Charts on Schwab took a while to load and they aren’t keeping up with the movement. Might hold off on trading today.
I couldn't get on TD this AM so went to ToS immediately to close my SPY call.

Back in front of a PC so on ToS desktop, no issues.

Folks, this sell down is presenting buying opps. The "stay at home" stock premium just got evaporated on the news of a potential vaccine. The Pfizer one is definitely promising but 1) how bad will things get before it's mass produced/distributed 2) I read something about it requires being in a deep freeze versus say the JnJ one. This points to logistical issues for point 1.

In other words, if you had a name or two you wanted to buy into, dollar cost into them now if you still believe in the name.
Grabbed a few Etsy and added PTON to the roth.

Had no problems with etrade or fidelity this morning.
Umm... NLS is down 20% right now. And they announce Q3 earnings after close. Like, on the heels of PTON, can this do anything but go parabolic after they announce?
Bought some more NFLX, with these stay at home stocks, people don't realize that it doesn't matter if people use these services, as long as they still paying :emoji_joy:
Anyone have any leads on who sales subzero freezers? Hospitals will need them for the Pfizer vaccination .Wonder how different Pfizers process is from the other players.

Bought some more NFLX, with these stay at home stocks, people don't realize that it doesn't matter if people use these services, as long as they still paying :emoji_joy:
NFLX might be the exception but Netflix is a much more mature business then Zoom and Peloton from a market perspective.

Is Zoom going to keep its growth pace up? I dont know with all of the other competitors out there that do more then host a meeting. What product has the highest likelihood to remain sticky and easy to access?
How many businesses were forced to pivot to Zoom that will cut the expense? IT will be tough momentum to keep up
Any opening stocks y’all like? My friend said Exxon, Chevron
tech on the crash was a gift. I didn't buy anything and regret it immensely. only sold etsy premarket at 138 though for $80 profit, may consider adding it back at some point. wish I did at 116. froze up. I wouldn't be buying the rotation now. you had to be in there already for it to be worthwhile. those stocks aren't going to have a strong cagr like tech will.
Guys, everyone, dont forget. Nikola announces earnings today. How do I make text bigger? NIKOLA
ANNOUNCES EARNINGS TODAY! Is anybody else as excited as I am to see what kind of lies they spin this afternoon?

Bet they claim the GM deal is being finalized...
BP and other hydrogen partners are still on board...
Customer deposits arent being used to fund operations...
Nikola Badger hasn't been scrapped completely...

And that they had revenue for the second straight quarter :lol:
Guys, everyone, dont forget. Nikola announces earnings today. How do I make text bigger? NIKOLA
ANNOUNCES EARNINGS TODAY! Is anybody else as excited as I am to see what kind of lies they spin this afternoon?

Bet they claim the GM deal is being finalized...
BP and other hydrogen partners are still on board...
Customer deposits arent being used to fund operations...
Nikola Badger hasn't been scrapped completely...

And that they had revenue for the second straight quarter :lol:

Was waiting for the usual noskey noskey update on NKLA 😂😂😂. Let's see what they have in store for us
I cant wait to hear that they doubled their Q2 revenue.... by selling twice as many solar panels to Trevor.
Down a lot of money today on $ZM. Hopefully this is an overreaction from the vaccine news. Hopefully...

It should be an overreaction IMO. The inventory available and overall logistics is a bit behind right now in terms of delivering and administering the vaccine to the general population.
It should be an overreaction IMO. The inventory available and overall logistics is a bit behind right now in terms of delivering and administering the vaccine to the general population.

Whats scale plan I haven’t heard anything? I’m trying to throw a bachelor party in March man
Whats scale plan I haven’t heard anything? I’m trying to throw a bachelor party in March man

By March they should start being available and mass produced. Anything before is ideal and best case scenario. Healthcare workers, elderly, long term conditions in that order. After that it’s up to the patient like it should be. An important thing now would be if it’ll be available to be administered at your local chain pharmacy without PCP appt.
My portfolio getting slaughtered today :sick:

made the risk of not cashing out on Friday and def paying for it right now, rookie mistake:smh:
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