Official Super Bowl XLVI Thread: New England Patriots vs New York Giants (Rematch) Feb 5th

I wasn't impressed with the Pata against Baltimore and lettuce be cereal, Brady only put those numbers up against Denver...well because it was Denver...With our momentum I really find it hard for NE to beat us, not to mention we already beat them once.
YOOOOOO watching that, as usual, I didn't have a lot of confidence in Eli pulling off the comeback

All those 3rd downs, the dropped balls, his panicked demeanor, the look on his face, every time he ran thinking he's gonna fumble. Wow I haven't seen that drive in a while.

I know better now though. Eli has just about mastered the art of the comeback


Pats had to stay like an extra 10 minutes on the field waiting for the last play as their coach dips
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

YOOOOOO watching that, as usual, I didn't have a lot of confidence in Eli pulling off the comeback

All those 3rd downs, the dropped balls, his panicked demeanor, the look on his face, every time he ran thinking he's gonna fumble. Wow I haven't seen that drive in a while.

I know better now though. Eli has just about mastered the art of the comeback

Eli is WAY BETTER now in clutch situations and overall just a way better QB, can't wait to see his performance on the biggest stage again
My mind is saying Patriots but my heart is saying Giants. I feel like Brady has something to prove against the Giants (especially after SB XLII) but Giants are the better team on paper. NE's defense is too shaky to trust as well and the Giants pass rush is too damn good.
Brady planning victory party


January, 29, 2012
Jan 29



By Staff

Tom Brady is getting a little ahead of himself. At a Gillette Stadium pep rally on Sunday, Brady invited 25,000 Patriots fans to a victory party after the Super Bowl.

"I wish I could take all you guys to Indy with us," Brady said, according to ESPN Boston. "We're going down there, and we're going down there for one reason. We're going to give it our best and hopefully we have a lot more people at our party next weekend."

When asked about the statement at his press conference on Sunday night in Indianapolis, Brady said, "It was a pep rally."

"People were pretty excited," Brady said. "Certainly the players were excited, I know the 25,000 fans who were there were excited as well. It was great to see the support, we get great support home and away, hopefully we can have Patriots jerseys in the stands next Sunday night."

Is this guy overconfident, or what?

This d bag just doesn't learn
Brady is such a douche
I want Eli Manning and the NY Giants to be the big fat "what if" in his career. When people look back on what he's accomplished I want them to consider what could've been instead of what was.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Brady is such a douche
I want Eli Manning and the NY Giants to be the big fat "what if" in his career. When people look back on what he's accomplished I want them to consider what could've been instead of what was.

Eh. Why, though? Unless you rock with NYG...
he basically said "hopefully we win." whats he supposed to say? "i hope eli has a great game and the Giants come out on top?"
Originally Posted by bjm5295

he basically said "hopefully we win." whats he supposed to say? "i hope eli has a great game and the Giants come out on top?"

Exactly. The hate is so strong when the Pats are nothing but humble. He says they hope they win . No one said anything exciting at all actually
It was wack.

Would i rather them be like Rex/The Jets and guaruntee victory only to fail miserably ? Hell no im good with my teAm
Or them be like the Knicks and blow their whole roster up for one player and still play sub-500 ball ? These NY fans are funny
typical new york media blowing !!%$ out of proportion.

the guy basically meant hopefully we can come back and throw a bigger party...some of y'all reach for any reason in the world to hate the dude and this team, so sad
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

typical new york media blowing !!%$ out of proportion.

the guy basically meant hopefully we can come back and throw a bigger party...some of y'all reach for any reason in the world to hate the dude and this team, so sad
basically this
its comical

this week is gonna drag
Typical NY Media?????????

You guys are from the Boston/New England area right??????

How many Red Sox/ Pats Penises do the ESPN crew insert down their throats on the daily?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

typical new york media blowing !!%$ out of proportion.

the guy basically meant hopefully we can come back and throw a bigger party...some of y'all reach for any reason in the world to hate the dude and this team, so sad

word .......

my family and friends have put me in a position to root for the pats

this season cant end fast enough .......
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