Official Warriors Season Thread

nah, i'm not in the bay area right now. i'm in san diego right now
. i wish i could head to that denver game tho...
Originally Posted by acidicality

nah, i'm not in the bay area right now. i'm in san diego right now
. i wish i could head to that denver game tho...

ahhhhh yeah i know how you feel man.. if i was home i'd even throw down for those nose-bleed seats with the KFC if i had to. such a pivotal game.
The record for three-pointers attempted is 2,155 - an average of 26.28 per game - by the 2002-03 Boston Celtics. Thus far this season, the Warriors have put up1,881 three-pointers, an average of 26.87 per game.

Wait, that math doesn't add up does it?
After a solid performance against the Kings, Mickael Pietrus is back!! We need his defense, his athleticism for the remaining games of the regular season withthe Warriors.
Originally Posted by warriors510

The record for three-pointers attempted is 2,155 - an average of 26.28 per game - by the 2002-03 Boston Celtics. Thus far this season, the Warriors have put up 1,881 three-pointers, an average of 26.87 per game.

Wait, that math doesn't add up does it?

no. by my calculations, our average right now is about 2.5 less than the 26.87
It was a good game yesterday, good to see that we were able to keep the lead the whole game. Kevin Martin was beasting but we were still able to get the win.Pietrus was crazy yesterday. If he could play like this, I wouldn't mind keeping him for cheap. His blocks are crazy. HUGE game tomorrow, I think whoeverwins tomorrow's game will make the playoffs. Hopefully Al and Jackson can have good games again. We need everyone tomorrow. Let's go Warriors!
I'm selling two tix to tomorrows game vs. Denver...I can't make the game. Best offer gets them, PM me because I probably won't check this thread.Section 201, row 11. And look at how much they are going for on craigslist before you message me with an offer of $80.
I'd go but I believe I'd rather enjoy the game on TV. This will be the game of the year tomorrow night. I believe if the W's get a game leadagainst the Nuggets, the Warriors could hold that spot...Let's go W's...The team is fully back, let's get this playoff spot secure. And for youfellow NTer's who will be attending the game, please please make some noise!
not sure if this has been posted...

jrich fanboys -

jrich authentic navy road swingman on sale for $30 at the warriors team store.
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

not sure if this has been posted...

jrich fanboys -

jrich authentic navy road swingman on sale for $30 at the warriors team store.

you are maddddddddddddddd late
Get the chants ready Oracle......


If Violet Palmer(sp?) officiates the game....BULL %*!#! BULL %*!#!

Let's get it!
man just looked at craigslist to see if tickets were cheap but damn. these are some lakers type price i'm looking at. looks like i'll be watching on TV
Sweet so -

2/3 refs tonite are:

1) Derek Stafford = Tech in DC last year
2) Bob Dalaney = duped by DFish.
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