Official Warriors Season Thread

I won't wave the white flag until the season is actually over...or the they are mathematically eliminated...I know the Giants are on a three gamestreak...but I know for a fact that team won't keep my content this summer. =( Cmon Warriors...
agreed haha, that FSN music gets me hyped up. the CSN music is wack

and it's not over by any's gonna take a miracle but this team seems to have a knack for digging themselves out of bad situations. this isgonna be the toughest one they've faced but you just gotta believe. this season really has pretty much met my expectations (i think i expected like 45wins) but it sucks that the West is so damn good this year.

About the draft...there are many different directions we can go and it's a pretty nice draft class this year. we should just go BPA and go from there,since Nellie won't be playing them anyway.

Just to throw out some names of players we could draft (in the mid-1st range): Kevin Love, Robin Lopez, DeAndre Jordan, Donte Greene, Brandon Rush, ChrisDouglas-Roberts, Darrell Arthur, Chase Budinger(
Playoffs or not, 50 wins would be a hell of an accomplishment, not making it this year doesn't mean we're not a playoff caliber team. So hopefully, wecan finish strong, get that 50, and either make the playoffs, or screw the draft lottery over.
yeah, im not gonna call it quits until it really is.

Denver's got jazz,rockets, n grizz.
Warriors got clippers, suns, sonics

all i gotta say is..."THIS IS WHERE AMAZING HAPPENS."
Originally Posted by acidicality

agreed haha, that FSN music gets me hyped up. the CSN music is wack

and it's not over by any's gonna take a miracle but this team seems to have a knack for digging themselves out of bad situations. this is gonna be the toughest one they've faced but you just gotta believe. this season really has pretty much met my expectations (i think i expected like 45 wins) but it sucks that the West is so damn good this year.

About the draft...there are many different directions we can go and it's a pretty nice draft class this year. we should just go BPA and go from there, since Nellie won't be playing them anyway.

Just to throw out some names of players we could draft (in the mid-1st range): Kevin Love, Robin Lopez, DeAndre Jordan, Donte Greene, Brandon Rush, Chris Douglas-Roberts, Darrell Arthur, Chase Budinger(

CDR is a good look, though i doubt he'll be available then. Kevin love will probably be gone. Greene could do well. Rush is a little too streaky for myliking.

i'm kind of hopeful that Darren Collisson will still be available.

And please, Oakland, no more big men. that means no Thabeet, no Hibbert, etc. etc. goddamnit.
We MUST win all 3 games to have a shot, because I don't see denver going 0-3. The Clips and Sonics should be easy, but PHX is going to be the tough one.

And the other factor that comes into play is will Utah and Houston be resting their players when the Nuggets play those teams? Didn't T-Mac miss the lastgame because of a shoulder problem?

EDIT: I forgot that Houston and Utah are still fighting for homecourt, so I don't see them resting their players.
I might just get tickets to the Seattle game. who knows maybe it'll be like last year sneaking into the playoffs in the last game.

Let's go JAZZ AND ROCKETS! hopefully those back-to-back games will end up in a 0-2 for the nugs.
Upcoming schedule...

GSW: 3-0
DEN: 1-2


Let's get it.

BTW, I'll be there Wednesday the 16th against the Sonics. Who's with me?
I used to root for the Warriors since I live in the bay but ever since last year with so much bandwagon jumping, I started disliking them, especially whentickets got too expensive to purchase. If they miss the playoffs, hopefully it will be a blessing in disguise and weed out those bandwagoners.
im gettin tired of cheerin for other teams, especially the jazz this time around.

but aye whatever it takes

if only the warriors did their jobs, none of this cheerin for other teams too save our *** would happen
[h1]Hey, NBA! Why not play the best teams?[/h1]
By Geoff Lepper
Bay Area News Group

Article Launched: 04/11/2008 01:46:15 AM PDT

Nelson muses on making playoff format more fair .
Golden State coach Don Nelson wants the NBA to make sure no future team suffers such an undeserving fate as winning 47 or more games and nevertheless going home in mid-April.

