Just saw your stock twit wiz on FNMA support at 3.50.

Nope! :lol:

yea sliced right through lol

EDIT: wasn't thinking about it at the time but it bounce right off this trend line
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I think everyone should watch to see if PLUG bounces off its moving average and holds its trend line...even though this over extended doesn't mean it won't see another run after a pullback. much money are you all making off these stocks? I'm interested in making a quick couple of this for me?

My advice, find one of those free trading games and play that before you open an account. At least you'll be playing with house money and not your own.
If TSLA drops below $200, I'm getting in. I doubt it will take that big of a hit from the news coming out of NJ, but I hope it does anyway :lol: :smh:
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My precious TSLA. Must buy more shares! :lol:

This thing will be at $500 in a few years, bet on that. I haven't been wrong since $25 a share. :pimp:
If TSLA drops below $200, I'm getting in. I doubt it will take that big of a hit from the news coming out of NJ, but I hope it does anyway :lol: :smh:

My precious TSLA. Must buy more shares! :lol:

This thing will be at $500 in a few years, bet on that. I haven't been wrong since $25 a share. :pimp:

I need to look into LEAPS. I believe in the company and don't want to use up all my capital holding shares. Any tips/experiences?
I need to look into LEAPS. I believe in the company and don't want to use up all my capital holding shares. Any tips/experiences?

I haven't looked, but I'm guessing they'll be relatively pricey for TSLA since it's so volatile and plenty of people think it's going to the moon.
I need to look into LEAPS. I believe in the company and don't want to use up all my capital holding shares. Any tips/experiences?

How long are you going on a leaps call? What are you anticipating them to hit within that time? I'm pretty bullish on the market right now, so I'd say don't go long on anything, but it's your call. Definitely check out Options Playbook, if you haven't for some guidelines on leaps.
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Nice call with FNMA the other day, Wiz.

Guys, never let a winning trade turn into a loser. We're in this to get paid. No need to be greedy, if you miss that next leg up, so be it, there's always another trade. Nothing worse than seeing a winner turn into a loser. I've been there and it's miserable.

TLOG sold off after it's morning run. I could've taken some nice quick profits, but I'm in this one for the bigger picture. Really like how PFE raised its stake in the company to around 7% semi-recently.

FEYE may be good for a little bounce tomorrow. Could continue lower if the market's weak so wait for a set up and don't get greedy. This market is crazy. Just follow the line of least resistance. Don't marry anything, don't get emotional. Just follow your gut and the price action and volume.

I've been getting my feet wet with options lately. Kinda like trading them and the exposure you can get for less. I picked up some NG Jan 15 $4 calls yesterday. Basically, I want some gold exposure in case things get volatile this summer, but I don't want to tie up any major capital, which is why I went the options route with AUY and NG. Yamana is a slow mover, but it should make a move into the 12s by October which is my expiration date. If these trades don't work then I lose some capital, but more importantly, I don't tie up my buying power over that time span so I could still play other equities.
My advice, find one of those free trading games and play that before you open an account. At least you'll be playing with house money and not your own.
Right  @FlyNY  open up a TD Ameritrade account, you don't have to fund it. Download their Think or Swim trading platform, you can use paper money and learn with a real trading platform.
I need to look into LEAPS. I believe in the company and don't want to use up all my capital holding shares. Any tips/experiences?

I haven't looked, but I'm guessing they'll be relatively pricey for TSLA since it's so volatile and plenty of people think it's going to the moon.

I need to look into LEAPS. I believe in the company and don't want to use up all my capital holding shares. Any tips/experiences?

How long are you going on a leaps call? What are you anticipating them to hit within that time? I'm pretty bullish on the market right now, so I'd say don't go long on anything, but it's your call. Definitely check out Options Playbook, if you haven't for some guidelines on leaps.

Haven't really looked into the details yet. It was just an idea I've been holding onto since I first started reading about options. Once things around the market start to settle and set up for another run, I may just go ahead and throw the bank at some shares/short-term calls. Still undecided.
GRNH will be loading if this can get over .50-.52. MACD signal coming soon and chart reminds me of Fannie Mae. I got some at .43 and .465 risk on .40 support, but I would expect .47 to hold then higher lows
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