Official Xbox 360 Madden 10 League (New league, fantasy draft, 8 teams!)

I know that.. I was implying that you aren't gonna want to pay 10 bucks to play an online franchise
Ok the league is NT2

invite only

Please post in here when you are able to recieve an invite and you'll get one

And for now Pac Man stick with Panthers
Well my game hasn't shipped yet and I really don't know when it will, but I NEED this game now, does anyone know if me not having a receipt from it (Istupidly pounced on the Sports Illustrated offer) I can return it to Walmart or somewhere and get my money back. If so I'll just go and buy it now and whenthe other one comes in, return it.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Well my game hasn't shipped yet and I really don't know when it will, but I NEED this game now, does anyone know if me not having a receipt from it (I stupidly pounced on the Sports Illustrated offer) I can return it to Walmart or somewhere and get my money back. If so I'll just go and buy it now and when the other one comes in, return it.

Last year I had trade in credit @ I got NCAA there... but they only had the PS3 version..

Got it... took it too WalMart and returned it for Store Credit

If you bought it there... then got the copy from SI I would assume you'd be able to return it
That makes sense, just keep the receipt from WalMart and return it. Thanks Crag I'm about to go pick it up within the hour.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Well my game hasn't shipped yet and I really don't know when it will, but I NEED this game now, does anyone know if me not having a receipt from it (I stupidly pounced on the Sports Illustrated offer) I can return it to Walmart or somewhere and get my money back. If so I'll just go and buy it now and when the other one comes in, return it.

figured this would happen- stayed away from that deal
WHere is jehlers at?

Im goin to the track soon so i wont be around to play that game for a few hours unless he gets on soon
Yo Crag, I just picked the game up can you send me an invite? Does everyone have their same teams or are some other ones available? If it's the same teamsend me the invite as the Saints.
I'll join as soon as I can, cousins are hogging the xbox right now

And Craig, get in teddythegr:nerd:ne he had a spot in my other thread.
My bad fraij ive been out all night and i gotta leave right now.

Il be on tonight, can you play then? prolly around midnight
maybe i dunno... might go out tonight downtown but not sure yet... and im not gonna play drunk, thats for sure
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