Im pretty green lol been at it about a month any advice would be appreciated.

Bought 10 stocks of moderna, prob not best idea. But im new just getting my feet wet !!

any suggestions.. any good picks. Wanna build my portfolio just not sure where to begin.

Thanks in advance 🔥🔥🔥 much luv, stay freshhh :nthat: :nthat:
Just stay humble. This month is not normal. Literally have made more this month than I did all year. I can give you picks, but learning how to find them is worth more. This is a good chart to follow

I look for high revenue growth, high gross margins, free cash flow trending toward positive. At least 50% growth and gm’s are usually what I look for.

mounted the weekly portfolio didn’t like the way it was working for me. Bot the 27-32 call spread in PLTR for Jan 15 for 1.50.
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Is it. Is DoorDash good to look into? I know next year they going to get heavy use, but not sure 2-3 years from now.
So adding some BA to the Roth is a good play? Think the 737 Max actually gets up and running? I know Ryanair ordered a bunch but will they deliver? Will their recovery outpace the growth of these new players in the tech area? BA or a BECKY component? Which one? So many questions!
BA is how I’m playing the airlines. I don’t want any of them but Ba has risk with them killing people multiple times a year. Raytheon could be a better play with less risk.
So adding some BA to the Roth is a good play? Think the 737 Max actually gets up and running? I know Ryanair ordered a bunch but will they deliver? Will their recovery outpace the growth of these new players in the tech area? BA or a BECKY component? Which one? So many questions!
"Too big to fail".
Tsla going ape ****...

This dude well over 1 million over $500 lotto.

Most o made in a week was 45k. Doesnt even compare to this.


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