 3. By that time, I'll sell.
Loving it against 156. Made a quick scalp yesterday, I shoulda jumped back in today but opted for CRM instead.

Took a lotto feeler in PSNL. Don't fully understand the business, but from what I do grasp, genomics wise they can be a player? Just 10 shares for now.
lot of companies are going to start building their own site off of shop and im guessing bigc to some extent. a lot of people are upset with amazon listing their generic brand on searches for name brand products.

stopped on rkt, trimmed fsly, next sells 100 and 110 and never selling again. crm is killing me but whatever, only 5 shares.

Been using crm for work for the last 10 years. Makes me upset when I got to know salesforce at 100$ and never bought 😂😂😭.

With covid season and folks who had the capability to work remotely even before covid, CRM's value sky rocketed even more so. Us customer facing (whether internal or external) folks rely on this or we crumble.
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