Official (UPDATE) PANGU 1.2.1 JAILBREAK iOS 8.x Jailbreak for IPhone iPad iPod (Windows and MAC)

Anyone recommend any app switcher tweaks? I had Auxo, but it would make my phone respring in safe mode way too often. Using Multistorey now which just adds another row of apps.

EDIT: Also, is there any way I can make Google Maps the default map app?
yes its a cydia tweak that does it...mapsopener its in the bigbosses repo i believe.
I would just do a full restore as new. Be careful and make sure all packages are compatable before downloading them. A full restore only takes about 10-20 minutes. U will lose your texted and maybe some photos if you didnt save them from your comp, but o well. Its not that big of a deal.

I do know what was the last thing i installed on cydia before it started acting up, is there any way I can remove it so I can keep all my cydia stuff and dont have to rejailbreak or restore?
I do know what was the last thing i installed on cydia before it started acting up, is there any way I can remove it so I can keep all my cydia stuff and dont have to rejailbreak or restore?
its not always the last thing you installed...often times it could be something you previously installed and it has a conflict with something else you installed...

in other words lets say you installed a tweak...10 tweaks later installed something...then today installed something...the combination of the first tweak, the 10th tweak, and the tweak you installed today could call the system to crash. And also sometimes a cydia update could cause a malfunction because of a bad tweak you did weeks ago. Sometimes tweaks wont act up until you use them...ala installed something days ago...installed something today and then finally used the tweak you installed days ago. So many variables...thats why i said if you could get to sbsettings and turn off each tweak individually, use the phone until you find the culprit would be best. but since you cant access the homescreen. its best to backup everything and start from scratch.

Also some of the tweaks in some repos lets say a safari upload enabler. where it may be 5 repos that offer the tweak, some of those tweaks may be provided by a person who for efame or whatever.. put out their unstable version which causes problems. Thats why earlier in the thread i said having all those repos that have basically the same apps/tweaks mods etc... isnt a good thing. You dont need 10 sources that offer dreamboard themes...inwhich 99 outta 100 of the themse tweaks etc... are the same.

When you do this you get these fly by night guys, and these early devs, inexperienced devs that put out unstable tweaks/apps/themes etc... that causes issues...
How can I back up all my tweeks and stuff so if I need to restore I don't have to install everything one by one??
How can I back up all my tweeks and stuff so if I need to restore I don't have to install everything one by one??
pkgbackup its a app in cydia....or you can use winscp for pc or i think its cyberduck for will allow you to backup via ota like itunes to your pc/mac....if you arent somewhat familiar with computer language ie linux/dos i wouldnt recommend it... or you could use a iphonexplorer, ibrowser, diskaid etc... and manually back up on cpu...and label the respective folders
Apple just released 6.1.2 
yea i was saying that earlier today and the weekend early next week will stop signing folks need to backup shs/blobs and also get a copy of the 6.1.0 ios software...

select make model etc...of iphone.

also when apple stops signing and acknowledging 6.1.0 ios.... to get around it you need to redirect your iphone to the cydia servers...(thats why you backup your shsh/blobs) so that you can still sync etc.. your phone with itunes when 6.1.0 is closed.

to do must find the apple hosts files on your cpu, and change the ip address from the one that directs you to apple servers to the cydia servers...
Apple has already stopped signing 6.1 firmwares. If you didnt save your blobs by now ur SOL. HOWEVER!!! Apple DID NOT patch the exploit used in evasi0n. So you can update to 6.1.2 and the jailbreak will still work. This has not been tested on all devices. Only iphone 5 and and ipad mini with wifi so far.
like i said earlier in the thread a new ios is comming soon i believe this weekend or early next week...make sure you back up your shsh blobs.... and turn ota updates off your phone and auto updates on itunes....evasion will not be compatible with the new 6.1...which is nothing but apple attempt to fix the "bug" aka security loophole that was used to jailbreak the ios.
Heres your exact quote. You thought this weekend. It can today.
Apple just released 6.1.2 
yea i was saying that earlier today and the weekend early next week will stop signing folks need to backup shs/blobs and also get a copy of the 6.1.0 ios software...

select make model etc...of iphone.

also when apple stops signing and acknowledging 6.1.0 ios.... to get around it you need to redirect your iphone to the cydia servers...(thats why you backup your shsh/blobs) so that you can still sync etc.. your phone with itunes when 6.1.0 is closed.

