Official WRESTLEMANIA XXV Thread - 4/5 PPV 7pm et - Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, HHH vs Orton

I hope we don't see the McMahons turning on HHH. I don't need to see a HHH Vs. Shane or Vince type of storyline.

Maybe Santino comes out dressed at Trish, gets lots of boos from the crowd then the real Trish shows up.

Hope Christian and Jericho win their matches. Jericho got stuck in a horrible Wrestlemania Match.
i dont like to jinx things, but i have a feeling something will go wrong at mania, like a major injury or sumthin
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

not the one i read

Tell me Cena is turning heel? That's all I want to hear...
I do have to agree with GetHols feelings that something is going to go wrong...I don't know what it is but it just feels like it...
Also another prediction that I would have is that Batista will make an impact someplace...Not sure where...Maybe he will have a role with the HHH / Ortonmatch...
Originally Posted by vegetaray123

Also another prediction that I would have is that Batista will make an impact someplace...Not sure where...Maybe he will have a role with the HHH / Orton match...

yea in my prediction i said batista will take out legacy after they interfeer in the match then he takes out orton and then he takes out hhh which at backlashwill be a triple threat match between hhh, orton and batista
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Predictions[/color] (NOTE: I am not spoiling anyone with any of mypredictions because NOTHING has been leaked regarding winners for matches. I'm also NOT taking into account the possible "swerve", which at thispoint is only a rumor...)

JBL vs. Rey Mysterio - I don't know if this is JBL's last match...but it will be his final Wrestlemania. His back is acting up onhim and he's supposedly set to retire soon. I feel JBL will go over Rey because Rey beat him on this week's RAW and Wrestlemania is taking place inTexas, JBL's home state.

Winner: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]JBL[/color]

MITB Match - This match will be very interesting, to say the least. It's a match in which the winner is basically who Vince thinksdeserves a major push and title reign down the line. I don't think he thinks that highly of Shelton...Shelton is a great performer, but many in the WWE seehim as a upper mid-carder, not a possible main eventer. I would have had MVP winning this if he wouldn't have beaten Shelton for the US Title on Smackdown.I think they both take each other out and MVP goes on to have a feud with someone else after Wrestlemania. After MVP won the US Title, my favorite in thismatch became CM Punk. Punk is said to be in the good graces of Vince and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up winning tonight's match. However, thispast week my favorite changed again...and I think Captain Charisma himself will go over and win the MITB match. There have been conflicting reports regardinghow Vince feels about Christian, but Christian has said Vince and him are cool and I feel this is where WWE puts him on the path where he was originallyplanned to be.

Winner: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Christian[/color] (#2 if Christian doesn't win, CM Punk)

Chris Jericho vs. The Legends
- What had potential to be a great match (Y2J vs. Austin or Hogan) has turned into what it is now because the 'Edoesn't know how to plan long term and/or have back-up plans.
Austin was asked by Vince to be Jericho's opponent in what would be his finalmatch in his home state...but Austin told him he would have needed 3-4 months of conditioning if he were to have wrestled another match. So if Vince contactedAustin in let's say November '08 and proposed this to him, we would have had a different match today and a crazy build-up between Jericho and SteveAustin.
Ugh. I see Jericho taking Snuka and then Piper out...Steamboatvs. Jericho for a little, there's a ref bump...Mickey Rourke gets in the ring and punches Jericho, Steamboat closes it out for the win. The Legends +Rourke all celebrate in the ring.

Winner(s): [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The Legends[/color]

25 Diva Battle Royal - If Trish Stratus is in here (which I expect to happen), she's winning. If not Trish, then Mae Young like 4wsaid.

Winner: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Trish Stratus[/color] (#2 is Stratus doesn't win, Mae Young)

Carlito and Primo vs. Morrison and Miz - A Carlito and Primo win here would do wonders for their career, but I don't see WWE givingthem this type of rub at Wrestlemania. WWE has loved the work of Morrison and Miz this past year and a victory here would be their reward for the work they putin on ECW, Smackdown and RAW consistenly...they're the best current tag team in the WWE, hands down.

