Official Warriors Season Thread

It's really a shame that the 0-8 start is coming back to haunt you guys. It's an even bigger shame that you guys might not make it. It's definitelypossible though, Denver has choked away games in Sacramento and Seattle, they can choke away two more, just execute these last three games. SJAX just needs tochill and start hitting his shots. Luckily Monta has been excellent so that's not a problem. They're at Utah tomorrow (which they will lose, Utahdoesn't lose at home [imagine that, Warriors rooting for the Jazz
]), and then Houston at home the VERY next night. It's very possible, just closeout Phoenix.
We didn't lose 8 in a row. We started 0-6.

We beat the Clippers before Jackson came back.

The start is whatever, we knew it was going to be hard, but thats the breaks. It wasnt a shock to anyone Jackson was suspeneded, so the game plans could'vebeen changed accordingly. Instead we had Hudson take horrible shots and do nothing.

The game in that start that hurts is the Detroit game where we proved we don't know how to play with a lead. This point would be reiterated time and timeagain during the season.

Furthermore, like I said, the crucial games are the games you lose to teams in which you have no business losing to. Spurs, Lakers, and co very rarely lose toteams they shouldn't.

Games like the Timberwolves, Charlotte, and the Bulls killed us more so than the suspension of Jackson.
took me all night to get over last night's loss, and i'm still steaming. i think i cut off a lot of ppl while driving to work today in L.A., haha.

anyway, there's still a slim chance we could make it. with that said, i think we should just go for the 50 win season and put the playoff thought in thebackburner for now. Close out the season winning 3 straight a while doing that, pray to God, Ganesh, Buddha, Zeus or whomever, that the nuggets drop twogames.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

took me all night to get over last night's loss, and i'm still steaming. i think i cut off a lot of ppl while driving to work today in L.A., haha.

anyway, there's still a slim chance we could make it. with that said, i think we should just go for the 50 win season and put the playoff thought in the backburner for now. Close out the season winning 3 straight a while doing that, pray to God, Ganesh, Buddha, Zeus or whomever, that the nuggets drop two games.

i feel you dog, i feel you
Regardless of what happens this season, it was a thrill ride from start to finish. I hope we do get to 50 wins because that within itself is an accomplishment.Guys, 2 seasons ago, we were still at the bottom of the heap and now we have a legit 45+ win team that needs minor tweaking to get into the playoffs next yearand to hopefully make some noise.

With that said, let's take care of business baby! LAC is going down! Let go Warriors!

[Daughtry] It's not over [/Daughtry]
Yeah, this season is very much still a successful one, it's just that the West is just incredible this year. Whether or not we make the playoffs, finishingnear 50 wins is a hell of an accomplishment for this team, and if you would have told me that they would finish with this kind of record back in October Iwould be
. Not being in the playoffs has NOTHING to do with the Warriors' play. although it sucks we're kind of losing it at the worst timepossible, the way the team played earlier in the season is very much appreciated.
Of course there will be nitpicking of games we should have won, etc., but other teams have that same issue. Lakers will say they should have beaten Memphis,Charlotte, etc., we have a handful of games, Denver has those games as well. But the bottom line is, from 1-9, the West is EXTREMELY strong (u can even addPortland to the mix), and we would be in the playoffs 9 years out of 10 with this record. i'm not going to be ashamed if we miss the postseason, althoughi'd love for that to happen, because we have such a good record. and we're a much better team then we were last year (altho some of that"fire" has been lost from last year's team)

and playoffs or not, this is going to be a very interesting offseason.
It's too late to look back on the games we shoulda won but we gotta focus on what's ahead of us. Clips, Suns, and Sonics. get all three and we may bein the playoffs. we've been relying too much on the teams Denver plays to beat em while just sitting there.
We all know the warriors are a flawed team, but that's what makes it fun. This has been one crazyyyy season. Yeah we lost some games we should've won,but we also won some games we had no business winning.

