Official Thunder vs. Mavericks Thread - OKC sweeps the Mavs

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14


I'm proud of the way JET and Marion played tonight though, and how Dirk and Kidd played in the second half.

Just gotta put it all together in a full 48 minute period.

Definitely do miss Chandler, but he ain't here, so can't keep whining about it. It sucks but it's the decision Cuban and Nelson made. Gotta live with it.

Onto G2.

Good game IATT, SciMet.
This is nothing compared to some of the setbacks the mavs had in last year finals. I would not count them out yet. Never underestimate a champion.

With that said, when will the mavs force the ball out of durant's hand in that situation?
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Durant said it himself. Homeboy discredited himself.

I didn't see him say it was lucky. And if he did, then shame on him.

"It looked bad when it left my hand... Thank the Lord that went in"

Thank the Lord= Luck

Shame on him? Be quiet.

Thank you for proving my point. Dude didn't say anything about luck. Now go hush child.
Originally Posted by knightngale

This is nothing compared to some of the setbacks the mavs had in last year finals. I would not count them out yet. Never underestimate a champion.

With that said, when will the mavs force the ball out of durant's hand in that situation?
Rick Carlisle placed the blame on him for not forcing a double team. They wanted single coverage.

To be fair? Marion couldn't have played him better, and it was not a clean make. More often than not, that's a clang off the front of the rim. It happened to roll in. Great defense, better offense. That time it worked. But we should have trapped him out there on the perimeter and forced him to give it up, that's on us.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by knightngale

This is nothing compared to some of the setbacks the mavs had in last year finals. I would not count them out yet. Never underestimate a champion.

With that said, when will the mavs force the ball out of durant's hand in that situation?
Rick Carlisle placed the blame on him for not forcing a double team. They wanted single coverage.

To be fair? Marion couldn't have played him better, and it was not a clean make. More often than not, that's a clang off the front of the rim. It happened to roll in. Great defense, better offense. That time it worked. But we should have trapped him out there on the perimeter and forced him to give it up, that's on us.
Durant will get a shot off no matter who is on him and no matter how great the defense is due to his length. Make one of the bigs clank a jumper or something.

I doubt the mavs will be dumb enough to give chances away like that again.

Dirk is getting disrespected by the league compared to last year though. Stern
Dirk definitely got bumped a lot more than usual and less fouls were called. Late in the game there were a few of his normal calls, but early on he wasn't getting anything. That's okay though, we were on the road, and really neither team went to the line more than expected.
Dirk was taking the blame for not getting JET involved more, and I'm glad. Absolutely no excuse for not somehow getting him the ball. 8/10. You can't let that slip in a playoff game. Terry is the most dedicated player to winning on this team, at least thus far.
JA, you think Jet can still shoot well like he did tonight over the course of the series? .. He's the reason why they were so close to stealing this one IMO ..

If he continues to shoot well like this, OKC is in trouble..

I'm just sayin..
This hot? Absolutely not. But he came out READY. He had more energy than anyone in that first half.

I expect him to average out at about 47% for the series. If Russ continues to play that well on defense like he did in the second half? Probably lower than that.

We need more from everyone else, and especially Dirk. Dirk was hot in the second half, but terrible in the first half, and even when he was good in the first half, he turned the ball over too much.

Need way more from guys like West, Carter, Wright, and try to get Beaubois involved, ESPECIALLY when Russ isn't in the game. He will expose Fisher so much, so they need to get that match-up going.
I see. I didn't watch a lot of Mavs games in reg. season thats why i ask.. i noticed one thing tho.. there's like at least 4-5 times in the 2nd half where Kidd/Terry comes off the screen from the FT line and hesitated to lob it to either haywood or mahinni .. i just thought it would've been an easy lob if it was Chandler just like last year.. don't know if you noticed that
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Dirk was taking the blame for not getting JET involved more, and I'm glad. Absolutely no excuse for not somehow getting him the ball. 8/10. You can't let that slip in a playoff game. Terry is the most dedicated player to winning on this team, at least thus far.