Winners: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Morrison and Miz[/color]

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy - This is the easiest one to predict, IMO. Jeff gets the win here after all the "torture" Matt puthim through. Ain't no way Matt is going over's been said the feud won't continue past Wrestlemania.

Winner: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Jeff Hardy[/color]

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker - Should be the match of the night right here. I'm expecting greatness between these two...withouta doubt, it's Undertaker who wins here...his streak will continue.

Winner: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Undertaker[/color]

Edge vs. Big Show vs. John Cena - This one is sort of hard to predict...I have no clue where the 'E wants to go here. I'll sayCena takes the title because his flop of a movie is out right now and Vickie will probably screw both Big Show and Edge out of the championship.

Winner: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]John Cena[/color]

HHH vs. Randy Orton - I think this match plays out in either two ways:

#1. The scenario that 4w presented:
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The show closes with the grand celebration of the entire McMahon family, including HHH, celebrating in the middle of the ring with all the confetti and fireworks that normally go along with WrestleMania. It is a fitting way for the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania to end.
Which wouldn't shock me, since HHH and Vince would want the 25th anniversary of WM to be about THEM and HHH has been due for a WM win for thelongest.

#2. The original plan which had been scrapped/postponed...a McMahon turns heel tonight, screws HHH out of the championship and Randy f'ing Orton becomesyour new WWE Champion. My perfect scenario would be for Orton to RKO HHH in the middle of the ring for a 1, 2, 3...but what are the chances of that?

I'm going with scenario #1.

Winner: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Triple GOD[/color]

I'm already doing News & Notes now so I'll post up the RUMORED (emphasis on RUMORED, NOT CONFIRMED) swerve that's out there in a few.
i wonder if wwe will give up on that legacy angle already, its been pretty much pointless...

i guess we will have to wait till the draft and see...

the draft is the 13th right?
MITB: Shelton gets to shine
Tag Titles: Morrison/Miz
Diva Battle Royal: Santino
Jeff Hardy
Big Show
Randy Orton
Jericho over the Legends but his night will end with a stunner

I expect there to be a couple swerves tonight that none of us really see coming.
Ill be there in a little while got some seats right above the 700 dollar ring seats in the $300 vip risers... Im ready they got me pretty hype after the hallof fame yesterday which i went to also. Its gonna be straight i know its wrestlemania...
News & Notes: WM Edition

Major Swerve to possibly occur at tonight's Wrestlemania 25 (NOT CONFIRMED, JUST RUMORED AS OF NOW).

Spoiler [+]
- There have been rumors swirling around that WWE creative may swerve the World Heavyweight Championship triple threat match at tonight's WrestleMania 25 pay-per-view and have the Money in the Bank winner "cash in." I have heard two different scenarios, involving two different possibilities for MITB winners, so plans seem to be changing or WWE could be sending smoke signals.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I had always thought one day the WWE would have the MITB winner cash in on the same night at Wrestlemania...let's see if tonight is the night. If this were to happen, my perfect scenario would be for Edge to go over and beat Cena/Big Show, with Vickie and Edge screwing both of them out of the title. They laugh and think it's all good when boom...Christian's music hits and they have a quick 3-4 minute match. Christian goes over and becomes the new World Champion. This would be the first time since Christian re-debuted that him and Edge would be together in the same ring or even acknowledged each other. It would also make a lot of sense because we're already having a brother vs. brother match tonight...why not make it two?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It just seems like a great WM moment.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I did mention this scenario a couple of weeks ago so if I end up being right...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Or it could be WWE sending out fake rumors to catch whoever it is that's been leaking information. Anything is possible.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't want this thread to go 3 pages w/ people hinting and talking about it...if you're gonnamention it, USE THE SPOILER FUNCTION. If you don't know how to use it, it's
[ / spoiler] (without the spaces) with whatever you need to sayin between.

Steve Austin says he's "officialy done" with his professional wrestling career.