the offseason is gonna be interesting indeed. Getting a big would be nice, but i think getting a CONSISTENT bench would be much more important if nellie wereto stick around. There's been so many games where the bench didn't show up at all and nellie had to rely on his starters for basically the whole game.If our bench played like how they did last year...this woulda been a different story
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

the offseason is gonna be interesting indeed. Getting a big would be nice, but i think getting a CONSISTENT bench would be much more important if nellie were to stick around. There's been so many games where the bench didn't show up at all and nellie had to rely on his starters for basically the whole game. If our bench played like how they did last year...this woulda been a different story

Please no more POB/Kosta draft picks. A good PF could really help us, Al and Pietrus at the 4/5

man I say let Monta come off the bench, let Buike/Pietrus start, move Jackson down to the 2 if Pietrus starts. Instant points off the bench that way.It's crazy, but it might be crazy enough to work...
Today is officially "Stephen Jackson Day" in San Francisco. Mayor Gavin Newsom bestowed the honor on the Warriors' forward for his community service in the Bay Area, which included the dedication of a basketball court at the Omega Boys Club on Tennessee Street on Friday.
Dang, Captain Jack Day in SF yesterday.
Originally Posted by MJDaLegend

Today is officially "Stephen Jackson Day" in San Francisco. Mayor Gavin Newsom bestowed the honor on the Warriors' forward for his community service in the Bay Area, which included the dedication of a basketball court at the Omega Boys Club on Tennessee Street on Friday.
Dang, Captain Jack Day in SF yesterday.


hopefully his offense comes together for these last 3 games.
[h2] [/h2]
The bad, good and bad of this sudden Warriors anti-climax

By Tim Kawakami
Friday, April 11th, 2008 at 4:41 pm in NBA, Warriors.

I'm not as tired as the Big 3, but I'm definitely tired.

Since beating Toronto at home on March 12, the Warriors have gone 7-9, have chased 50 wins and last night disastrous gave Denver every chance to clinch the 8th spot in the final three games.

So this will be quick, and I'm sure we'll all re-visit these issues many more times before next October..

The GOOD and BAD things that the Warriors and their fans have to accept, embrace and deal with now that they need a miracle to make the playoffs…

* GOOD: They've got 47 victories and, if they win out, would register only their fifth 50+ victory season since they moved to the Bay Area.

* BAD: They did not want to become the first team since the start of the 16-team playoff format to miss the playoffs with more than 45 victories.

* GOOD: Unlike last year, the Warriors weren't trending towards a monster first-round performance even if they'd made the playoffs, so this might've saved them a sweep embarrassment.

With Baron Davis, Stephen Jackson and Monta Ellis all noticeably wearing down and with the Warriors' bench thinning by the game, it's hard to see how they would have any kind of momentum heading into potential tussles with New Orleans or San Antonio.

* BAD: It's always better to make the playoffs-even if it leads to a sweep-than to miss. The Warriors had hoped to make the franchise's first back-t0-back playoff trips since 1990-91/1991-92.

* GOOD (for Don Nelson): Last summer's holdout netted him the $2M that originally was intended as possible bonuses for this year. Turns out to have been quite wise on Nelson's part, no?

His bonuses would have been: If the Warriors had made the playoffs ($1M) and advanced a round ($1M). Neither thing is likely to happen. Yet Nelson has already gotten paid.

Smart man.

* SORT OF BAD (for Chris Cohan): Cohan already guaranteed Nelson's full $5.1M for next season. Not that the Warriors have any other choice at head coach, and not that Nelson didn't do a very good job this season, too…

But Nelson is a $5M coach if he's in the playoffs. If he's not… well…

* SORT OF GOOD (for Cohan): Now Nelson will have a much tougher time trying another holdout this summer. Theoretically. Not that he won't attempt it.

* VERY GOOD (for Cohan): The Warriors got the deposit from loads of season-ticket holders to renew for next year… a few weeks ago.

