What is up with TWTR and why aren't they making $?

Facebook is going thru the roof and Twitter is flailing. Personally, I check Facebook when I am maximumly bored, but enjoy checking Twitter throughout the day as a constant news source.

Do I have tunnel vision? How do you guys feel about TWTR long term?
Twitter needs a big sell off to get people interested long term. I wanna invest but not at these levels. Over priced for a company that doesn't make money and saw a decrease in monthly average users.
IDIX OPXA perking up today. GRNH inside consolidation day. Looking for a pivot in GLD for some calls soon
Got squeezed out of my NUGT positions today for a loss after being up 10%+ :smh: Was scared of the falling momentum. Will be looking to get back in as well. Spot futures down a little bit

Biotech/pharma strong overall today. Bought a couple GILD calls today looking for a bounce-back.

KORS. Son of a b. Barclay's decided to downgrade their PT two days before my calls expire :stoneface: KATE not looking too bad.
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I was SOO close to shorting PLUG and BLDP, been regretting it all day. I'm hoping to reenter YHOO the a.m though. And maybe KNDI. GLTA!
There's always more times to short don't trip fam
Haha for some reason I always question myself, it was going to be my first time. I can day trade fine but when it comes to shorting.. it's an other story
I could see TSLA taking off soon.

HZNP is up a few bucks after acquiring Actimmune. Via @ScalpIdeas: Cowen: We believe Actimmune has market potential of $150-200m and this expansion of product portfolio will boost HZNP rev significantly

HZNP had gotten a few upgrades and pt raises the past couple of weeks.

POS FSLR ripped through 60 just now. today is analyst day.
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What is up with TWTR and why aren't they making $?

Facebook is going thru the roof and Twitter is flailing. Personally, I check Facebook when I am maximumly bored, but enjoy checking Twitter throughout the day as a constant news source.

Do I have tunnel vision? How do you guys feel about TWTR long term?

not a fan of twitter, dont think it will ever reach those high expectations, but for some reason people love it.
user's growth has leveled off, slow sales.
FSLR lol I ain't even mad. My dumbass should've sold the common right before earnings at 59 and scooped calls on the dip. Congrats to anyone that held. Sick learning experience for me.

Sold out of my April 28 SCHW calls for 250 profit. I had some options in the .64s, but I averaged down (not the smartest move but it worked here) and grabbed a bunch in the .25 and .35s. Sold into this rip around .55 or .60 don't know don't care.

I took off my IDIX options yesterday for 49 profit and sold 500 shares of MDCN which put me up $49 yesterday since I lost the equivalent of those MDCN gains playing a bs penny stock HFCO.

Still holding 1000 shares of MDCN. Looking to peel some more off into the next pump. The daily chart looks decent here, especially with my cost basis in the 2.45s.

I'd be adding here on TLOG at 7.80 but ETrade won't let me buy anything despite the cash I have in my account :stoneface: PDT sucks. I need to move this dough to Sure Trader.
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Horrible day! Did not want to take any chances today. Even the after hours were pretty bad

the smackdowns are hardcore. hope this helps anyone in this market.

Interpretation for those not well-versed with this stuff?

the smackdowns are always near options expiry so that the ones that were in the money could not take delivery of it no more. they cant take delivery because there isnt enough physical to cover it with the paper being traded on the market in the first place. but its a near monthly occurrence and it usually lasts 3-4 days, just enough to take out most of the contracts anyway.
looking to sell out of MDCN here. not crazy about the trend and wnna lock in these gains. would reenter under 3.

can't get a fill, nice :smh:

Grabbed a few more AUY Oct $11 calls at .62

MDCN at 2.90 1,300 shares are on the bid...

I was able to get 100 shares sold and I'm actually looking to buy those 100 back at this level. If it goes lower, I probably buy another 500. Big picture, I like this story, I just wanted to lock in gains since I figured this pull back would occur.

TLOG would've been nice to add yesterday AH around 7.14 but ETrade didn't refresh my buying power till today. Very low volume on that one, but there's some serious potential and I don't mind holding some shares as Birinapant goes through clinicals. Company will need to raise cash eventually though...
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AMTD calls :smokin

WLT worth $2/share according to BAC :lol: Glad I didn't try to re-enter

Closed out KORS $80 MAR calls today. Ended up being a 3-bagger when it couldve been nearly a fiver a few weeks back |I
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