"I hope the league makes some adjustments, at least talks about the issues," Nelson said. "Combine everybody and just take the top 16 teams would be probably the most fair thing. . . . I think with our own (charter) airlines, (cross-country) trips aren't like they used to be. So what's the difference if you have to play the East a little more? Play everybody as (equally) as you can and take the top 16 and let's go. That's what I'd do."

If this season were being contested under those rules, the Warriors and Nuggets - who both came in Thursday with matching 47-31 records - would have been battling for control of 11th place, rather than merely fighting for continued existence past Wednesday.

Playing all 29 other teams an equal amount would require three games against each opponent for a total of 87 - or just a home-and-home set that would mean only 58 regular-season games. Nuggets Coach George Karl was skeptical that the league would be willing to cut regional rivalries, but pointed to the success of Major League Baseball's addition of the wild-card in 1994 - a move prompted in part by the Giants' failure to make the postseason despite winning 103 games in 1993 - as an argument in favor of change.

"I figured if we would have won 46, we would have had locks by now, and we'd be preparing ourselves for the playoffs, resting some veterans and doing those kind of things that championship teams do," Nelson said. "We don't have that luxury."

• Warriors rookie forward Brandan Wright did not suit up because of his strained left groin. Fellow rookie guard Marco Belinelli took his place.

man, if the warriors don't make it, I think they'll have the best record in history as a lottery team. It'll be anotherunfortunate/weird record set by the Warriors.
Originally Posted by MJDaLegend

[h1]Hey, NBA! Why not play the best teams?[/h1]
By Geoff Lepper
Bay Area News Group

Article Launched: 04/11/2008 01:46:15 AM PDT

Nelson muses on making playoff format more fair .
Golden State coach Don Nelson wants the NBA to make sure no future team suffers such an undeserving fate as winning 47 or more games and nevertheless going home in mid-April.

"I hope the league makes some adjustments, at least talks about the issues," Nelson said. "Combine everybody and just take the top 16 teams would be probably the most fair thing. . . . I think with our own (charter) airlines, (cross-country) trips aren't like they used to be. So what's the difference if you have to play the East a little more? Play everybody as (equally) as you can and take the top 16 and let's go. That's what I'd do."

If this season were being contested under those rules, the Warriors and Nuggets - who both came in Thursday with matching 47-31 records - would have been battling for control of 11th place, rather than merely fighting for continued existence past Wednesday.

Playing all 29 other teams an equal amount would require three games against each opponent for a total of 87 - or just a home-and-home set that would mean only 58 regular-season games. Nuggets Coach George Karl was skeptical that the league would be willing to cut regional rivalries, but pointed to the success of Major League Baseball's addition of the wild-card in 1994 - a move prompted in part by the Giants' failure to make the postseason despite winning 103 games in 1993 - as an argument in favor of change.

"I figured if we would have won 46, we would have had locks by now, and we'd be preparing ourselves for the playoffs, resting some veterans and doing those kind of things that championship teams do," Nelson said. "We don't have that luxury."

• Warriors rookie forward Brandan Wright did not suit up because of his strained left groin. Fellow rookie guard Marco Belinelli took his place.

I made a thread similar to this article 2 days ago titled, Do You Think It Is A Good Idea To Have The Top 16 Teams In The NBA To Make ThePlayoffs?
[h2]Golden State Warriors: Nellie has only himself to blame for slide[/h2]
By Rob Calonge | April 10th, 2008

With three games remaining and the Warriors now one game behind for the eighth and final spot, every game is a must win game. This is the time of the seasonwhen a coach wants to unleash everything he has, and finds out how well he's conserved his team for the stretch.