During Steve Austin's Hall of Fame induction speech last night, he officially closed the doors on his professional wrestling career. He noted that he now pursuing a movie career and hoped that his fans would continue to support him as they have over the past few years.

For those who may not know, one of the reasons that Austin is closing the door on professional wrestling is due to his health. His neck is in really bad shape, and Jim Ross had actually noted about a month ago in his blog that it would only take one more bump for severe damage to take place.

All in all, it was a great speech by Austin, and was very fitting to have him drink beer to close out the show.

WWE frustrated with lack of media coverage for Wrestlemania 25.

Sources within WWE feel that WrestleMania 25 has not generated the usual mainstream publicity because longtime promoter Bob Collins is no longer with the company. Collins worked with the local media in the hosted cities for the event to generate publicity.

John Saboor resigned as President of the Central Florida Sports Commission last year to replace Collins as the VP of Special Events. Saboor was instrumental in convincing Vince McMahon to bring WrestleMania 24 to Orlando.

There has not been negative feedback about Saboor's performance, but rather that Collins is missed after working with the company for over two decades. The company's excuse for the lack of media coverage is that Houston is not a major market and there is no celebrity appearance like in the past with Donald Trump and Floyd Mayweather.

Hulk Hogan says his last match was supposed to be against The Rock.

Hulk Hogan said that his WrestleMania match against Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was supposed to be the nail in his coffin in a recent interview with the San Francisco Chronicle.

"As I raised his hand and said he's the greatest wrestler in the world, they had to turn me back red and yellow (his pre-villain colors) immediately," Hogan said. "It's kind of interesting, that was going to be the nail in my coffin. It turned out to be the fountain of youth for me."

Hogan also commented on his match with Andre The Giant at WrestleMania 3.

WWE Hall of Fame show disappoints many in attendance.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Last night's WWE Hall of Fame was seen as a disappointment to many, especially those there live. For the first time the company enforced strict time constraints giving 2 and a half minutes for the inductor and 5 minutes for the inductee. There was even a huge digital clock that counted down each person, causing poor people like Howard Finkel to rush like crazy.

The main problem here is that WWE wants the show to air on the USA Network in the one hour format, but if it goes long it gives the editors a hell of a job to get all of the important bits. In previous years they've edited it after the fact, but this year the live show itself was only just over 2 hours long.

WWE will need to make the decision next year whether to continue in this format or negotiate a later slot for USA.

Wrestlemania script finalized yesterday.

- The WrestleMania script was finalized yesterday afternoon as Vince McMahon met with the creative team to go over everything. As you can imagine, plans are being kept very secret and could change at any moment.

Big Show apologizes backstage for spoiling Wrestlemania 25 match-up.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Big Show continues to apologize to WWE for revealing the details of his WrestleMania 25 match on a VH1 show before it was announced on WWE television, reports Jason Powell of

Big Show felt really bad about telling VH1 that his WrestleMania 25 match would be a Triple Threat match featuring John Cena before WWE actually announced it on television and apologized to just about anyone who would listen. Reports are suggesting that Big Show reached out to his opponents John Cena and Edge, and countless other people to apologize for the blunder.

Sources in WWE said that they considered the situation as a non-issue and also said that it may have been set-up to give away the Triple Threat match in order to help hype WrestleMania 25. No backstage heat was on Big Show for spoiling the match.

One source said this proves Big Show's passion for the business with the remorse he is showing for the blunder. He has recently been receiving a great amount of praise from people within the company. A source noted Big Show's passion after working a series of matches with Undertaker has helped turn it up behind the scenes with the right people noticing him and help raise his stock within WWE.

WWE hires "handler" for Ric Flair.

WWE has actually hired a handler for Ric Flair who has been accompanying him to independent bookings and even when he goes out. Apparently this was done to "protect their investment" leading into WrestleMania this Sunday. As previously reported, Flair is not under a new WWE contract and will continue to work independently after WrestleMania unless plans change.

Ted DiBiase Sr. teases a match against his son.

