Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

6,849 right now???


Originally Posted by nicefro

We just broke 6,900. It's so odd that everything around seems normal too when financially in the world all hell is breaking loose.
Not for long......

Prepare for things in America to get worse over the next few months.
Originally Posted by keiththekid1

Anyone take me up on that Dell pick a few pages back??

And yes, SMH at these people who have been calling "bottom" sense 10k. Same people come out and call it at below 7k...

This recession will however end, all recessions do. It may be a LONG time. But buying opportunities of a lifetime will be there when it does however bottom, in the stock market as well as RE markets. People will become rich off the turn around, even though a turn around in the markets seems impossible anytime soon.
Just because the recession ends does not mean there will be growth...Japan ring a bell?

Zombie banks = L shaped recession = no recovery until bad debts are written down...
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by keiththekid1

Anyone take me up on that Dell pick a few pages back??

And yes, SMH at these people who have been calling "bottom" sense 10k. Same people come out and call it at below 7k...

This recession will however end, all recessions do. It may be a LONG time. But buying opportunities of a lifetime will be there when it does however bottom, in the stock market as well as RE markets. People will become rich off the turn around, even though a turn around in the markets seems impossible anytime soon.
Just because the recession ends does not mean there will be growth...Japan ring a bell?

Zombie banks = L shaped recession = no recovery until bad debts are written down...

Yes i know all about the problems japan had in the early 90's, they messed it up real bad. They are an example of government policy making things worsewhich could very well happen in this country if they are not careful. Things are bad right now, real bad. You will not find me buying into anything withoutstrict trailing stops and close monitoring. Things in my opinion will get a lot worse for what could be years. But dont buy into the media and do your ownresearch and watch all the indicators.
Originally Posted by keiththekid1

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by keiththekid1

Anyone take me up on that Dell pick a few pages back??

And yes, SMH at these people who have been calling "bottom" sense 10k. Same people come out and call it at below 7k...

This recession will however end, all recessions do. It may be a LONG time. But buying opportunities of a lifetime will be there when it does however bottom, in the stock market as well as RE markets. People will become rich off the turn around, even though a turn around in the markets seems impossible anytime soon.
Just because the recession ends does not mean there will be growth...Japan ring a bell?

Zombie banks = L shaped recession = no recovery until bad debts are written down...

Yes i know all about the problems japan had in the early 90's, they messed it up real bad. They are an example of government policy making things worse which could very well happen in this country if they are not careful. Things are bad right now, real bad. You will not find me buying into anything without strict trailing stops and close monitoring. Things in my opinion will get a lot worse for what could be years. But dont buy into the media and do your own research and watch all the indicators.

Its not even that. I believe everything is returning to the mean. Things arent "bad" right now they are where they should have been the last 10 yearsif it wasnt for the biggest debt bubble in history. Unless they create another ponzi economy (which is highly possible) we have to see some real organic growthand it wont be in real estate..I think the idea of getting rich off of investing (as opposed to trading) is going to be a thing of the past (except for thelucky few and most of them have insider info anyways)
just my opinionthough there are some great companies out there but its not going to be like before where you could pick with your eyes closed.
[h1]Freddie Mac chief executive officer to resign[/h1]
  • Monday March 2, 2009, 9:20 am EST

(Reuters) Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE - News) on Monday said that David Moffett, its chief executive officer, would be resigning no later than March 13. The company expects to name an interim CEO before that time, and said the bard was working with the Federal Housing Finance Agency to name a successor.

Freddie Mac said it continues to estimate that FHFA will submit a request to the Treasury to draw an additional $30 billion to $35 billion under senior preferred stock purchase agreements.

Shares of Freddie Mac fell a penny to 41 cents in premarket trade.

Canary in the coal mine? When you see Bernanke resign the world is coming to an end.
Originally Posted by theone2401

[h1]Freddie Mac chief executive officer to resign[/h1]
  • Monday March 2, 2009, 9:20 am EST

(Reuters) Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE - News) on Monday said that David Moffett, its chief executive officer, would be resigning no later than March 13. The company expects to name an interim CEO before that time, and said the bard was working with the Federal Housing Finance Agency to name a successor.

Freddie Mac said it continues to estimate that FHFA will submit a request to the Treasury to draw an additional $30 billion to $35 billion under senior preferred stock purchase agreements.

Shares of Freddie Mac fell a penny to 41 cents in premarket trade.

Canary in the coal mine? When you see Bernanke resign the world is coming to an end.

Swiss central bank head to resign and UBS chief also.

FNM head resigning does mean something.
I think when this market takes another huge dump the feds will placate the public with theater prosecutions and these CEO's are heading for the hills.
I work at AIG and we just got our 4th quarter results and we lost 61 billion dollars last year. I am feeling very iffy on my job.....errrr.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I work at AIG and we just got our 4th quarter results and we lost 61 billion dollars last year. I am feeling very iffy on my job.....errrr.

keep up the good work
Originally Posted by t0xicman

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I work at AIG and we just got our 4th quarter results and we lost 61 billion dollars last year. I am feeling very iffy on my job.....errrr.

keep up the good work
Dude.....I am on the very bottom of this whole organization. As far as our company, it is our investors that made it so where AIG is at. That is the cons ofworking with a corporate company. I am just a pawn in this whole thing. As far as the getaways, sh*t.....they didn't even give me a christmas bonus, letalone a resort getaway.
well its all this distribution cr@p the messiah is talkingabout. all the catastrophe @%!! he is spitting. if he were a smart business man he would cut taxes massively and not use taxpayer money for his unstimuluscr@p and tarps he is signing. the economy would recover andfast. but people and business are scared of how bad he is going to screw this beautiful country
Ain't Obama. These events were set in motion a while ago.

And AIG is "too big to fail". If they stop giving them bailouts, then TSHTF. They are tied to too many things worldwide.
^^^Yeah, Obama just fell into the mess that was already created from the past government and out messed up Economy. I've been saying that since day one andknew that there would be a point where people's feelings towards Obama would change once certain expectations weren't made.

And yes, AIG is too big globally to let it go. It wouldn't even effect just the US but all nations of the world. Funny thing is a lot of people here(managers and other upper officials) are telling us that speech but tons of people have left to our competitors because they now have more stability then AIG.
Originally Posted by wizards23

and he is messing up badly as each day goes by.....

Dow Jones
on Jan 20 - 7,949.09
today Mar 2 - 6,763.29

Went down by 1,200 points in just over a month. I just filed my paperwork tostop contributing to my 401(k). Freaking pointless.
Obama messing up?

I don't know how you can attribute a 20-30 year problem with the man who has been President for a month and a half.

Kenysian models are becoming relevant again... Essentially all we have found out is what happens when you have no one following the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, taxcuts are made without budget cuts, and banks seem quite like a market failure in an unregulated industry...
lol at blaming it on Obama already. I guess we'll just forget about the Fed, Bernanke, loan crisis, and everything else eh?
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