Picked up some April 7 IDIX calls for .80.

Added another 200 shares of TLOG at 8.26

Added my last 100 shares of TLOG at 8.24 sitting with a 8.37 avg. Will be more willing to sell into pops now.
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I rather have my stocks go up...not go down to put more in. 
Picked up 500 shares of GRLT at $0.38 and It's looking like it's gonna pull back tomorrow. Already going down in the aftermarket trading :smh:.
TVIX is on the radar tomorrow with the market looking ugly. Probably stays on my watch list for a while.

Eying FEYE but not crazy about it. Market trends lower this will follow. Would probably want to see a move over 80.59 with volume 2 long. I wanted to buy some yesterday when it bounced off the 76s but I couldn't get the size I wanted due to decreased leverage so I didn't bother.

SPLK long over 85.54 with volume or weak open red/green using 84.40 as a guide. Could fade into the 83s if the market trends lower.

Looking to buy more MDCN on weakness—preferably under 2.60. Bigger picture idea, but this one has been bouncing well off dips. Didn't pick up any when it sat at 2.60. Wanted a better price and it never came. Still have PTD on so if this one pops out of the gate, I may have to take some off.

INVN probably ramps up tomorrow. That 22.40 level will be resistance but if it clears it, it could test 52s. Might buy a few calls.

HART needs to trade options already. Stock has been acting well since Super Trades started pumping it.

INSM probably ABCDs look for a little profit taking and higher lows for continuation. 19.91 could be resistance. Doesn't usually trade much volume though.

TLOG still swinging this one. I like the story so far with this company and possibly its future. Don't really plan on adding much more, but if I see a good price or trend, I may just pile some on and sell that piece into strength.
Nice call with NG calls. Up pretty well with those and my Yamanas.

Where's the NUAN dude at? Stock has been wild today.
Damn. NG holding well even with spot's spike down. NUGT gave up all its morning gainzz :frown:

Anybody trying to bottom feed TWTR?
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DATA and CTRL are interesting. I've been stalking Tableau a little.

I wanna play GOOG for its NEST acquisition and all the other Skynet **** they're doing. You guys know anything about when they're offering that other class of shares and its ticker and price?

CRM is solid to double down on if you catch its bottom.

I'm probably gonna play FEYE via options. Think it goes a little lower so I'm waiting patiently.

CARA sold off nicely today into the 17s. I've been eying this level but the chart is in a downtrend so I'm still staying put. Thinking we might get a wash into the high 15s before it ramps back up.

Eying HILL this week for a bottom. Not crazy about it but could be decent for a trade.

I kinda like GE for a slow and steady investment. Might buy leaps.

FSLR has analyst day on the 19th. Won't trust this piece of **** with common but I may grab some calls if there is weakness Monday.

GILD was down into the 75s today. IDIX is suing them in Europe for patent infringement for their hep C drug. I like GILD regardless but it is extended and with CELG breaking trend the sector could continue correcting.
guys i want to short the crap out of retailers. just want yall opinion and your boots on the ground perspectives on retailers that you've recently went into.
I like M honestly. Always has a nice crop of people when I'm in there and decent merchandise. I've been eying it for new 52s. Watch 60.

GPS could offer a nice little trade opportunity back to the 39s if it starts making lower highs. It's had a 38-42 range give or take some change. Could be turning the corner if it breaks over 43 so who knows. Barron's wrote favorably about this one few months ago.

Watch NKE couple of bucks away from 52s. Could roll over if it fails to break through 80.
I like M honestly. Always has a nice crop of people when I'm in there and decent merchandise. I've been eying it for new 52s. Watch 60.

GPS could offer a nice little trade opportunity back to the 39s if it starts making lower highs. It's had a 38-42 range give or take some change. Could be turning the corner if it breaks over 43 so who knows. Barron's wrote favorably about this one few months ago.

Watch NKE couple of bucks away from 52s. Could roll over if it fails to break through 80.

time square macys dont count lol

only reason why is because im noticing unusual sales and its frequencies. look at the car market for example.
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I'm going off the Queens Center store but yeah they have sales and send out coupons every week.

You already know my stance. I think disposable income is down and since people are making less, and inflation is rising, they're spending more on less and have less to spend on the stuff they don't need so car sales and other stuff is down.
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