to do must find the apple hosts files on your cpu, and change the ip address from the one that directs you to apple servers to the cydia servers...
I'm confused as to what all if this means. What does Apple no longer signing mean in layman's terms?
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I'm confused as to what all if this means. What does Apple no longer signing mean in layman's terms?
Means u cant just plug in your phone and restore it to 6.1. You will have to download the new firmware 6.1.2 and update to that firmware. The majority of the time apple releases these updates to put a stop to people jailbreaking, But for some reason they didnt do that this time.
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Heres your exact quote. You thought this weekend. It can today.
yea i knew it came today i thought like usual they would end signing the old ios later in the week like always... but yeah they are definetly trying to put a stop to the jb.... ppl say oh not alot of ppl do it and it isnt a big deal....but trust me it is and alot of ppl do it....and arent open or admit it. I figure once geohotz and many of the og jb members and many of the devs etc...cydia start getting paid off or high paying jobs at apple... jb was gonna slow down.

Apple isnt stupid you dont go out your way and troll 4chan etc... tor browsers to find hackers and pay them big bucks for something that isnt a big deal. I really think that as time goes on more and more "bug fixes" lol...will come about and the jb scene will get smaller and smaller and more and more ppl will jump ship from ios..

But back to it...i hope folks backed up their shsh/blobs cause if they have to do a restore etc.... you can kiss jailbreak goodbye...with the exception of the older devices that you can downgrade due to the old chipset apple used.
I'm confused as to what all if this means. What does Apple no longer signing mean in layman's terms?
Means u cant just plug in your phone and restore it to 6.1. You will have to download the new firmware 6.1.2 and update to that firmware. The majority of the time apple releases these updates to put a stop to people jailbreaking, But for some reason they didnt do that this time.
OH! Thanks.

It isn't too late to back up my whatever's and whatever else you said, right? I'm gonna look all that up now.:lol:
I'm confused as to what all if this means. What does Apple no longer signing mean in layman's terms?

if you need to do a restore and plan to want to jb your not connect to itunes and turn off updates on your phone and itunes account... you will NOT be able to jb anymore if you connect your phone and update/restore without doing this........

get a program called iREB..

place the phone in pwndfu...(not semiboot and not dfu mode)

go to  and d/l ios 6.1.0 for your phone type and carrier

get a program called snowbreeze to make a custom ipsw of ios 6.1.0

get a program called tinyumbrella

and go to the option to save shsh/blobs to cydia server and wait until its complete

then select start tss service on the log tab and wait

go to system32/drivers/ find the files that are used by apple

open the apple hosts files using notepad

add this: on the very last line...(this tells itunes to redirect to cydia to sign your phone instead of apple)

save the changes to the host file and close all programs

restart pc..

go to itunes and press and hold shift on the itunes page where it says restore.

it will allow you to browse your pc, in which direct it to the custom ipsw (the ios 6.1.0 you downloaded earlier)

press enter and the phone will do its usually restore process and return you to 6.1.0 with everything in tact minus the jb...instead of restoring your phone to 6.1.2 ios in which you no longer will be able to jb your phone (again this is if you are on newer devices)
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can i jailbreak with 6.1.2 i thought it was out already so i restored yesterday
no jailbreak for 6.1.2. did you backup your shsh/blobs...also what phone are you using... if you have a iphone 5 and updated your phone without having backed up your have to wait till a new jailbreak is out. Iphone 5 uses a new chipset that doesnt allow you to downgrade your phone...You can only stay where you at or simple terms
For that Batman lockscreen, does anyone know how change the weather to Fahrenheit?
Anyone else's phone turns black when you choose a new song?

Idk wtf it is. I pick a new song and the screen blacks out. Gotta do a hard reset for it to come on again

My old 4 never had this issue and I have the same tweaks installed
For that Batman lockscreen, does anyone know how change the weather to Fahrenheit?

i cant remember exactly what to look for but if you open up "lockbackground.html" i think in ifile and fine something about weather it will probably say Celsius true and you just change true to false
i cant remember exactly what to look for but if you open up "lockbackground.html" i think in ifile and fine something about weather it will probably say Celsius true and you just change true to false

LOL, sorry about that, read too fast at work. Searching now under iFile.
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