NBG smoking the short sellers on huge volume today. Maybe one more push then a pullback but the longer term trend looks good. Long bias. Buy the dip imo
I'm not seeing it but hope it does for your sake man, good luck

Thanks, man. Yeah, betting on their old management reverting back to the previous pricing model, old consumers coming back, attractive real estate that can be divested, recognizable brand, etc. If it bleeds cash all the way to Chapter 7/11, it won't be that big of a deal. :lol:
NBG smoking the short sellers on huge volume today. Maybe one more push then a pullback but the longer term trend looks good. Long bias. Buy the dip imo
thanks again Wizard for the great information. Was able to make some good money after a month HOLD. I sold yesterday at $5.40 and will be back for more after it pullback a little. 
Solars still running

What's good with LNKD? :x

Not a big deal if your 25k bet fails? Life must be good :lol:
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i think he was being sarcastic.. dont see any hope for JCP .

Wizard, i read your blog. Would shorting NBG $4.50 @ 11/13 be a good bet.  

This stock seems like its been good for day trading the past month. 
Solars still running

What's good with LNKD? :x

Not a big deal if your 25k bet fails? Life must be good :lol:

I jumped into LNKD yesterday near the close, got spanked today. :smh:

Close all my positions, SMH for going long, should've stayed on the short side like the past couple weeks.
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Solars still running

What's good with LNKD? :x

Not a big deal if your 25k bet fails? Life must be good :lol:

:lol: Still a senior in college, so don't really care about the money I've made thus far, as I'll have a steady cash flow starting next year.
Damn...feel bad for folks in solar. Up HUGE in the morning then down at a larger scale a 2 hours later.

Bought some LNKD....pray for me.

JCP is the new sears or nah?

I can't see it. JCP died years ago....they're just not a store people go to.

My opinion as a consumer: they're on their way out.
How do you guys feel about Janet Yellen being the new fed chair?? How does that affect your trading?
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