Official Toronto Raptors 2009-2010 Season Thread. The Raptors are garbage. That is all.

stephen jackson for it bryan..

jose's d is awful healthy or not. if this team wants to do damage we need a point guard that's a playmaker and a lock down defender.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Dave Feschuk from the Toronto Star interviewed Charles Oakley yesterday.

Oak spoke the truth as usual. It seems like everybody in the NBA knows this besides Colangelo and the Raptor fans drinking the koolaid...
"You can't build a team with five scorers on the floor," said Oakley. "Put two on the bench and put two role players out there with 'em. Somebody's got to stop somebody."
He is not sold on Raptors all-star Chris Bosh - "They're going to pay him $20 million to shoot jump shots?" - or on starting centre Andrea Bargnani. "You ain't going nowhere with 7-footers shooting three-pointers."

While he is right about some stuff in that interview, I do NOT, want to hear about raptors complaining Chris doesn't go to the basket, not this year, notwhen you lead the entire league in free throw attempts and the next closest guy is behind you by 5.
I know you love to parade around the "Bosh gets to the FT line ____X a game" everytime we criticize him for taking too many jump shots so let me askyou this...

Is there a breakdown available of how many FT attempts Bosh averaged in the 4th quarter during the 08/09 season? From what I've seen of the Raptors in thepast few years...Bosh tends to be more aggressive in the first half but then settles for more jumpers later in games (especially in the last 6 mins or so ofthe 4th quarter).

And I think its way too early to be breaking down Bosh's stats after just 4 games. As we all know, Bosh is Mr. November...a perennial MVP candidate duringthis time of the season
According to Chris Bosh in 2008-09 season was 9TH in the league in free throw attempts during "clutch" situations.AHEAD of KOBE BRYANT.

Clutch is defined as: [size=-1]4th quarter or overtime, less than 5 minutes left, neither team ahead by more than 5 points. [/size]

It is a MYTH, and just plain wrong the idea that Bosh doesn't go to the basket, in crunch time or any other time, dude is one of the best guys in the NBAat getting to the rim and this year he has taken far far less jump shots he normally takes.
when watching a game, it's not what i would prefer him to do, but honestly i feel more comfortable when i see bosh taking a 15 footer than taking ittoo the rack.

his j is money for any position and if he's taking it to the rack it too often seems like he gets stripped or bodied and cough's it up.

against the magic there was a moment when he blew by his man, and then when was half step away from a wide open space for a dunk, he pulled up with a 5 footjump hook.

and the thing is, when he does drive, he's more often than not, driving looking to get to the line. not looking to finish and take what goes along with it.

bargs on the other hand is noticeably improved but he still needs to flat out be more consistent.

20+ followed by 12.

pathetic first half followed by huge scoring outburst in the 2nd half.

also it is never ever going to be ok for a starting center, especially one who is 7'1", 250 lbs, to be averaging around 5 rebounds per.

and he still makes somke of the most amatuer looking turnovers ive ever seen on the pro level.
^ but you have to say, he has improved quite a bit thus far. Im not writing his entire career on the past four games, but dude seems so much more comfortableout there. Last game I really liked the balance him and Bosh had. Im impressed; not sold, but most definitely impressed thus far.
I wish we would stop missing free throws and what exactly has Jose been doing...running around the court for 20 secs then taking a 3
....What part of the game is that? Are those really the plays that wereassigned to him?
I know the game ain't over yet but we're up by 22 and there's only 6 mins left to go, Good win by the raps and CB4 goin perfect from the field
(unless he gets put back in the game)
bosh on julian wright.

turkoglu is really rounding into form.

his midrange game and short jumper are $$$$$$$$$.

at least this team can score the ball because the d is still craaaaaaaaap.


from the nash thread.
a shame the suns are playing well.

when trading nash was an option

this trade makes the Raptors Champions.

[table][tr][th="col"]Incoming Players[/th] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Jared Dudley
6-7 SF from Boston College
8.5 ppg, 3.7 rpg, 1.5 apg in 23.0 minutes[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Goran Dragic
6-4 PG from Slovenia (Foreign)
6.8 ppg, 1.8 rpg, 3.5 apg in 15.5 minutes[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Steve Nash
6-3 PG from Santa Clara
19.0 ppg, 3.0 rpg, 11.0 apg in 34.2 minutes[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][th="col"]Outgoing Players[/th] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Jose Calderon
6-3 PG from Spain (Foreign)
11.0 ppg, 2.4 rpg, 5.8 apg in 32.2 minutes[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Quincy Douby
6-3 SG from Rutgers
No games yet played in 2009-2010[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Hedo Turkoglu
0-0 from
15.4 ppg, 4.6 rpg, 3.6 apg in 35.4 minutes

[/td] [/tr][/table]

Agreed, I am dissapointed with Wright... I really thought dude would take off in our system...

Lets see what Sonny can do? Im curious to see in the regular season...
man thats ++*!%# up how raps are leading the league in scoring yet are 2nd last in defense
Im really not surprised. Its how the team's been shaped over the past few years. Especially with Ivaroni coming as well, im not surprised scoring is up anddefense is down.
We just gotta live with it I guess...
Thats not even a question

No game thread for the game tonight? First time in a while I've spent the night relaxing watching the game. Too much online feeds these days with uni...
Lets finish the first Q on a run. Cmon raps.
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