**Official USMNT Soccer Thread**

Btw I do think it's all moot.

I don't think there's much of a chance Sunil Gulati fires JK.

The real question is how would we go about replacing Gulati and by extension most if not all the entire USSF board and sadly I just don't see how that's possible aside from voluntary resignation.
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Gulati has steadfastly said Klinsmann would stay through the end of the russian WC cycle but after the Costa Rica loss, he didn't reiterate the same statement. Instead he said he would get together with Klinsmann & the powers to be to discuss the losses.

If the Washington Post is to be believed,Gulati has already been talking to Arena & Vermes for the last year about possibly replacing Klinsmann. :rolleyes

We'll see how this all shakes out.

It's a shame because after the last WC, there was so much promise & then everything fell flat.

Jurgen's biggest problem to me is trying to fit players in roles that don't suit them. He's made that mistake over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over &over & over& over & over again. Now he's doing it with Pulisic. Jurgen is trying to put him in the middle when he's best suited playing the wing.

Edit - :lol: Klinsmann has an iron clad guaranteed contract thru 2018 paying him $2.5mill a year. If he does get fired, it would be expensive. Also, I think it would be time for Gulati to go to. Under his "executive" leadership, the program hasn't moved forward as much as it should have. I know he holds an elected position, but is there a way he could be fired or impeached. Blame like this should start at the top & Gulati's lil sly *ss needs to go.
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The problem with Klinsmann is the same tactical mistakes every time. I get it your trying out players and line ups, but do it during proper moments. He's done goofed during crucial times. I mean coming out against Mexico in that experimental formation? Give me a break man.

One of my peeves has been calling players that don't do it for the NT.. that's time and time proven do not belong on the national team. Yet you still bring them in.
Now even FJ. Ever since dude started growing the Afro, he's sucked. At club and country.

There are at least another 5 players that he could bring in to see where they stand, and what they can offer.

I am done with him. I love the hire at first gave him the benefit of the doubt, but he lost me this weekend.
A new era begins. Time to get rid of Gulati to.

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arena?!?!... :smh: :rofl:

That's the best the US can do?!?! :rofl: :stoneface:

Yeah, gulati needs to go... Let me be the one to chase his *ss out the building... I'm not even giving him the chance to gather his things... I'm pulling him up with a wedgie & literally drop kicking his *** out the doors...
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Unfortunately Gulati wont give up the gig. I am not sure, but dude cant be fired, or something like that. Bitter sweet to see Klinsy go. I was optimistic he could turn things around, but some bonehead mistakes along with tactical issues, seal it for me. As for bringing in the new coach. It has to be Arena. Maybe Pareja, but We need someone to navigate us thru this hex. Only guys I see that could do that would be Arena, Pareja, maybe Sigi. Getting one of these high price coaches, might not work.
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watch JK flourish on his next gig :smh:

I could care less if hes does. I care about the NT, not Klinsy.

I dont get it. He had everything to succeed. how can he screw this up?? No pressure from the media. No pressure from the pundits. Yet dude could not make it happen. Sad indeed :rolleyes
watch JK flourish on his next gig
I could care less if hes does. I care about the NT, not Klinsy.

I dont get it. He had everything to succeed. how can he screw this up?? No pressure from the media. No pressure from the pundits. Yet dude could not make it happen. Sad indeed
Only thing he didn't have is the players. Didn't help that he tinkered with the formations as well. 
If they hire someone from MLS, hire El Papi Pareja. I like his track record of working with youth players successfully & he has the tactical nous.
arena?!?!... :smh: :rofl:

That's the best the US can do?!?! :rofl: :stoneface:

Yeah, gulati needs to go... Let me be the one to chase his *ss out the building... I'm not even giving him the chance to gather his things... I'm pulling him up with a wedgie & literally drop kicking his *** out the doors...

Bruce knows what he's doing. He's been here before (obviously) and knows the players. Now is not the time for an experimental hire. Now's not the time to bring in someone entirely new to the USSoccer system. There's not time here for a learning curve. I have no issue bringing Bruce in to right the ship and qualify for 18, then move on to a different manager for the actual WC (if we qualify). But I don't think we have enough time to bring someone who's completely new to US Soccer.
watch JK flourish on his next gig :smh:

I could care less if hes does. I care about the NT, not Klinsy.

I dont get it. He had everything to succeed. how can he screw this up?? No pressure from the media. No pressure from the pundits. Yet dude could not make it happen. Sad indeed :rolleyes

I understand his questionable decisions with tactics but lets be real, we don't have enough talented guys to begin with.
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Bruce knows what he's doing. He's been here before (obviously) and knows the players. Now is not the time for an experimental hire. Now's not the time to bring in someone entirely new to the USSoccer system. There's not time here for a learning curve. I have no issue bringing Bruce in to right the ship and qualify for 18, then move on to a different manager for the actual WC (if we qualify). But I don't think we have enough time to bring someone who's completely new to US Soccer.

Pareja was an asst with the U17 team so he's familiar with the set up at least somewhat.

Plus he's played against Pablo Escobar's team in prison. :lol: You can't feel more pressure than that. Escobar even told him not to argue calls which Pareja had the rep for doing. :rofl:
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SonofTony, I have to disagree. We have the talent. We just had a manger who continued to A) call in players who shouldn't have been called in or B) playing players completely out of position where you couldn't get the best out of them.

There is absolutely NO reason why Jermaine Jones should've started both WCQ games over Sacha. NONE. he played what, 2 or 3 full 90s prior to those matches, while Sacha was an MLS MVP finalist? That's just one of SEVERAL examples of JK either not knowing what the hell he's doing, or being too stupid/ stubborn to admit he completely sh*t the bed on the line up. Matt Besler at left-back?! FOH.

Thank you for your service, but we got it from here...
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SonofTony, I have to disagree. We have the talent. We just had a manger who continued to A) call in players who shouldn't have been called in or B) playing players completely out of position where you couldn't get the best out of them.

There is absolutely NO reason why Jermaine Jones should've started both WCQ games over Sacha. NONE. he played what, 2 or 3 full 90s prior to those matches, while Sacha was an MLS MVP finalist? That's just one of SEVERAL examples of JK either not knowing what the hell he's doing, or being too stupid/ stubborn to admit he completely sh*t the bed on the line up. Matt Besler at left-back?! FOH.

Thank you for your service, but we got it from here...

I meant to say World Class talent...my bad. I'd be lying if I said the NT don't have the talent.
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