Official Toronto Raptors 2009-2010 Season Thread. The Raptors are garbage. That is all.

Originally Posted by EightysBaby

Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

wow, pathetic game. I can't believe this fat bum Randolph killed us.
You seem surprised. Thats nothing new, Randolph always has a good game against us and Boshs 37 pts dont mean %!%% if it was against a bum like Randolph.

If the Raps cant even beat the Grizzlies, what the hell do they think is going to happen when the play the Magic

I couldnt understand why Triano had Jose guarding Mayo in the last 5 minutes of the game. Why have 2 PG's on at the same time, and where was Derozan in the 4th, I dont think I seen him once and why didn't Triano put back on Bellinelli.

Those guys have alot of game tape to look over cause that game was just pathetic.

although i agree with you that jose on mayo was pathetic but are you sure you watched the game on wednesday? cause that 2 PGs duo was pretty effective downthe stretch in the cleveland game. i guess they should've put JJ on Mayo instead.
I expect these Raptors to be super inconsistent all season long.

You gotta love how the media always spins things in the Raptors favor...I hear on the radio last night "This loss isn't too bad...if you were to saythe Raptors would go 1-1 2 games into the season then most people would take it"
. It's this kind of attitude that makes mediocrity acceptable in the city of Toronto.

If you want to be a 50-win team in this league you gotta beat up on teams like Memphis.
yeah these two weeks are a huge test to this team...its not fair to judge this team or any team for that matter just yet....i'd say 10-15 games into thisseason if they can't piece together a 3-4 game winning streak they need to re-evaluate roles and touches.
tough loss yesterday raps....
come on reggie, we need help on off. rebounds....

lookin good though....

i know its wayyyy early, but
the %#%$ are they going to get roasted by the likes of jj and ryan anderson?

people are going to say 'it's too early to critisize but is it really? doesnt this all seem familiar?

the culture of this team is just off and it pretty much always has been.

starts with bosh. he's the leader and he's got to show some intensity, especially on the defensive side of the ball. gained 15 pounds this offseasonand plays like he's 25 pounds lighter than last year. still never looks completely comfortable unless he's throwing up a 15 footer. nevermind that heis flat out bouncing off of howard, which might be expected. getting bodied up by guys like anderson and matt barnes. even in the intros he was the only guywho got knocked backwards by the chest bumps! no im not literally saying he cant take a chest bump, but it just shows that it's probably a subconsciousmentality of his.

bargnani is.... an anomaly.

turkoglu is understandably still finding his stride with a new team but they need him to get more involved and take more initiative.

im really looking for Derozan to assert himself and not buy into the established culture of the franchise.

on another note, if the raptor bigs would actually roll properly off of a screen instead of turning the opposite direction and running to the basket (the normin the nba
) the could have had 3 or 4 really easy baskets in that firsthalf.
OKB...defend your boy Bargnani.

This is why I REFUSED to get excited after the Cleveland game. Call me jaded but I can not get excited for the Toronto Raptors anymore. I haven't felt thesame way for this team since the Nets embarrassed us in the 07 playoffs. We have good players but not good enough to do any damage in this Conference.

It's not a big deal to lose to teams like Cleveland, Orlando, Boston, but its this teams' fundamental flaws that makes me pessimistic about our chancesagainst other mediocre teams in the East.
Bargs is WET right now and keeping us in the game...

Its the same song with littlefoot though....Back to the basket is awful....Dude doesn't realize that his face-up game is money...Stop with that frail hookshot and keep getting to the line brah.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

OKB...defend your boy Bargnani.

This is why I REFUSED to get excited after the Cleveland game. Call me jaded but I can not get excited for the Toronto Raptors anymore. I haven't felt the same way for this team since the Nets embarrassed us in the 07 playoffs. We have good players but not good enough to do any damage in this Conference.

It's not a big deal to lose to teams like Cleveland, Orlando, Boston, but its this teams' fundamental flaws that makes me pessimistic about our chances against other mediocre teams in the East.
My boy defended himself 26 on 13 shots? EGUHK

and did a good job defensively on Dwight...

Oh, I am not anymore optimistic than you are, the evidence against the construction of the team is pretty damning, and logically intangibles aside, acquiringHedo looks like a massive miss appropriation of funds but unlike you I try not to let it bother me too much.

I didn't jump on any bagwagon other than than the Bargnani bandwagon that I have always been on.
raptors allowed 4 different players to score 20+ points today.

nelson - 30 pts (2 off career high) .

howard -24 pts.

jj - 27 pts, career high.

anderson -20 pts. ( 1 off career high 21, which was set against.... Toronto) .

Dunno, but im watching the streaming version in class right now... Bosh looks like hes playing physical tonight. Going to the line consistently
How in gods name have we let the pistons back in the game.
Why am I not surprised... Same story, different version.
Dave Feschuk from the Toronto Star interviewed Charles Oakley yesterday.

Oak spoke the truth as usual. It seems like everybody in the NBA knows this besides Colangelo and the Raptor fans drinking the koolaid...
"You can't build a team with five scorers on the floor," said Oakley. "Put two on the bench and put two role players out there with 'em. Somebody's got to stop somebody."
He is not sold on Raptors all-star Chris Bosh - "They're going to pay him $20 million to shoot jump shots?" - or on starting centre Andrea Bargnani. "You ain't going nowhere with 7-footers shooting three-pointers."
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

^ relax slick...they're closing out the game as we speak.
Haha. I checked right after, it was at the 7 minute mark on the stream, and it was a final score on the website.

My bad.

.500. Here we go...
not true on what charlie said.
if andrea can bring the centers out to the 3 point line, it gives more room for bosh, or anyone else quite frankly to drive in.
yeah i think dallas proved you don't need a dominant or scoring big man to win...we all know they won in 06 btw..smh @ the refs
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