Official Toronto Raptors 2009-2010 Season Thread. The Raptors are garbage. That is all.

Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Duncan AND Parker are out?...
this one should be a 'gimme'...


Good game from you guys...
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Duncan AND Parker are out?...
this one should be a 'gimme'...


Good game from you guys...
We really didnt play well enough though. You can tell which team outcoached the other. Defense wins, and we got shut down in the last sevenminutes. We couldnt stop Manu or Bonner (this still amazes me how we didnt stop Bonner...), and it showed. GG to the Spurs, but for god sakes am I notsurprised after replaying it in my head

Defense FTL.
didnt get to see the game but how did we not beat the spurs minus duncan AND parker. seriously

when is reggie evans coming back?
I expected a somewhat slow start to this season having all the new players but with the way we're playing and the horrible decisions by Triano, I'mgonna call it out early and pull out my [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]FIRE JAY TRIANO!!![/color] banner. I don't care if it'sthis early in the season. I was optimistic when this guy "preached" defense but with his post-game comments tonight

"The system's fine"


"There's nothing wrong with our coverage, we just need to close out better"

I want this dude gone. Sure the players are to blame for a lot of what happens on the floor but it's the coach that needs to correct and change theirattitude when they aren't playing the way they're supposed to. Oh and don't even get me started with his substitutions and horrible lineups.Benching players when they're clearly playing well (Belinelli) and starting a rookie, only to see him play about 10min a game is mind boggling.

I'm done with this rant now. I haven't been this pissed about a Raptor loss since the playoffs vs the Magic. I expected us to blow out a weakened Spursteam tonight and instead, the opposite happened.

Good night to you all. Time to take out my anger on some Nazi Zombies
Players have to play D, Jay is fine.

When your two point guards can't guard a pick and roll and are terrible defenders in todays NBA you will get exposed.

The bigs are fine defensively, but it's the permiter players who need to play way smarter.
since we aren't really playing defense anyway. i wouldn't mind something like iverson for wright or iverson for jack. maybe we can just outscoreeveryone
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Players have to play D, Jay is fine.

When your two point guards can't guard a pick and roll and are terrible defenders in todays NBA you will get exposed.

The bigs are fine defensively, but it's the permiter players who need to play way smarter.

Thats the one key to the game tonight, that SA really took us on. Offensively, we really were fine. Bosh was attacking relentlessly, Bargs made some niceplays, and when needed our role players made a few good plays on the offensive end. But the reason why we lost tonight is because of perimiter D. They startedthe game by attacking, which brought our bigs in to help, followed by a kick and a perimiter J. Then halfway through the second, we were late coming on help,because they had already hit a few shots from the outside. The result? Matt Bonner posterizing our entire defense.

Our perimiter D needs to keep the guys in front of them. Even if they are going to beat them, ride their hip, and make it known that they are theredefensively. But its like we gave up, with a lackluster type of effort on the defensive end.

And the reason why SA was able to pull away? They were able to adjust to our pick and roll up top. There were a number of moments where we were moving aroundquite a bit off the ball, but we couldnt get the ball advanced past the three point line becasue of such good perimiter D. It stalled our O, and we werent ableto continue shooting like we did in the first three quarters.

Thats a good coached team right there. Im upset that we lost, sure. But realistically, its a wake up call. We are nowhere near where can be, and I really hopesome of the guys take that to heart. The team has so, so much potential to take that extra step. Its just a matter of effort...

OH! And our inability to box out, grab boards, and hit the floor for loose balls. How many times in the game tonight, did we just watch the play go on, expectthe ball to fall in our hands, and continue up the floor. SA hustled their @*%@+ off tonight, and thats one of the major keys to their victory tonight. Ireally hope we learn a lesson from experience with this one tonight, because SA did a number of things that we could learn from.

I refuse to lose hope with this team. Like I said, this team has alot of potential to do great things this year. Its just a matter of effort.

[Tim] You stay classy Canada. [/Tim]
raps have already allowed four 100+ point games in just 7 outings.

dropped games to memphis without ai.

orlando without vc.

and the spurs without duncan AND parker.

until proven otherwise, the raps suck.
Jack is trash...we robbed us of a contract... dude has no shot, is not fast, can't play the SG , no hops... bad passer... and 5 years of TURK..... thisaint gonna be pretty.
Jack is horrible right now but I think his play will get better as the season progresses. I want to see DeMar and Weems get more playing time but Triano wouldrather have our 2 PGs on the floor at the same time.

I'm going to just try and laugh of these early abysmal performances and hope this team can figure out how to play defense soon. First in offense and lastin defense is straight up disgusting. I also just now realized we gave the Grizzlies their one and only win of the season so far.
How is Marco doing? I have league pass and caught like 2 games, so I don't really know. It looks like he is producing extremely well for the time he isgiven, but you can never tell.
Originally Posted by daprescription

How is Marco doing? I have league pass and caught like 2 games, so I don't really know. It looks like he is producing extremely well for the time he is given, but you can never tell.
With the limited minutes he gets, he shows flashes of pure brilliance. At least IMO. On the offensive end, hes making a number of good plays;whether it be pulling it when needed, or dishing it off to a cutting post.

