Official Western Conference Finals Gm1: 05/19 Denver Nuggets @ Los Angeles Lakers 6PM PST ESPN

The refs need to understand that this is the WCF and players play emotion, they cant be handing out techs left and right.
This thread woulda been 250 pages if we lost the game on that shot by Billups from outta bounds.
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Originally Posted by CP1708

This thread woulda been 250 pages if we lost the game on that shot by Billups from outta bounds.

Exactly! Haters have no shame these days!

Yeah, wouldn't have been all haters, it woulda been crazy Laker fans, with a few happy haters sprinkled in.
Why are people talking about the Cavs??? The Lakers haven't gotten rid of the nuggets yet. I do think that the Lakers will pull it out but I have notdetermined in how many yet. It wouldn't surprise me if the series went 5 or 7.

This series Kobe is going to dominate because he provides the best option offensively especially if they are going to have Jones and Carter guarding him.

I love how the Lakers kept Nene out of the paint so Kobe could go to work on the offensive end.

I don't like how they didn't play defense to their potential.

The Nuggets lost this game but I am not surprised because that's their MO. It was Billups fault for not coming to the ball when Carer lobbed it into him,he should have made the bounce pass available by making the angle better.

The ref situation needs to stop already, I mean just be consistent. I like them letting Kobe and Melo go at it.

Melo shouldn't have gotten that tech.

Bynum played a so so game, I think he did enough yesterday. Game had me on the edge of my seat, great game!
Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
If this is any indication of how the series will play out, I'm very confident that I
will get to see Kobe failing again.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
If this is any indication of how the series will play out, I'm very confident that I
will get to see Kobe failing again.


No lie, every time we win it feels so much better because of you guys.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
The things you people come up with.
I think the Nuggets let this game slip but they didn't let it slip to nobody, they let it slip to the Lakers. We have to give the Lakerscredit for their having the best closer who closed the game out for us. To say they didn't deserve it is a little dumb.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I mean, why is the 5'10" backup point inbounding the ball there?
and chauncey didnt keep comin to the ball/ blame all the way around from coaches to players
And this.

Trevor Ariza was on some Ed Reed +!+!, and Chauncey shoulda game to the ball. In that situation you gotta know someone is trailing you.

K-Mart/Kleiza shoulda been inbounding the ball. Somebody. You KNOW they are going to put a big man on the ball trying to make the pass hard/get a deflection,etc.

That's Basketball 101.
Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
NO team deserves to win more than the other.

But the Lakers out executed the Nuggs, and the Nuggets bench did not come to play.

Give LA some respect.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
If this is any indication of how the series will play out, I'm very confident that I
will get to see Kobe failing again.


No lie, every time we win it feels so much better because of you guys.
Lakers got outplayed the whole game. You guys have to havethe softest big men in the league.
--Outside of games 1-6 of the Boston/Chicago series, this was one of the best games of the playoffs.
--George Karl being speechless during postgame interviews..LOL

--Both teams are pathetic? Oh wait, its cuz neither team has a beast named Lebron James right?
Why is Anthony Carter even in the game at this point? Because George Karl trusted his judgment? He's not even an offensive threat at this point. Hecompletely botched the last few minutes of this game.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
If this is any indication of how the series will play out, I'm very confident that I
will get to see Kobe failing again.


No lie, every time we win it feels so much better because of you guys.
Lakers got outplayed the whole game. You guys have to have the softest big men in the league.

What the @#$% does any of that have to with? Denver DESERVES to win this game?

Nobody DESERVES to win %^&*, you earn it. Get a clue.

The last few weeks the trolls and there "Embarrassed the game of basketball" and "they didn't DESERVE this win."

This isn't Survivor. American Idol. It's a game, both teams played, and the winner won the game.

I've never seen any other team with so many rules and classifications to how to win, if they earn a win, how to play, when they play, what in the $%^&is wrong with people these days?

People are begging for us to lose now. Offerin piggy banks and sh*^ to Stern hopin he'll help them out.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
If this is any indication of how the series will play out, I'm very confident that I
will get to see Kobe failing again.


No lie, every time we win it feels so much better because of you guys.
Lakers got outplayed the whole game. You guys have to have the softest big men in the league.
and we still win
i love it. Nuggets fans suffer through decades of mediocrity and suckiness, and the second we have something to cheer for, some Laker fans wanna try to shutdown our excitement. HI HATERS.

Kobe's cheap shots and complaining are getting way tired. all game long, the flailing arms, the "i can't believe it" scrunched up look on hisface, I see why some people really can't stand him. I'm not one of those people, but I will say his act is getting a little played out.

Nuggets still have fewer losses in the playoffs than the Lakers this year. game 2 Thursday, we'll see what's up. we just need one on the road and wecan win this thing in Denver.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Why is Anthony Carter even in the game at this point? Because George Karl trusted his judgment? He's not even an offensive threat at this point. He completely botched the last few minutes of this game.
also, Karl has a man-crush (nh) on Carter. they are buds. Karl thinks the world of him and fails to realize he is the least clutch player on theteam. he needs to stick to playing limited minutes off the bench for defensive purposes.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
If this is any indication of how the series will play out, I'm very confident that I
will get to see Kobe failing again.


No lie, every time we win it feels so much better because of you guys.
Lakers got outplayed the whole game. You guys have to have the softest big men in the league.

What the @#$% does any of that have to with? Denver DESERVES to win this game?

Nobody DESERVES to win %^&*, you earn it. Get a clue.

The last few weeks the trolls and there "Embarrassed the game of basketball" and "they didn't DESERVE this win."

This isn't Survivor. American Idol. It's a game, both teams played, and the winner won the game.

I've never seen any other team with so many rules and classifications to how to win, if they earn a win, how to play, when they play, what in the $%^& is wrong with people these days?

People are begging for us to lose now. Offerin piggy banks and sh*^ to Stern hopin he'll help them out.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I mean, why is the 5'10" backup point inbounding the ball there?
and chauncey didnt keep comin to the ball/ blame all the way around from coaches to players
And this.

Trevor Ariza was on some Ed Reed +!+!, and Chauncey shoulda game to the ball. In that situation you gotta know someone is trailing you.

K-Mart/Kleiza shoulda been inbounding the ball. Somebody. You KNOW they are going to put a big man on the ball trying to make the pass hard/get a deflection, etc.

That's Basketball 101.
Lakers did not deserve to win this game.
NO team deserves to win more than the other.

But the Lakers out executed the Nuggs, and the Nuggets bench did not come to play.

Give LA some respect.

sorry for the multi-posts, but I just have to cosign all of this from a Nuggets fan perspective. people, stop saying the Lakers didn'tdeserve to win. the winner is the team who wins the game. period. tit doesn't happen by accident, both teams tried to win. LA deserves respect becausethey are a great team. the Nuggets are a team that is now showing the signs of being a great team, and the two teams in a series are both respectable.
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