be careful with MDCN it's very thin and tough to get fills sometimes. I'm still holding my 900 shares at 2.44 avg. I usually look to accumulate 2.50 or less but haven't had luck picking any extra shares up lately. I like the board of directors they've put together and it seems legitimate so I'm swinging this one still.
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I'd just wait for big news and some hype then sell on MDCN, the sector is on fire but there are better positions in it.
Can someone explain the concept of short selling and why it would be an advantage?

Im kinda confused, tryna enter this penny stock game
^ Stock goes down, you make money

Nasdaq getting no love these days
The scary thing is that the Nasdaq has a lot more room to pull back.  I think it looks like a pullback all the way to $3800 is possible here while still keeping things healthy. 
Can someone explain the concept of short selling and why it would be an advantage?

Im kinda confused, tryna enter this penny stock game

market price for x is 100 bucks. you want to short it so someone gives you the 100 bucks. you dont owe the 100 bucks back but you do owe one share of x. if it goes down to 50 bucks you buy one share of x and you will get 50 bucks profit from it. if it goes up 50 bucks and you bought x at that price then you lost 50 bucks.

cons: potentially infinite loss. 100% profit limit.
^ Stock goes down, you make money

Nasdaq getting no love these days :x
The scary thing is that the Nasdaq has a lot more room to pull back.  I think it looks like a pullback all the way to $3800 is possible here while still keeping things healthy. 


Yea I was looking at QQQ just after I posted, and it barely put a dent into the weekly



Did GDX put in a lower high? :nerd:

Enough with this pullback already I want to go back to seeing green 

You and I both. Went from +40% YTD towards the end of Feb to +25% now. Not bad overall, but damn.

MM betting that the market will go lower still:

Starting at 11:57 a.m. ET, a major player started buying May 1,995-strike put options on the S&P 500 for $133 per contract. The trade was not executed in a single block, but over many smaller trades between 11:57 and 1:12 p.m. (and the prices of the contract varied, getting as low as $131.70). On the whole, 15,450 contracts were purchased. And since each contract controls 100 shares, this trade cost about $200 million.

Since a put gives its buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying security at that given strike price, this implies a bearish bet on the market that will make money if the S&P 500 is below 1,862 (1,995 minus $133) at May expiration.

However, since this trade was deeply "in the money," the trader does not appear to be making a speculative options bet, but rather to be expressing a significant bearish view on the market as a whole. Indeed, this trade is effectively a $2.8 billion short bet on the S&P.
What do you guys use? I was thinking between Ameritrade or Etrade.

Candycrush stock?


Ameritrade has the better platform for trading but higher commissions than etrade. I use Ameritrade for swing trades. TD service hasn't in the past 2-3 years gone down once that I remember
Gold continuing to slide

PBR continuing its journey to the moon

Tesla is killing me right now... Does anyone see a rebound by say April?

They've always been pretty resilient. I think they'll be fine. Don't think they'll hit 260 again by April unless something big happens. On the flip side, look at what happened Oct and Nov for them - went from 200 to 120.


I'm cautiously optimistic I guess
I'm crazy hurt right now. It only left me with one choice and it was to average out, but damn


Stay strong everyone GLTA $$$
Can someone explain the concept of short selling and why it would be an advantage?

Im kinda confused, tryna enter this penny stock game
You short the stock if you bet against it going up. To short stocks you will need an margin account with a minimum of 25K and maintain it. I use Scottrade and can't short any stock under $5. Do your research on shorting, very risky if you don't know what your doing. You could potentially lose more money than you put in since your borrowing the shares. Also be careful with penny stocks, I wouldn't recommend them but everyone has different risks. Good Luck
use a stop next time. dumb not to preserve capital when you can.

Eying FB tomorrow. Think I may trade some tomorrow if there's weakness and higher lows. Wouldn't mind creating a core position to trade around. I like this Oculus acquisition a lot. There's potential for some big innovations here with this tech and the doors it can open.
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