* BAD: Chris Mullin (or one of his aides) has to grit through another draft lottery on May 20-something Mullin never, never, ever wanted to do again.

* GOOD: The Warriors might get extraordinarily lucky and win the No. 1 pick-hello, Michael Beasley! I think it's a .5% shot, so… maybe not.

It'll be the 14th pick, and that's not a bad spot in a pretty deep draft. Kevin Love if they're lucky, with Darrell Arthur, Robin Lopez and Earl Clark among many, many other possibilities.

* BAD: Baron Davis could opt-out of the final year of his deal, which would put the Warriors in jeopardy of losing their franchise player.

* GOOD: Davis probably won't opt-out of the deal… and if he does, there might not be a race to throw $80M at his feet. Also: If he does, the Warriors would suddenly have some extra money lying around.

* BAD: The Warriors will have major decisions to make on Monta Ellis (restricted free agent), Andris Biedrins (restricted) and possibly Kelenna Azubuike (can become unrestricted) and Matt Barnes (unrestricted).

I'm assuming Mullin will do anything to keep Ellis, will do a lot to keep Biedrins (though Nelson will have a say there) and will good-bye to Azubuike and Barnes, if there other bidders.

I'm assuming Mickael Pietrus (unrestricted) and Patrick O'Bryant (unrestricted) are all but gone already.

* GOOD: Mullin was wise to hold the line last summer on Davis, Biedrins, Barnes and Pietrus.

The decision not to keep O'Bryant's rights beyond this season could back-fire, but obviously had to do with Nelson's distaste for stand-still centers.

* GOOD: The Warriors still have the $10M trade exception acquired in the Jason Richardson deal-it won't lapse until a few days after the June 26 draft.

* BAD: The Warriors traded Richardson for Brandan Wright and the exception… and (yes, I must say so) could really either have used Richardson down the back stretch… or they could've, you know, actually started playing Wright back in January

* GOOD: Assuming Nelson is back, he'll have to at least try to establish some kind of low-post presence to counter-act this team's obvious weaknesses-defensively and offensively.

Right? Won't he have to do that?

* GOOD: Assuming Nelson is back next year, he'll have to be serious about developing a bench.

That means Wright, Marco Belinelli, possibly C.J. Watson, possibly Kosta Perovic, and whoever else the Warriors acquire this off-season.

* BAD: Mullin actually has to acquire a bunch of new players-that Nellie will play. (Austin Croshere was a wash this season; Troy Hudson was a wash-out.)

I'm thinking they for sure need two energy forwards (to replace Pietrus and Barnes), probably a back-up 2-guard (to replace Azubuike), possibly a back-up point guard (if it's not Watson), probably a back-up center, and, oh by the way, SOMEBODY TO PLAY POWER FORWARD (if Wright is worked in slowly).

That doesn't count the possibility of trading or losing Biedrins and Ellis, trading Al Harrington and the whole Baron Opt-Out Experience.

* GOOD: At least they didn't try to keep putting Chris Webber out there.

* BAD: They tried to put Webber out there. From now on, Nelson's decisions won't be regarded as infallible… and this goes right to his refusal to develop a bench.

* GOOD AND BAD: SJax was once again the Warriors' second-best player, never got into trouble, and played well much of the time… though he hit the wall around the All-Star break.

He's under contract for two more years at a very reasonable price. But how good can the Warriors be if SJax is shooting and missing so many shots?

* GOOD: Nelson is very good at figuring out creative way out of minor and major problems.

Will he go smaller? Decide that Biedrins is expendable? Try to get the No. 1 pick and rebuild around Derrick Rose?

