OFFICIAL Western Conference Finals SPURS @ LAKERS Game 1

Kobe just go home if you don't feel like playing today
Kobe is being to passive, like ray in the cleveland series. You can not play from behind with the spurs.
Kobe is taking himself out the game. He needs to put some pressure on the D and drive to hoop. He'll either get a foul or he can dish to open shooters.
Did we ever figure out what Farmar has against Kobe? Dude NEVER passes to him.

Did you see Kobe motion for Farmar to take the ball to the other side of the court only to have Farmar ignore him multiple times?

I hate to pull a Lakers4Life here, but the Spurs are making this look easy.

Spurs in 6 unless Kobe plays a little bit better. Utah had one (Utah thought they had two) guy that can turn it up when Kobe decides to go off. The Spurs havethree.

Kobe's waiting too long to turn up his game.

Damn, I can't watch the rest of this. Time for the DVR.
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Originally Posted by knightngale

Kobe just go home if you don't feel like playing today

It's these kinds of comments man that make people not take some of you serious. LOL.
i agree....and i dont agree with gordon like EVER...
Problems so far on the Lakers end:

- Gasol, Odom, and Vladdy are pretty much doing nothing in the paint. They're getting no point production, no offensive rebounds, no defensive rebounds, noblocks, no backtaps, no deflections... nothing.

- no hustle

- as a team, the defensive effort is pitiful
Originally Posted by kash55

I predict Spurs win this series 4-1
i agree... i thought spurs would get it in 6 but the spurs D is doing a number on the lakers good offense...

good defense ALWAYS beats good offense...
Did you see Kobe motion for Farmar to take the ball to the other side of the court only to have Farmar ignore him multiple times?

Yea I caught that
That's what prompted my post. I had always kind of noticed that Jordan seems to not listen to Kobe or pass to him, even in reallyobvious situations. I remember one time he was on a fast break and it was him and Kobe with two defenders, both of whom collapsed on him. He STILL refused topass to Kobe for a wide open layup and instead went up for a ridiculous layup attempt. I wonder if Kobe bought him a $9000 watch
Kobe is still going to wind up with 30+ in this game, the only questions is, will the Spurs be able to absorb the rush and steal this game?
Good half for the Spurs. It's just another game of basketball for them today. They're not even being extra aggressive or anything. Just playingconsistent ball right now while the Lakers's role players are the ones running around and trying to create opportunities wherever they can. Looks like amismatch, but I don't doubt for a minute Kobe and Odom (maybe Fisher) will pick it up a bit. How much? We have yet to see.
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