Official UEFA Champions League Final: Manchester United vs Chelsea May 21st 2:30PM EST ESPN 2

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Rukawa sj

Come on dude you gots to find a way!! Go to a pub or something?? Where are you?

Seriously. If the CL can be enjoyed in outer space while drinking Heiny, you can find a way!

as huge as this final is... I'm guessin its gonna be pretty boring... both teams might be very cautious... its rare that cup finals are high-scoring...other than Liverpool and AC a few years back... I'm thinkin stalemate
im on a cruise ship in alaska. get back to seattle on the 23rd. my dad has rallied a bunch of british people and called the front desk to get them to air espn2. i dont get into ketchikan until 2 pm alaska time so unless it goes into penalties or they show it on here afterall..i miss the match. if only sopcast workedon mac....

and sullivan baller HOW did you manage to get tickets bro?!?!? i fly free and had i been able to get tickets i would have flown to moscow with the quickness.

on another note..i won $1000 on my first pull of a slot machine like a week ago. so if all goes well heading to amsterdam
Might be a dumb question for the soccer fanatics (I'm a casual fan), but why is the game being played in Moscow?
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I hate Man U..All you see around here are a bunch of Man U bandwagon fans because they are the popular/good team in England. I hope they lose.
i have no idea what you're talking about...

it's been 9 long years,my friend...
and i'm desperate to witness another repeat performance of that night in Barcelona...

JDB....the final is always held on a nuetral ground in europe and certain "5 star stadiums"...unfortunatley moscow is very outdated
Tough call here. I hate Chelsea, but Ballack is my favorite footballer (meine mutter kommt aus Deutschland).

I don't particularly like Man U either, but I dislike them less than Chelsea...

I'm gonna have to say Man U over Chelsea 2-1, with Ballack netting for the Blues.
hey for anyone in Southern Cali, come down to the ESPN Zone in Downtown Disney, they're gonna be showing the Final.
Originally Posted by kash55

I am going to be watching in HD!!

The dudes are on the way to hook up my HD today. Im hoping they get it set up by at least the second half.
I think ManU will take this one.

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

(meine mutter kommt aus Deutschland).
Ya gern. Ich spreche deutsch in meiner freitzeit....
Wait they painted the pitch green! Plus the fans are sooo far away. At least it's not plastic i guess.

All that and the visa and flight fiascos. They should have just played at Wembley.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

why isn't Park playing?

I have no idea, he's not on the lineup or the substitute list. SAF must think that he doesn't match up well with Chelsea...

Why are these stupid games never in full widescreen HD?!?!?!?!? Lovin how the only HD I'm getting are in the commercials.
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