All indications point to a very tired Golden State Warriors who've lost 4 of their last 5 games to fall one game behind Denver for that elusive finalplayoff spot. If the Warriors are to make a run at the playoffs, let alone a championship, they'll need Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson healthy and restedas they make their final stand. From the way the two have been playing lately, you'd think they were injured or ready for bed.

Nelson is famous for putting players like Matt Barnes or Patrick O'Bryant in his doghouse, but after the job that he's done with this team, he maywant to take those guys out to make room for himself. He's done the unthinkable in the NBA, he's tired out his stars.

With the fast pace that the Warriors run, Nelson should've known that he needed to make sure that everyone remained healthy and rested. Baron Davis,who's averaged nearly 58 games per season over the past four years, hasn't missed a game and is averaging 39.2 minutes per game! Steven Jackson hasmissed nine games, but is averaging 39.4 minutes per game. In stark contrast, Steve Nash who averages in the high 70's in games per season is onlyaveraging 34.6 minutes per game.

To average near 40 minutes a game isn't so unusual for stars, but when you're allowing a guy that doesn't usually finish the season without oneextended absence, continue to play extended minutes every game, you're playing with fire. This season, that fire is going to burn Nellie, the Warriors, andall of the great fans that even now, still believe.

This is not to diminish the great job that Nelson has done since coming back to the franchise, but to instead reason as to why the best players on theWarriors aren't stepping up when it counts. Since Davis and Jackson have been Warriors, there have been no shortages of great moments from both, but overthe past two weeks they've looked as if they've just joined the association.

If you've been paying attention to the box-score, there have been many games that the Warriors won by at least 10 points, and only six guys got extendedminutes. Nelson has refused to go eight deep all season and the young guys have been paying for it in experience while the starters are paying for it infatigue. Now the fans will get to pay for it by seeing the best Warriors team since 1993 not make the playoffs.

So In the end, Nelson will only have himself to blame, Matt Barnes will be moving on to a new team, Monta Ellis has secured a big paycheck and future AllStar consideration, and the fans will be left wondering what could've been. Even though it's not the same old Warriors, the result will be eerilysimilar…if they don't make the playoffs.
I do blame Nelly for thew fatigue of of star players. It was obviously hard trying to find time for Baron Davis to rest when the games are close. Jacksonclocked in games over the 40 minute mark a number of times as well.

Early in the season, we SHOULD of played our younger players and experiment what they can bring onto the court to mesh with our normal players. If he playedBrandan Wright, Marco Belineli and even Patrick O'Bryant it would of helped tremendously later in the year and it was obvious with our recent struggles.
I don't know why we're not playing barnes either. I know his confidence must be shot- with limited playing time and the loss of his mom.... why'dwe make him one of the damn captains in the first place??
Yes, partly Nelly's fault, but at the same time and what I've said over and over again, WHO HAS CONTRIBUTED CONSISTENTLY THAT HE CAN RELY ON?

There's no point in blaming anyone but the team, in general. Period.

From Mullin signing some lames (and probably Nelly, too).

To the team losing games they have no business losing. I.E- Chicago, Minnesota, Charlotte.

We're a competitive team that is not deep at all. Its pretty remarkable we could win this many games with this squad.

I hope some changes are made in the off-season.

And let me end my little rant by saying, my post is directed to none of my fellow W's fans. Its just hard to keep believing when your team keeps crushingyour hopes.
It is NOT Nellie's fault for players being tired. He is in the middle of the toughest playoff race in NBA history, and he needs his best players on thecourt. Monta, Baron and Jack HAD to play those minutes. Who else has stepped up enough to take some of the key minutes away? Barnes....nope. Buike...sometimes.Al.....sometimes. Marco...nope. Pietrus....not really. Watson....nope. Webber....nope. Wright....nope.

