Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

Finally swapped my dead, three-ring flashing XBOX original for an Elite this morning. Only had time to recover my gamertag before I left for work. After seeingall this excitement over COD4, I might have to go pick that up. Then again, it was a frenzy on NT that had me picking up Manhunt II for the Wii ... and Ialready sold that.
Toys R Us is selling the HD DVD drive add on for $129. It's unavailable online, but if you can find it in-store, I'm sure they have to price match it.

and if you guys were wondering what kind of disc drive you have, you can compare it to these... The BenQ is by far the most quiet.
wowowowoowow we pay for the service and they probably get money from the ads they put on XBL and they cant even handle all the new people going online? theyshouldve expected it to happen..... bunch of morons
Originally Posted by aRog27

My 360 is set up and I am officially on Xbox live ...the day has come
wow you pciked a bad time with all this bull crap going on with the service
People who quit games should be hunted down and hurt...I;ve lost by 40 points before and didnt quit. These punks who lose a close game in the last few minuteswait until the last possible mili-second and quit the game. Punks take away my W's........damn punks.......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
If 2K stops making NBA games I will never play a basketball video game again.

Did anyone also hear the rumor that the Lead Gameplay Designer for the NBA2K series - Mike Wang has left the company and is now working for EA??? The namedoesn't sound too familiar but this is the dude that made the 2K series what it is today. All the new ISO moves and signature style was added to the gamecause of this guy. This dude basically designed the NBA2K7 masterpiece that turned the table for 2K sports. I switched to the 2K series cause of NBA2K7alone... Man I hope this isn't true. WTF is going on over @ 2Ksports???

I really hope this rumor isn't true... But here's a link to the post on the 2Ksports boards:

Man I ain't trying to go back to NBA Live...
Certainly one of the best games I've ever played. The environment and story are unmatched. It's really a video game that makes you rethink how you look at gaming. They did an excellent job or bringing you into the game.

That's good to know. My parents got me that and NBA 2k8 for my birthday. Too bad I won't be able to play 'em until tomorrow, no way in hell I'mmissing either of the BCS games today to play some video games.
Anyone wanna buy my copy of Assassin's Creed??? Played 3 times total.
I really like this game but I don't have time right now... 2K8 and COD4 is all I mess with.

$35 shipped gets it... PM me if you want it.
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