Jason Ballew sent word that Ted DiBiase Senior teased a match against his son (Ted DiBiase Jr.) at Friday's WrestleMania Axxess event. DiBiase said that he has lost 40 pounds since January and is getting back in shape.

Shawn Michaels not happy with draft of D-X book.

During a recent interview, Shawn Michaels talked about the upcoming WWE book about D-Generation X and said he read the first draft of the book and wasn't happy with it. Michaels felt it didn't accurately convey what was going on at the time.

Edge speaks on Christian being back in WWE and toning down his wrestling style.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Edge revealed in a recent interview with Kevin Eck of the Baltimore Sun he became a main event superstar by toning down his wrestling style.

"Well, you definitely have to. I honestly think that's part of the reason why I got higher on the card. That's one of the things that I was told right from the beginning. I remember Steve Austin saying, 'Yeah, you have to pick and choose. You have to be careful.' And I just thought I was indestructible. So that's why at No Mercy you would have Edge and Christian against The Hardys just trying to break every boundary that hadn't been broken yet. But looking back and feeling it when I wake up in the morning, I get it, I understand it. And I really started to understand it once I started garnering more of a reaction from the stuff that I'm doing now as opposed to trying to flip and fly everywhere." Edge said.

Edge commented on the possibility of WWE letting him work with Christian again, "I'm hoping they do," he said. "I think at some point they have to. I think the audience wants to see it. I always said it'd be cool whenever the day is that one of us or both us of retired to kind of do a little reunion tour before we did. Just because we grew up together and we have been best friends for 25 years, so it would just be a lot of fun to do. It's been awesome having him back because we ride together again. And we're just a couple of idiots, so it's a lot of fun to travel and ride the roads with your best friend."

John Cena interview; speaks on if he would turn heel, Triple H and more.

John Cena recently featured in a live chat with Comcast Cable to promote WrestleMania 25. Below are highlights from the live chat:

On if he would turn heel: "That's not up to me, that's certainly up to the fans. I've always just been myself. I've formed a strong connection with a lot of folks, but if they ever get sick of me, it'll be them that make it happen "

On working with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on a movie: "I would love to. As much as I would like to have a match with him, I think both of our presence on screen would be pretty cool. I don't know what movie has ever seen that much kick-#!+. Maybe a remake of "Predator," or something. But I'd love to."

On Triple H: "I think he's one of the greatest in-ring performers of all time and on top of that, he's a consumate professional. I think he's going to beat Randy Orton, and he's certainly one of the guys that's been instrumental in my success. He's been fantastic for WWE."

On who has helped him the most in the business: "Arn Anderson and from the current roster, Shawn Michaels."

On if he agrees with WWE going PG: "I certainly do. I think it's very, very important in this day and age, and in a time where role models are falling like a house of cards, I really enjoy the position that I'm in and there is nothing more flattering than having a parent come up and say, 'You are my son's role model. Keep doing what you're doing.'"

On the Money in the Bank ladder match: "That's certainly a match that everyone has their eyes on, and over the years it's been quite an honor to be in that group. ... I certainly would love an opportunity."

On his WWE debut in 2002 against Kurt Angle: "Nervous. Very nervous. I don't remember much from it, it was just a very, very fast day. I'd prepared for it all my life and when it actually happened, I was just very, very nervous."

John Cena receives backstage heat for steroid related comments.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]During an interview last week with WFAN Radio, John Cena reveals that his recent anti-steroid comments have landed him in hot water with members WWE management as well as his fellow superstars. Cena got a lot of attention recently for saying that New York Yankee Alex Rodrigez should receive jail time for his past steroid use. Cena re-stated his position during the WFAN interview that harsher penalties, such as the threat of jail time, should be created for athletes who are caught using illegal drugs.

Cena was asked if there's been any negative feedback from WWE for being so out-spoken about the controversial issue, and he said, "Of course there is. I get kickback from corporate. I get kick kickback from my co-workers. But if America is on a campaign to 'clean this thing up,' let's get the word out and start doing something about it."