Westbrook's denial defense in the second half was crucial

Dirk could have gotten some calls on those strips late, but he got enough IMO. He does the same thing KD does (and wasn't getting calls for his, and rightfully so) which is just throw his hands up and fall in traffic a lot for no real reason other than to embellish and get easy fts. I'm uploading some of my vids and pics now
Well actually, a lot of the time, a lot of those lobs this year have been going to Brandan Wright. He was absolutely phenomenal for us this year. That's why I want us to run with him more often. He is great offensively. Very polished. He has a little jumper, and he can elevate over just about anybody in the NBA. He has some post moves, fakes, and jump-stops to get it done. He just didn't get enough touches tonight. He's the kind of player if you only go to him once or twice, he won't be good, but if you go to him and give him 6-8 touches, he'll give you double digit points easy. Call me a homer if you want, and he's by no means better or even close to Tyson defensively, but offensively he's there. He shoots something absurd in the paint like 75%. But where he's lacking right now is defense. I really want to see him try and guard someone like Durant. I know, sounds silly, but if he can keep him in front, he'll be fine. He can easily erase shots, but he has to be in the right situation. The kid is a freak athletically, but it's when he faces guys bigger (physically) than him that he REALLY struggles. He's pretty poor in that respect. But he's Serge-like in his ability to erase guards shots. It's just he's not Serge-like, but more like DFish-like when he plays against guys bigger than him.

We looked like !@%* in the regular season, just terrible. No denying it. This was probably one of the better games we played all year, and because of the gravity of the situation. There's no doubting it, Rick Carlisle took the approach of limp into the Playoffs (seedings wise), because if we tried to get a top seed? All our guys would be gassed and not have the energy to try and defend our title.

Those that watched saw how well Marion and JET played. Those dudes are ready to defend. Dirk didn't realize it until the second half, although he was getting a TON of physical contact that last year they were calling as fouls. I'm not complaining about the calls, I'm just telling it like it is. Last year when he got this contact, fouls were called. That's why he got 20+ FT's a couple times last year.

Just like last year, we can't rely on one guy to win for us.
Some photos from last night, videos forthcoming
Spoiler [+]
Getting the shirts put out, 18,203 seats plus we had to do the ones inside the suites. With 60-80 people, it took us an hour and a half just about

Corny gimmick, Decquan Cook fans. They had on an apron with his number on it, hat with his name and number, and skillets with 3s inside of them. Yea I get it, Cookin, 3s, on fire, skillet, but I give it a D-. He didn't even make one last night

Mural on the side of the Courtyard by Marriot next to the arena. Last yr they did the full team on the much larger Cox Convention Center across the street

18,203 would show up to get inside the arena and watch games. About 2,500 showed up to Thunder Alley to enjoy the playoffs and festivities outside.

Possible look into a future mirror, don't know but seeing this dude really resonated with me I need to get on my p90x game.

My man with the Kidd throwback Champion replica. I'm surprised it didn't just turn to dust after I took a photo of it

James Harden was on the court at 7, 90 minutes prior

So was Dirk

After them, Delonte West came out next for the Mavs. For the Thunder, Nazr and Nick where the next 2 to show up to get some pregame work in.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Durant said it himself. Homeboy discredited himself.

I didn't see him say it was lucky. And if he did, then shame on him.

"It looked bad when it left my hand... Thank the Lord that went in"

Thank the Lord= Luck

Shame on him? Be quiet.

Not at all. "I am thankful to the lord, that it went in." Thankful =\= luck. I tuned into the post game interview after the drive home from the game, and he said "I gave it a soft touch, and put a high enough arch on it, and it went in." That's being a shooter and knowing how to manipulate the physics of the ball.

Crazy night though. I thought I could hit the casino after the thunder won such a horribly played game. I won like 80 and then blew it. Whatevs. We are one.
i'm still hurt by durant's shot.. i'm ready for the game tonight; i'm still thinking this series goes seven.. not sure who will win it though.

i hope jet keeps his offense up this game.. our offense needs him every night, especially in the 4th; why in the hell did we not go to him
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