We really don't know. That's good. And that's bad.
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

the offseason is gonna be interesting indeed. Getting a big would be nice, but i think getting a CONSISTENT bench would be much more important if nellie were to stick around. There's been so many games where the bench didn't show up at all and nellie had to rely on his starters for basically the whole game. If our bench played like how they did last year...this woulda been a different story

Please no more POB/Kosta draft picks. A good PF could really help us, Al and Pietrus at the 4/5

man I say let Monta come off the bench, let Buike/Pietrus start, move Jackson down to the 2 if Pietrus starts. Instant points off the bench that way. It's crazy, but it might be crazy enough to work...

i don't believe that Jackson at 2 would be a good idea.
[h1]Nelson calls for NBA to act[/h1]
  • Coach wants plan to get 16 teams with best records into the playoffs

Contra Costa Times

Article Launched: 04/11/2008 02:59:07 AM PDT

Related Stories

OAKLAND -- It's too late to save whichever team fails to survive the current eighth-place Western Conference cage match, be it the Warriors or the Denver Nuggets. But Golden State coach Don Nelson wants the NBA to make sure no future team suffers such an undeserving fate as winning 47 or more games and nevertheless going home in mid-April.
"I hope the league makes some adjustments, at least talks about the issues," Nelson said. "Combine everybody and just take the top 16 teams would be probably the most fair thing. ... I think with our own (charter) airlines, (cross-country) trips aren't like they used to be. So what's the difference if you have to play the East a little more? Play everybody as (equally) as you can and take the top 16 and let's go. That's what I'd do."

If this season were being contested under those rules, the Warriors and Nuggets -- who both came in Thursday with matching 47-31 records -- would have been battling for control of 11th place, rather than merely fighting for continued existence past Wednesday. The 16th and final spot would be in the hands of either Portland or Atlanta, each of whom is 39-39.

"Well, I sure would like it now," Nuggets coach George Karl said of Nelson's plan, accentuating the final word. "It's an interesting format to put your best 16 teams out there on the court."

Playing all 29 other teams an equal amount would require three games against each opponent for a total of 87 -- or just a home-and-home set that would mean only 58 regular-season games. Karl was skeptical that the league would be willing cut regional rivalries such as the Boston-New York-Philadelphia troika in the Atlantic Division from its allotment of four games a season, but pointed to the success of Major League Baseball's addition of the wild card in 1994 as an argument in favor of change.

"Baseball, I think, was uplifted by the wild card system," Karl said. "It seems like they've gotten a higher quality of baseball on the field, and it seems like the ratings are up as well."

Unfortunately, someone often needs to be sacrificed on the altar of unfairness to prompt a move, and it looks like it'll be the Nuggets or, more likely, the Warriors filling that role.

"I figured if we would have won 46, we would have had it locked by now, and we'd be preparing ourselves for the playoffs, resting some veterans and doing those kind of things that championship teams do," Nelson said. "We don't have that luxury."

Off the glass

The Warriors broke their single-game franchise attendance record with a standing-room only crowd measured at 20,737, the team said. The previous mark of 20,713 was set March 24 against the Los Angeles Lakers. ... Warriors rookie forward Brandan Wright did not suit up because of his strained left groin. Fellow rookie guard Marco Belinelli took his place. ... Nuggets forward Nene (strained groin) was held out of action as well.

-- Geoff Lepper

I don't know how I would feel about taking the top 16 teams. I pretty much like the format just the way it is. It's just one of those things thathappen once in a blue moon
I think it's a great idea to take the top 16 teams (and maybe fitzgerald's idea of giving the division winners the top spots), but there will also besome flaws to it and some other teams will complain about it.
juss had to put the post back on the first page.

we need that win at the suns.

houston, yer biggest fans are right here in the bay!

good win today, we need to come focused at Pheonix...whether or not Denver loses, it replaces last Thur's game as "biggest game of the year"
. we can definitely win as we've beaten em this season already, and the game at PHX-we were in the game for most of it.

do the suns have anything left to play for since the lakers clinched the pacific. god i hope they rest nash shaq and stat for the rest of the regular season
Phoenix will be playing for the 5th seed in the hopes of getting a first round home court advantage over utah (right now, Houston is in 5th). both houston andphoenix will be vying for that spot.
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