***Official TOY STORY 3 Post - Release Date 6/18/10***

Movie was incredible. I just now heard that they are doing a Monsters Inc 2, which should be awesome. I also heard that the short film for Cars 2 next summer, will have Toy Story characters in it.
only 3 rotten reviews on RT, the comments always crack me up but this is the highlight of the negative review

Once you get past paying the inflated price for an animated "3-D" movie where nothing floats in front of your eyes as with quality 3-D films, the story that unfolds is more sad than joyful.
I thought Woody would find a new girl in the movie.  Guess not.  
I was hoping he'd be reunited with Bo Peep.  
Movie was truly incredible. Pixar has shown all of Hollywood how to complete a trilogy the right way.

That's the first word that came to mind after I watched that movie. That movie was seriously the best movie I've seen since I saw the Matrix. Not that you can compare the two, but I mean in a sense that the movie mastered the portrayal of the genre it's in. That's as good as a "kids" movie can get (I know it's not, but til this day it is.) as the Matrix was to action movies when it came out. It's a new benchmark for 3d animation, kids movies, and movies as a whole really. Might as well consider this movie copped when it comes out on Blu Ray. Amazing.
GREAT movie..one of my top favorites now.

Spoiler [+]
that damn lotso hug a bear @#(# dude!!! i thought that #*)$ could be trusted! double crossed 'em not only once, but twice! TWICE!

Classic movie. Best of the trilogy. I was partially relieved when I thought lotso-huggin would be shredded apart and then burned, but his fate was still good. The end was definitely sad. This will be copped/downloaded in blu-ray.
good movie, just got back from watching with my daughter.

Looks like a possible toy story 4?
Originally Posted by ClevelandsPrince23

Toy Story was and still is my favorite movie.  When I found out that the third one was coming out (in 2007), I though..."Damn...2010 is so far away."
Well, it's here and I have to say it was the PERFECT end to the BEST trilogy of movies EVER.

I cried.
 it was emotional man.  Any true TS fan would've at least teared up watching this.

BEST movie I have seen in a little bit.

This is a movie that you can recommend EVERYONE to see.  That just makes it even better.

They went in on this.  Allen & Hanks KILLED it again.


agreed i teared up myself

Excellent movie might go see it again

cant wait till it come out on Blu ray
beautiful series...I feel good to say that i was there to see the first and last of a truly classic trilogy as it unfolded...Epic movie, and i will never let my girl know this, but I got choked up at the end...other people were just downright sobbing in my theater..Pixar really knows how to tug at those heart strings..
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