Cena said there's a different set of rules for high-profile athletes, which doesn't set a good example for kids. "Honestly, if you're not Alex Rodriguez, or if you're not (Miguel) Tejada, or if you're not Barry Bonds, and these guys get caught for substance abuse, it really just ends up a scroller on the ESPN ticker," Cena said. "There is no penalty."

Cena also said it's easy for him to say no to steroids because he's been athletically gifted his entire life and he puts the effort in the gym. "It's actually very easy (to say no). I've always been genetically gifted," Cena said. "In this day in age, I pride myself as being one of those guys who's stronger in the weight room and stronger in the ring."

Torrie Wilson interview; talks about the injury that ended her career, TNA, a return to wrestling and more.

- Kevin Eck of the Baltimore Sun has a new Q&A online with Torrie Wilson. Below are the highlights:

Her back injury and why she left WWE: "It's kind of a freak thing. I never thought it was a bad back injury. Every once in a while for the year leading up to when it started really getting bad, it would lock up on me and I'd be laying on my floor, on my bed, wherever, for 30 minutes at a time because I physically couldn't even move. I was in tears. I just let it go, let it go, and it got to a point where, when I had matches I was really, really scared that it would lock up while I was wrestling and I wouldn't be able to move in front of a crowd. The last straw was when I had a match, I think it was on Smackdown, and I actually went to Vince [McMahon] and Johnny Ace and said, "Look, I don't think I can wrestle. My back's been hurting me and I'm afraid it's going to lock up and I'll look like an idiot out there. And so they sent me home and I went to a specialist, who couldn't find anything at first. And then I was going to a chiropractor for about nine months. I was getting epidural shots. You name it, I tried it. It got to the point where I couldn't even bend over to pick my dogs up or tie my shoes. I ended up finally meeting this new surgeon who has this new surgery where they go through your side, and they realized that one of my discs was completely collapsed. So no matter what I was doing to try to ease the pain, nothing was going to help it unless I replaced the disc. So that's eventually what I did in May. It was shortly after that where I was getting so tired of traveling. At that point I had already opened my clothing store. I knew I wasn't going to be wrestling any more. There was no way I was going to risk hurting myself again knowing how it felt to be so crippled. I just sat back and really thought long and hard and said, "You know what, I don't think I want to do this anymore." And they completely understood. They were great about it."

What it was like training with Madusa: "Oh my God. It was pathetic. When I think back now, I was just a young kid that was scared of everybody and never really spoke my mind. I just think, what nerve she had to be dropping us on our heads and making us miserable and not wanting to wrestle. Looking back, I feel for her. She was bitter. All these new young girls that had no clue about wrestling were coming into the business and taking her spot, but I just thought she went about it all the wrong way."

When asked if she would ever get back in the ring: "Today, while I'm sitting here driving in my car, there's no way I would ever get in the ring again and take bumps. Do I want to go back to wrestling? No. But would I like to have another match? Yeah, of course I'd like to have another match. When I left I just kind of fizzled away. I didn't have a goodbye match. I don't even remember what my last match was. It would be a great experience. I do miss being out in front of that crowd a lot."

When asked if she still watches wrestling: "I hadn't watched for the longest time, and I just recently started watching here and there a little bit a few months ago. It was hard for me to watch for a long time. I felt like I was missing out on everything."

Who she still keeps in touch with: Gosh, now that Victoria quit [pauses]. Michelle McCool and Carlito I'm still really good friends with. And Chavo Guerrero. But really not very many. It seems like everybody's disappearing.

If she would be interested in working for TNA: No. Nothing against TNA, but WWE is where you would want to be in that industry. And, you know, I get anxiety going to visit my mom on a plane now because I was just traveling so much before [laughs]. So the thought of being gone even one day a week doesn't sound like something I want to do."

Click here to read the very detailed article.

Mark Henry pondering retirement?

- Mark Henry has been telling people both privately and publicly he's thinking about retiring from the ring in the next couple of years. Henry reportedly wants to pursue a career in acting.

