Official Xbox 360 Madden 10 League (New league, fantasy draft, 8 teams!)

you guys usually run more leagues than 1? if so, i want in the next one. gives me time to practice before i get my *@$ whooped
Its not like 2k9 where we do a new league each time...

Its an on going franchise

You might as well join
Fraij you got the game? We need to play our game to see who gets the packers.

And how about this, the loser gets the ******** becasue Craigs switching to the Lions. If your cool with that Fraij. They're prolly the best team leftthats why im saying that.
How did i lose my spot from the other dynasty.. Thats BS.. I have mine enabled and have been waiting on that invite.. You shoulda transferred the same people..
a Crag u never said anything bout me getting the panthers.

IDK what happened... but my first frnachise I started isnt showing up.. so If I sent you an invite.. I need to re-invite you

I'm sticking with Washington...

No way I can run with the lions
lol i just did it.

but im gonna watch the Vick press conference then ima hop back online soon as its over.

by the way have you heard from the dude who is the Ravens? if not let me get them instead.

If you have then dont worry bout it im rollin with the Panthers
Scratch that.. I'm going to be the Vikes... then we can have 2 teams in each division for the NFC
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

you gotta have a code to be able to do online dyn???

Its in the casing..

But they make you put it in to do the online franchise

Right now we have 2 teams from each Divison reppin the NFC.. it'd be nice to do something similar in the AFC.. haven't taken a look tho
Welllll i didnt buy the game so i dont have a code
but it looks like you can go on there and purchase online franch access so its no biggie i guess...
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