***Official Tattoo Thread: Inked-4-Life Vol.2***

He's mad chill and was very attentive to me to make sure I was feeling alright. I'm going back in 2 weeks for another portrait. I honestly can't see myself going to anyone else. He's very professional while at the same time we were cracking jokes. I'll post again after my next one. Any other questions hit my DM or @ me
He's mad chill and was very attentive to me to make sure I was feeling alright. I'm going back in 2 weeks for another portrait. I honestly can't see myself going to anyone else. He's very professional while at the same time we were cracking jokes. I'll post again after my next one. Any other questions hit my DM or @ me

Wow great work, please post when healed too
Had my 2nd session not too long ago to finish the line work on my 1/2 sleeve. Headbling back in a week to get started on shading. Pic (from artists ig) kinda makes it hard to make out what body part it is, but it's the inside of my arm.
great INK in here

anyone know shops who are as good as Bang Bang but not as much on the wallet? i plan to get BOTH arms done
[h1]Interesting, Albeit somewhat disturbing... Decoding Russian criminal tattoos – in pictures[/h1]

From the 1960s to the 1980s, Arkady Bronnikov visited correctional facilities all over the Soviet Union and photographed thousands of tattooed inmates to decode their body art – and helped solve many crimes by identifying criminals based on their ink. Here, you can learn what roses, snakes and cowboys really mean …

• Russian Criminal Tattoo Police Files  is published by FUEL

Thursday 18 September 2014 02.00 EDTLast modified on Thursday 18 September 2014 04.29 EDT

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  • The dollar bills, skyscrapers and machine gun with the initials ‘US’ stamped on it convey this inmate’s love for the American mafia-like lifestyle. The eyes mean ‘I’m watching over you’ (the other inmates).

  • This is a variation on the myth of Prometheus, who is chained to a rock in eternal punishment after tricking Zeus. The sailing ship means the bearer does not engage in normal work; he is a travelling thief who is prone to escape.

  • Monasteries, churches, cathedrals, the Virgin Mary, saints and angels on the chest or back display a devotion to thievery. Skulls indicate a conviction for murder. Coffins also represent murder; they are burying the victim.

  • Eight-pointed stars on the clavicles denote a high-ranking thief. A bow tie on the neck was often forcibly applied to pickpockets who had broken the thieves’ code and sided with the authorities. The dollar sign on the bow tie shows that this man is either a safe-cracker or money launderer.

  • A snake around the neck is a sign of drug addiction. These trousers are the uniform of the strictest type of prison regime in the Soviet Union. Criminals sent here are known as ‘osobo opasnim retsidivistom’ (especially dangerous recidivists), who have carried out grave offences such as murder or paedophilia. They are not subject to parole.

  • Epaulettes on the shoulders show a negative attitude to the system, and are worn by high-ranking criminals who often have a corresponding nickname such as ‘major’ or ‘colonel’. Epaulettes with three stars or skulls mean: ‘I am not a slave of the camps, no one can force me to work’; ‘The strong win – the weak die’ and ‘Horses die from work.’

  • On this Muslim prisoner’s stomach is a religious building with a crescent moon. The lighthouse on his right arm shows a desire for freedom – and each wrist manacle means he’s served a sentence of more than five years. The words on his arm read ‘Remember me, don’t forget me’ and ‘I waited 15 years for you’.

  • Eyes on the stomach denote homosexuality (the penis makes the ‘nose’ of the face). Stars on the shoulders show that an inmate is a criminal ‘authority’. The medals are awards that existed before the revolution and as such are signs of defiance towards the Soviet regime. 

  • The rose on this man’s chest means he turned 18 in prison. The ‘SOS’ on his right forearm either stands for ‘Spasite Ot Syda’ (Save me from judgment); ‘Spasayus Ot Sifilisa’ (Saved from syphilis); or ‘Suki Otnyali Svobodu’ (******* robbed my freedom).

  • The text on this man’s right arm reads ‘Save love, keep freedom’, his left arm reads ‘Sinner’, his chest reads ‘To each his own’ and the words underneath the skulls reads ‘God against everyone, everyone against God’. A gun-toting cowboy shows a thief that is prepared to take risks and exploit any opportunity. 

  • The skull and crossbones show that a prisoner is serving a life sentence. The girl ‘catching’ her dress with a fishing line is commonly worn by rapists. The words above his waist reads ‘I **** poverty and misfortune’. On his stomach is a version of Giorgione’s Judith (1504), a symbol of a seductive woman who betrays a noble man. 

  • Nazi symbols can mean that an inmate has fascist sympathies, but more usually they are inked as a protest towards the prison or camp administration. During the Soviet period, the authorities removed these tattoos by force. A tattoo of a mermaid often indicates a sentence for child molestation. 

  • The words on his arm reads ‘Thank you dear motherland for my ruined youth’. A dagger through the neck means that a criminal has committed murder in prison and is available to hire for further killing. The drops of blood can signify the number of murders committed.

  • The devils on the shoulders of this inmate show a hatred of authority. This type of tattoo is known as an oskal (grin), a baring of teeth towards the system. They are sometimes accompanied by anti-Soviet texts.

  • The Madonna and Child is a thieves’ talisman, acting as a guardian from misfortune and misery. It also means that the bearer has been a thief from an early age: ‘A child of prison’. 

  • The double-headed eagle is a Russian state symbol that dates back to the 15th century. After the fall of Communism, it replaced the hammer and sickle as the Russian Federation’s coat of arms. This Soviet-era photo is a bold symbol of rage against the USSR; the Statue of Liberty implies a longing for freedom. All photographs: Arkady Bronnikov/FUEL

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Can someone post some good tattoos of mountain ranges or outlines of mountain tops?

I need something to go with some script I'm getting, thinking about doing mountain tops next to it.

Photoshopped the DR one

Will probably get it done on my next trip to Montreal (I got the Libra one there too)

Set on black ink to have it all match

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Honestly if you like it then go for it

...before I read it what you wrote I thought it was the Microsoft logo lol.
Honestly if you like it then go for it

...before I read it what you wrote I thought it was the Microsoft logo lol.

Lmao! I like it...I'll probably get it on a whim...depending how I'm feeling that day

I spontaneously got the Libra tat when I was walking around downtown Montreal
Lmao! I like it...I'll probably get it on a whim...depending how I'm feeling that day

I spontaneously got the Libra tat when I was walking around downtown Montreal

Yeah I feel you. Personally I HATE getting small pieces, For me I either go all in or all out lol.

yo @Cels The YoungGod

you gona finish the whole leg? If so leme know how the pain is...im scared around the calf area lol
That Zeus or some Greek god? It looks unfinished.

And I have a traditional clipper ship on my front shin, suprisingly painless.
my front shin is super bony...if that makes sense. That's what terrifies me, the needle going straight there.

I saw my boy get his ribs tatted and hes SUPER skinny, you could see his rib bones and he cried throughout the whole session lol
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