Havent really concentrated on his game much on the defensive end. Hes getting anywhere between 15-20 per so far, and I really hope that gets upped. Him andAndrea work well together on offense (obviously though, team Italy FTW)...

No complaints so far from this raptors fan.
Osh Kosh...defend your boy Marc Iavaroni.

*Waits for the "It's the players, not the coaching" excuses*

Colangelo is great at putting mediocre teams together. You look at guys like Calderon, Hedo, Bosh and Bargnani and you see guys who are all above average attheir positions compared to the rest of the NBA but each with significant limitations that make our team incomplete overall.

I cant believe I predicted that this team would win 45-games.

Some of the Kool-Aid must've got into my water supply.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Osh Kosh...defend your boy Marc Iavaroni.

*Waits for the "It's the players, not the coaching" excuses*

Colangelo is great at putting mediocre teams together. You look at guys like Calderon, Hedo, Bosh and Bargnani and you see guys who are all above average at their positions compared to the rest of the NBA but each with significant limitations that make our team incomplete overall.

I cant believe I predicted that this team would win 45-games.

Some of the Kool-Aid must've got into my water supply.
So you chide me for saying it's the players not the coaching then you go on to chide Bryan about the mediocre players he assembles.

6 games isn't going to destroy "my boys" Marc Ivaroni's reputation.

BTW I never thought this team would be good so stop acting like I drank the kool aid because clearly you did.

At our current pace we will finish at .500, if the defense was even average we are a 47-50 win team.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Wright's stupid @++ ruined the pizza for the fans. What was he thinking.
I KNEW somebody was going to say this!!!!
Even Jose seemed so disappointed when Leo asked him "why didn't you guys go for the pizza"... and Jose looked legitimately depressed and felt badthat they didn't hit 100 tonight.

I really want to give our defense our credit for the last quarter, but I think we do have to consider that this was Chicago's second game in two nights,and their legs were just not under all their shots. They had some good looks, that I thought we closed out late to challenge. But, none the less, our defensecame through in the end.

We have so much more to improve on, but I think we caught a glimpse of how we can play.

Demar's dunk =

And I cant say enough about Chris tonight. Dude was RELENTLESS in the paint. He kept attacking and attacking, and the only time he pulled jumpers is when theshot clock had less than 5 on it. He played a really physical game, and I honestly think thats the reason we won today. Hes come in with a completely differentmindset this year, and it really is helping the team (especially helping Bargs complement his game).

Anybody think that we could expect a bit more out of Hedo? Dude doesnt seem like himself like he was in Orlando... then again, it is only eight games into theseason. But anybody else feel this way?
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Anybody think that we could expect a bit more out of Hedo? Dude doesnt seem like himself like he was in Orlando... then again, it is only eight games into the season. But anybody else feel this way?
thing is he's 32.

figures the raps would sign him at an age where many players start to decline.

wright had a biiig block tonight.
I think Hedo's play this season in comparison to last has more to do with the players he's surrounded with.

Calderon is much more ball dominant than Nelson is, and during his time with the Magic there were many possessions where Turkoglu would have the ball in hishands for the entire clock. He's also no longer the most skilled player on his team, and while he was in Orlando, there was basically no reason to toss theball into the post unless Howard was within a foot of the basket. He's no longer the go-to guy for a bucket as he's used to being.

I do think he's playing well, though, and definitely respect him for taking somewhat of a back seat (I know his numbers aren't much different) to Bosh.
Here's a fun stat the Raps are -9 when Hedo is in the game.

Also Demar has the best defensive plus minus on the raps, the defense gives up 12 fewer points.
I was disappointed when we signed Hedo.

5 years for a guy who's past his prime and does a little bit of everything, but he's not exactly stellar at anything.

What Raptor fans should be even more concerned about is the long-term outlook of this team.

Lets say that Bosh resigns here in July 2010. We will have Bargnani, Hedo, DeRozan and Bosh locked up for atleast 4 more years and Calderon under contract for3 more years.

Is this team good enough to be a legitimate contender in the East over the next 3-4 years? Or is Colangelo's mandate from MLSE simply to put a competitiveplayoff team on the floor, sell out 40+ times a season and just count the dough coming in?
I knew someone would bring that up. I know that Hedo is getting older, and yet we have him locked up for 5 years... I mean, I love the fact that we got anotherscorer, that if Bosh doesnt have his game on, Hedo can step in and do his thing. But, thats alot of cash taking up cap room. Im not complaining by any means,and I'm glad someone else noticed that he has taken a back seat to Bosh... Still, its weird to see.

And yes, Wright had a huge block. Now only if dude would get going on the offensive end... He's improving, but I know we could expect more from him.
Am I the only one that is still not impressed by any of the dunks Demar have done in a raps uniform? maybe im surrounded by friends who are hyping up this guylike mad, saying how hes the most altheitc guy we've seen since vince? don't get me wrong, he looks super impressive from his HS and USC clips, but hedoesn't seem to be getting up like he did at USC.
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