Monty Brown (Marcus Cor Von) negotiating with WWE for return.

- Former TNA & WWE worker Monty Brown (who worked as Marcus Cor Von in WWE) is negotiating a return to World Wrestling Entertainment. Brown left WWE in September 2007 after taking several months off from the company due to family issues. We'll have more information as it becomes available.

Some notable faces backstage at Hall of Fame ceremony.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- Some notable faces who were spotted backstage at the Hall Of Fame ceremony last night include Diamond Dallas Page (who turns 53 years old today), Mickey Rourke, Billy Kidman, and Tito Santana.[/font]

Some wrestlers furious with Fan Axxess event.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Some WWE talent were told to work the WrestleMania Axxess event tomorrow night. As a result, they will not be able to attend the annual Hall of Fame ceremony. As you would imagine, a number of those asked are upset - to put it mildly. Here is the talent schedule for tomorrow evening:

Session #3
7 - 9 p.m. CT: Superstar appearances by Kane, Rosa Mendes, Santino Marella, Shelton Benjamin, Evan Bourne, Jillian & more!

Session #3
9 - 11 p.m. CT: Superstar appearances by MVP, Alicia Fox, Jesse, Festus & more!

The Hall of Fame ceremony will be taking place from approximately 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. There is some confusion internally about why WWE would schedule these things so strangely, but the plans are final.

Wrestlers without matches at Wrestlemania 25.

A number of notable WWE Superstars were not figured into matches at WrestleMania XXV including ECW Champion Jack Swagger, Vladimir Kozlov, Evan Bourne, The Great Khali, Umaga and DJ Gabriel. Here is the complete list of wrestlers that aren't advertised to compete at tonight's show:

- Batista (injured)
- Charlie Haas
- Cody Rhodes
- Dolph Ziggler
- Goldust
- "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
- Jamie Noble
- Mike Knox
- Santino Marella
- Shad
- Sim Snuka
- Ted DiBiase
- William Regal

- Chavo Guerrero
- Curt Hawkins
- DH Smith
- Ezekiel Jackson
- Festus
- Hurricane Helms
- Jesse
- Jimmy Wang Yang
- Kung Fu Naki
- Mr. Kennedy (injured)
- R-Truth
- The Brian Kendrick
- The Great Khali
- Umaga
- Vladimir Kozlov
- Zack Ryder

- DJ Gabriel
- Evan Bourne
- Jack Swagger
- Paul Burchill
- Ricky Ortiz
- Tommy Dreamer
- Tyson Kidd
I'm really hoping that Ego H knows the best thing for business in the long-term is for him to lose tonight. Especially with that report a while back thatWWE offered Orton a 10-year contract, and what would be the point of building someone up so high just to have him lose to someone like HHH??

Btw... I'm willing to bet that HHH had a terrible night of sleep after Vince called Stone Cold the greatest superstar of all-time. Probably spit water allover his hotel suite...
Spoiler [+]
If they plan on cashing the MITB in tonight and Christian happens to win the case I think we'll see someone like Big Show going over with Christian feuding with him for his brother Edge.
Just previews right now

Cant post the link


Triple H
Trish Stratus
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Monty Brown (Marcus Van Cor) negotiating with WWE for return.

- Former TNA & WWE worker Monty Brown (who worked as Marcus Cor Von in WWE) is negotiating a return to World Wrestling Entertainment. Brown left WWE in September 2007 after taking several months off from the company due to family issues. We'll have more information as it becomes available.

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

I'm really hoping that Ego H knows the best thing for business in the long-term is for him to lose tonight. Especially with that report a while back that WWE offered Orton a 10-year contract, and what would be the point of building someone up so high just to have him lose to someone like HHH??

thats why i think orton is winning tonight. hhh has made mentions before of what "is best for business" and i dont think him beating rko is, so itshouldnt matter if hes due for a wm win or not. maybe just the hope that rko wins is clouding my judgment but hopefully not
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