Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

finnns2003 wrote:
lol at blaming it on Obama already. I guess we'll just forget about the Fed, Bernanke, loan crisis, and everything else eh?

no they contributed big to this mess. but once peeps found out nobama was going to be pres they started selling their stocks and business. look at the dolphinsowner got his money and ran. he new that he was going to tax like crazy.

oh another thing just went and did my taxes, and the guy who does my taxes told me that the 13 bucks we are getting on this so called unstimulus crap, we aregoing to have to pay it back next year at tax time. and you tell me its not this fool and the fools in power who drive the economy down please.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

lol at blaming it on Obama already. I guess we'll just forget about the Fed, Bernanke, loan crisis, and everything else eh?
how dare you post logic!!
Originally Posted by elgrenas

finnns2003 wrote:
lol at blaming it on Obama already. I guess we'll just forget about the Fed, Bernanke, loan crisis, and everything else eh?

no they contributed big to this mess. but once peeps found out nobama was going to be pres they started selling their stocks and business. look at the dolphins owner got his money and ran. he new that he was going to tax like crazy.

oh another thing just went and did my taxes, and the guy who does my taxes told me that the 13 bucks we are getting on this so called unstimulus crap, we are going to have to pay it back next year at tax time. and you tell me its not this fool and the fools in power who drive the economy down please.
You're in denial if you think McCain in office would be a major difference. Repubs and Dems are the same. They just like to switch it up on usevery once in a while so that we can blame the opposite party for our problems and think that our vote makes a difference. Obama can blame it on Bush and thenext can blame it on Obama. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

This Legatus link is obviously legit. They have had 3 summits in the past 6 months and every single one has brought more stock market destruction. Sept 15, Oct6, and now Feb 9th.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

finnns2003 wrote:
lol at blaming it on Obama already. I guess we'll just forget about the Fed, Bernanke, loan crisis, and everything else eh?

no they contributed big to this mess. but once peeps found out nobama was going to be pres they started selling their stocks and business. look at the dolphins owner got his money and ran. he new that he was going to tax like crazy.

oh another thing just went and did my taxes, and the guy who does my taxes told me that the 13 bucks we are getting on this so called unstimulus crap, we are going to have to pay it back next year at tax time. and you tell me its not this fool and the fools in power who drive the economy down please.
i'm assuming you brought up the dolphins owner because of me being a fan. huizenga did what he did because of taxes yes, but what bushdid with the high class taxes over the years... he sat pretty for a long time.

you really believe it's obama? c'mon... the federal reserve, bernanke, the loans, the mortgages, the consumers... ALL played a role in this.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by wizards23

and he is messing up badly as each day goes by.....

Dow Jones
on Jan 20 - 7,949.09
today Mar 2 - 6,763.29

Went down by 1,200 points in just over a month. I just filed my paperwork to stop contributing to my 401(k). Freaking pointless.
Dow Jones Jan 22nd, 2008 - 12,207.
Dow Jones Jan 20th, 2009 - 7,949.

Obama's fault aswell huh
let me rephrase.... its not obama's fault.... obama just makes it worse and worse.... thats all.... not the CHANGE everyone expected hahaha

Obama has done nothing positive for the economy at all....

Dow might break 6k by end of the week

how the heck is it obama's fault. the dow first broke 8K when Bush was in office anyway as a result of years of cheap !%*$ credit, deregulation and greedyou guys need to get pho blaming this on obama.

i don't agree with all this stimulus money though.
how much it goes down until it goes back up? the question everyone is asking themselves...what a shame bush
AIG's core insurance businesse are fine . . . their life insurance, foreign life insurance and property/casualty insurance subsidiaries are fine and allhave policyholder surpluses above regulated minimums . . . its the holding company that is trouble and the holding company cannot extract surplus from itsadmitted subsidiaries without the approval of the NAIC and I think the state insurance commissioner . . . thus, if you work for AIG in one of their corebusinesses you're not going under, but you may be sold if things get worse. Its was AIG financial products that screwed up by selling unregulated creditdefault swaps . . . AIG is going real aggressive on its pricing now, at least for commercial insurance ( I don't do life/health . . .) . . . theirrestructuring of their line of credit to $30 more billion dollars of TARP funds enabled their main businesses to keep their ratings from the main agenciestoday.
AIG can't fail period, and GM can't fail period.........If they do then worldwide depression..........Positive note...futures are up....
Originally Posted by wizards23

let me rephrase.... its not obama's fault.... obama just makes it worse and worse.... thats all.... not the CHANGE everyone expected hahaha

Obama has done nothing positive for the economy at all....

Dow might break 6k by end of the week
Pretty much.....
I think the market will keep going down & the economy will get worse & worse.

Hopefully Obama's plan proves me wrong though......... my family members portfolios are STRUGGLING
Originally Posted by nicefro

how the heck is it obama's fault. the dow first broke 8K when Bush was in office anyway as a result of years of cheap !%*$ credit, deregulation and greed you guys need to get pho blaming this on obama.

i don't agree with all this stimulus money though.
Will it's Obama's fault starting now or soon..... since he passed HIS STIMULUS PLAN & making HIS economic moves likeraising taxes.
And clearly the market has NOT responded well.

Hopefully things pick up.... and if they do then the markets will go back up.

But at this point that's not the case.

The next few months will be VERY interesting.
anybody take economics? Noone realizes that there is a huge lag in monetary and fiscal policy.
We can blame Obama in 8 months.
Originally Posted by twol8

anybody take economics? Noone realizes that there is a huge lag in monetary and fiscal policy.
We can blame Obama in 8 months.
Go somewhere else if you're looking for anything that resembles common sense.
Can someone give me cliff notes on what exactly DOW is?

Also, does it make sense that since AIG "cannot fail" and just dropped 61 billion, it would be WISE to buy stocks now since they will inevitablygo up?
Obama is gettin all this !#$ put on him cuz of bush.
fo yall non-believers: Believe in him
yall cant expect for miracles overnight imo

Props to everyone in the thread for helpin me pass economics class
leagalize know what i mean! get some money back for the government...

anyways, not looking good at all...
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