Official Warriors Offseason Thread --> PLEASE LOCK.

They %*%! up by drafting Udoh (who just so happens to get injured and is out indefinitely) and then make space for him by moving better pieces? He probably can't play C any better than Randolph or Turiaf. They are getting rid of another SF when they just got rid of Maggette to make room for others like Azubuike. How the %*%! does that make sense? Now they need another %%#!@%* SF.

All this and there is still the problem of what they're getting back. A good player who will provide a ton of offense, but no defense. He can move to C, but obviously can't play as well as either of the two we're giving up. And he has already complained about playing C. He also provides rebounding, but still not worth $13 mil. Lee won't get as many touches here as he did in NY. He may not get as many rebounds playing with better rebounders here and also playing the PF spot. He may also get less time if Wright plays well. So we may see Lee's numbers decline significantly, but he'll be the highest paid player on the team.

%*%! the Warriors. God damn $$#+++%% every year. And it just gets worse and worse. If Ellison doesn't buy this team I might not even bother watching any games. Was a little excited for summer league, but may not even bother now.

I will admit it if I'm wrong, but fans have been way more sensible than this ******ed FO plenty of times.
Adding David freaking Lee at 6 yrs/80 million is not a sound business decision, but this is the Warriors were talking about. Warriors get a PF who cannot play defense, put up meaningless stats (sometimes when the Knicks were getting blown out) and played on a bad team, now that I think about Lee is the perfect fit for this team. If Curry is wise he will do his bid and get the hell out of town asap.
I'd rather do something like JJ Hickson (play him at the 3) and crappy Mo Williams for Monta than the proposed David Lee deal.
Warriors season ticket reps calling folks saying "we've signed one of the top 5 FA"
David Lee is a good player, but not one that'll really put us over the top, and certainly not worth getting for giving up on Randolph.

If he shows he's a beast on the court, then maybe it'll grow on me, but right now....meh.

Gonna miss Turiaf too, he'll definitely be a fan favorite in NYC.
They %#$! up by drafting Udoh (who just so happens to get injured and is out indefinitely) and then make space for him by moving better pieces? He probably can't play C any better than Randolph or Turiaf. They are getting rid of another SF when they just got rid of Maggette to make room for others like Azubuike. How the %#$! does that make sense? Now they need another %$*$%%! SF.

All this and there is still the problem of what they're getting back. A good player who will provide a ton of offense, but no defense. He can move to C, but obviously can't play as well as either of the two we're giving up. And he has already complained about playing C. He also provides rebounding, but still not worth $13 mil. Lee won't get as many touches here as he did in NY. He may not get as many rebounds playing with better rebounders here and also playing the PF spot. He may also get less time if Wright plays well. So we may see Lee's numbers decline significantly, but he'll be the highest paid player on the team.

%#$! the Warriors. God damn #*!**%*+ every year. And it just gets worse and worse. If Ellison doesn't buy this team I might not even bother watching any games. Was a little excited for summer league, but may not even bother now.

I will admit it if I'm wrong, but fans have been way more sensible than this ******ed FO plenty of times.

And %#$! Yuku. Keeps making me re-post.
Originally Posted by 22stylez

yall are some cheap people! sometimes you gotta pay big to win big. atleast with this team we can make the playoffs again. and i hope after this trade randolph has nothing more than maybe a odom career. servicable but not all star status. lee is an all star and look at your line up now


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.  Lee is a "All Star" but don't get it twisted like he's really an "all star" caliber player.  I like him as a good ROLE player but the money we gave him makes it seem like he's some kind of stud or something.  That lineup you put up there looks laughable.  Beans is straight up GARBAGE and Morrow we've been WAITING on him to EMERGE since we nicknamed him "2morrow"
Originally Posted by 22stylez

yall are some cheap people! sometimes you gotta pay big to win big. atleast with this team we can make the playoffs again. and i hope after this trade randolph has nothing more than maybe a odom career. servicable but not all star status. lee is an all star and look at your line up now
They %%#% up by drafting Udoh (who just so happens to get injured and is out indefinitely) and then make space for him by moving better pieces? He probably can't play C any better than Randolph or Turiaf. They are getting rid of another SF when they just got rid of Maggette to make room for others like Azubuike. How the %%#% does that make sense? Now they need another $#%$*@% SF.

All this and there is still the problem of what they're getting back. A good player who will provide a ton of offense, but no defense. He can move to C, but obviously can't play as well as either of the two we're giving up. And he has already complained about playing C. He also provides rebounding, but still not worth $13 mil. Lee won't get as many touches here as he did in NY. He may not get as many rebounds playing with better rebounders here and also playing the PF spot. He may also get less time if Wright plays well. So we may see Lee's numbers decline significantly, but he'll be the highest paid player on the team.

%%#% the Warriors. God damn +%#@++!# every year. And it just gets worse and worse. If Ellison doesn't buy this team I might not even bother watching any games. Was a little excited for summer league, but may not even bother now.

I will admit it if I'm wrong, but fans have been way more sensible than this ******ed FO plenty of times.

And %%#% Yuku. Keeps making me re-post.
Did the guy above just say this is a potential playoff team?

This is such a dumb deal. We trade 3 awesome contracts for a 6 year/80 million dollar contract on a fringe all-star that put up meaningless stats on a horrible team that plays worse defense than a chair. We just went from being an early lottery team to an early to mid lottery team. We're going to be stuck with an untradeable contract and have lost a lot of our cap space that the new ownership/management group could have used in the future. Lee would have been a fine piece on a team that was already good, but what does he even do for the Warrors? We're a lotto team regardless, but now we're a lotto team with a huge contract that no one will want in a year. I would have rather stayed put with our team, gotten a higher pick next year, let the new management/ownership do its thing and start from the beginning with Stephen Curry as a starting block. Good GM's use cap space as an asset. Bad GM's waste it on stupid contracts and overpay for players like David Lee and Joe johnson.
Trade is done. All i hope for is the best. The warriors are not done yet moving people yet.
Just to let u guys know u have a new fan, David Lee is my favorite player in the NBA and he will be missed.
Team really needs a SF. The team has big men and small guards, not one 3 on this team. They should have traded for Martell Webster
. I'm excited for the reaction Lee receives this season.
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

The warriors are not done yet moving people yet.

Come on, dude.  I know Lowell has taught you better than that.
Come on. Let's lay off Lowell. We're all Warriors fans here trying to be a little optimistic.

%*@+ I MISS RANDOLPH :cries
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

The warriors are not done yet moving people yet.

Come on, dude.  I know Lowell has taught you better than that.

word. was confused for a moment

I hope AR turns out to be an all star, i don't even care if he's not in the team anymore.

FO keeps %@+%@+$ up, we're in the middle of a sale and they go out and do something stupid like this. I just hope whoever takes over will get some new people in ASAP. 
All I got to say is I'm tired of waiting on potential. The whole Warriors team is surrounded by players that have talent, and IF they EVER live up to their potential, they can be great players. Stop wishing and dreaming, if you don't progress on the damn court, the hell with you. I like Anthony Randolph, he is very talented and skilled player, and one day with the right coaching can be a great player. But, we have too many damn players we are waiting on to develop. This is the NBA, not the NBDL.
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