Something from my group on Netflix:

@everyone Post-Market Update on NFLX - First off apologies about the risky and poor entry. I thought that the bounce this morning was the bounce I was looking for from a Major S/R line on the charts for NFLX. Here is why I am still in - or if you stopped out under 480, you can consider another look at NFLX.

NFLX has been trading in a consolidation rectangle. If you also notice the bottom of that rectangle is around ~467.5. We see that it has bounced off this area multiple times in the past strongly with no more than 2 days in this range. This area also lines up with the 0.618 fib on the chart which marks 466.45. 458-467 would be the ideal buy zone on a bounce and that is where I would be looking to add to my position. Looking at previous movements we see that it typically takes 1-2 weeks to rise to the next pivot and the lowest of these is above 500. For this reason I chose 505c (in addition to gap fill area) for 2 weeks out.

Why this Play is Riskier than Usual: NFLX moved down on positive vaccine news for PFE trial. All stay-at-home stocks and many big tech names dropped as a result while other things soared today and then returned back to previous levels. I strongly believe that this was a knee-jerk reaction, BUT that said any additional information or if a broader market pullback follows (which seems likely) then NFLX will be dragged down again and we will break down from this consolidation rectangle.

Side Note: DIX went down to 37.9% today meaning less smart money entering the markets compared to last week. GEX is still mid level, so I don't forsee a major correction for this week.

I grabbed some puts on NKLA late. We'll see how it goes.
Lockup ends 12/4 and then JPM can cash out. I dont see it dropping much more between now and then unless GM pulls out of them before busting. But once the lockup ends, does anyone see JPM keeping their money tied up in a fraud that's going to run out of money next year?
@everyone news of a possible vaccine is a relief in everyone's mind but the world's situation still remains. Profit taking from a new ATH is more than normal.

With this market pullback from the highs, you have to look at who is still strong. As soon as SPY moves back up, the stronger ones will prevail. Think the same about the weaker ones. If SPY continues to weaken, new bottoms could be found on the ones suffering. For that matter, I'll stay away from all stay home tickers for now. I prefer playing the strong ones and avoid catching a falling knife.

Our DAL swing is still looking strong.
RCL I believe has room to run to 81s.
BA could see 195s.

PLUG with multiple upgrades from Oppenheimer, Wainwright, Riley following yesterday's earnings is seeing some action premarket.

Remember kevin kevin (Momentum)'s watchlist from the weekend (that came out pre vaccine news) was bullish on Chinese tickers. NIO should also be considered. It now has a larger market cap than GM and keeps printing new ATHs. However be careful as the chart is overbought on the daily.

MU followed SPY as usual. However it came out with a breakthrough flash memory product and will hold investor day on the 16th. My target remains in the 59/60 range.

BYND got a serious reality check. Clearly owns the "B" in Fubar. Chemical meat had a tough time digesting its own earnings. Don't you come up to me saying " it's not chemical, it's plant based". I'll tell you something. Turpentine is also plant based...

Remember that we all make mistakes. We really try to provide you with our best picks. Our goal is to make you profitable while you learn. Risk management and position sizing is key to consistency
Might wanna lock up those tech profits boys. I've freed up a good amount of cash.

Is this when we sort of catch up to the ridiculous valuations we've seen this year in tech?

I don't know. DCA cautiously in case this keeps dropping.
added to JMIA NLS and FB no reason these should be down just cuz of vaccine that wont be out for another 4-6 months we werent going to be shutdown for ever
in regards to tech

@everyone Looking to buy puts on any sudden squeezes / pops. Better R/R right now IMO. Market overall doesn't look good - lots of profit takers and we can still go with the original thesis that Biden does not mean a bullish market - Feels like a late reaction / fake pump prior to this dump to confuse people.
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