**Official USMNT Soccer Thread**

Got dayum... fox’s Alex Curry is a beautiful woman...

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Got dayum that was lethal... Costa on that wing to Bobby Chicklets... :stoneface: :sick: That was one of those punches you never saw coming & you get popped right in your grill... Trying to stay standing & not look like a punk...
Has Weah got into the game? How’s he looked if so? I’m not able to watch this one since I’m not home.
Came in 2nd half.
Made runs but didn’t get the passes for his runs.
He was active n won a corner just like he scored with psg pretty much.
I'm glad our young guys took their lumps like G's against a World Class NT. Scoreline could've been much worse IMO. We still have a lonnnnng way to go. I need to see CCV, Young Weah, Acosta on that XI against Mexico

P.S. Fabihno flopped
Costa abused Robinson like he was Antwone Fisher last night. I can see why he hasn’t caught on across the pond.

Really no one looked good last night except for Brooks who looked ok coming back into the fold at CB.

Expected more from McKennie but perhaps m being too harsh.
Dave Sarachan looks like he wants to know if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma and that you may to be entitled to financial compensation
I'm actually more excited for tonight than the friendly with Brazil. I think it'll be an opportunity for us to make more fair/accurate evaluations of the young bucks.
tbh Julian Green coming on before halftime was what helped balance the game a bit for us.

Then the red card...

Weah trying to pound his way thru the defense, while admirable, isn't ever gonna be effective lmao

CCV-Miazga were relatively solid

Antonee Robinson oooowwwweeee, got burnt a bit on D, but he brings alot in the attack

Shaq Moore looked very solid on D, hopefully his club career gains some traction. Curious to see how he develops

Tyler Adams was great, Gyasi tried and wasnt terrible... but like all USMNT centre forwards, needs some better playmaking behind him to be effective.

all in all, lets get some creators and playmakers in the midfield pls. It was nice to see these young guns "rise to the occasion" against their young counterparts.
Steffen looking decent as well. Miazga was out there wildin hahaha! Homie he was trying to son had some runs that were impressive though, he’s nice.
Got dammit... I’ll be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed if Tata takes the El Tri job. It would be great for them but will show the continued stupidity of the ussf...

mls definately doesn’t deserve him so he needs to leave that crappy *** league... I just want him at the helm of the US team...
Got dammit... I’ll be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed if Tata takes the El Tri job. It would be great for them but will show the continued stupidity of the ussf...

mls definately doesn’t deserve him so he needs to leave that crappy *** league... I just want him at the helm of the US team...
only way im not pissed if we miss out on Tata and he goes to El Tri, is if we get Pareja... and even then im not extremely thrilled
What up rck!!! Where you been at?!?!

Tata has to be the primary target. Pareja Has a solid track record at Dallas. I even mentioned him for the job before Klinnsy got it. I wanted him or Klinnsy. Pareja Would be ok but I’d be let down a bit...
What up rck!!! Where you been at?!?!

Tata has to be the primary target. Pareja Has a solid track record at Dallas. I even mentioned him for the job before Klinnsy got it. I wanted him or Klinnsy. Pareja Would be ok but I’d be let down a bit...
just been grinding away at work and golfing a bunch :lol:, the post summer blues got me a bit down tbh.

Pareja would be a very good hire for sure. But El Tri hitting a home run w/ Tata would dampen my excitement substantially :lol:

I honestly wonder if A) Tata would even consider USMNT and B) if USMNT is even targeting him...... which would be an awful indictment on how things are shaping up with Ernie Stewart and how things are supposed to work with him as GM and reporting up the chain of command.

Cest la vie
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