Nelson had no choice. If you are going to blame anyone, blame Harrington, Barnes and Pietrus. All have had HORRENDOUS years and easily could have taken theload off of our stars if theyt actually played consistantly well.
Originally Posted by dland24

It is NOT Nellie's fault for players being tired. He is in the middle of the toughest playoff race in NBA history, and he needs his best players on the court. Monta, Baron and Jack HAD to play those minutes. Who else has stepped up enough to take some of the key minutes away? Barnes....nope. Buike...sometimes. Al.....sometimes. Marco...nope. Pietrus....not really. Watson....nope. Webber....nope. Wright....nope.

Nelson had no choice. If you are going to blame anyone, blame Harrington, Barnes and Pietrus. All have had HORRENDOUS years and easily could have taken the load off of our stars if theyt actually played consistantly well.

True that they (Harrington, Barnes, and Pietrus) all had a bad year, but Nellie never changed that rotation. Harrington & Barnes had a string of badgames night in and night out, but Nellie never decided to change that and instead put in a Belineli or a Watson or a Wright. Who knows if maybe they could havechanged the outlook and the depth of this team.
Originally Posted by big1236

I don't know why we're not playing barnes either. I know his confidence must be shot- with limited playing time and the loss of his mom.... why'd we make him one of the damn captains in the first place??

if it were me, i would have not named barnes captain.

and, we don't play him 'cause he's garbage. he's garbage 'cause he's a role player who doesn't understand his role. he wants to bethe starting point guard so badly, and it shows everytime he has the ball.

[the rock] KNOW YOUR ROLE, JABRONI! [/the rock]
Originally Posted by DMan14

just imagine if we had stephen jackson in the beginning of the year...

enough of the wishful thinking.

Jackson probably would have burned out earlier than this, if anything. Rockets don't have Yao-- they're not doing too horribly. Yao is definitely muchmore crucial to his team than Jackson is to ours, in my honest opinion.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Yes, partly Nelly's fault, but at the same time and what I've said over and over again, WHO HAS CONTRIBUTED CONSISTENTLY THAT HE CAN RELY ON?

There's no point in blaming anyone but the team, in general. Period.

From Mullin signing some lames (and probably Nelly, too).

To the team losing games they have no business losing. I.E- Chicago, Minnesota, Charlotte.

We're a competitive team that is not deep at all. Its pretty remarkable we could win this many games with this squad.

I hope some changes are made in the off-season.

And let me end my little rant by saying, my post is directed to none of my fellow W's fans. Its just hard to keep believing when your team keeps crushing yghtour hopes.

right on. this goes back to Nelson's mantra of "veterans only will help me win". he proves it himself with circular logice by only startingveterans, which then leads to wins. he has no reason to change it, in his mind.
Originally Posted by dland24

It is NOT Nellie's fault for players being tired. He is in the middle of the toughest playoff race in NBA history, and he needs his best players on the court. Monta, Baron and Jack HAD to play those minutes. Who else has stepped up enough to take some of the key minutes away? Barnes....nope. Buike...sometimes. Al.....sometimes. Marco...nope. Pietrus....not really. Watson....nope. Webber....nope. Wright....nope.

Nelson had no choice. If you are going to blame anyone, blame Harrington, Barnes and Pietrus. All have had HORRENDOUS years and easily could have taken the load off of our stars if theyt actually played consistantly well.

right. bench play has been entirely inconsistent at best, and non-existant mostly.

hopefully, everyone knows how i feel about Harrington and Barnes.
Pietrus was doing some stupid Pietrus-like logic by thinking that playing crapy up until the trade deadline would be beneficial for him and the team. he iscertainly talented, but he does not have much intelligence.
Azubuike has consistency issues-- and he's a little too hesitant in SOME situations to pull the trigger, but he too does disappear and make stupiddecisions (id est, last evening's game). Belinelli, Watson, and Wright have all been victims of not getting enough playing time.
Although, I would leave Biedrins in there for at LEAST 35 minutes a game-- the dude puts in work cleaning glass and put-backs, not to mention he does have someknack for getting to the rim.
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