Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

Don't know why, but all of a sudden I can't connect to live... I keep testing the connection and constantly keep failing xboxlive. I'm not sure ifit's on my end, but my friends are working okay... I tried going to the website, but the site is also down atm... Anyone experiencing this ritenow?

This picture is
M16A4 with STOPPING POWER >>>>>>>>>>> G3 or M14 with DOUBLE TAP
trust me

9/10 times i kill enemies with only 1-2 pull(S) of the trigger

still tryin to get camos for my guns and doin gun challenges, LMGs arent bad either reloadin is a B tho

if you play on small maps like shipment or vacant use the P90 with stopping power
Originally Posted by the hater boxden

i think it depends on the game, like cod4, you cant play online with more than 1person on a console, but on halo3 i think you can have 4 people on the same console and still play on xbl

yep - depends on the game, a lot of them you can split screen on XBL, a few you can't. Can't believe you can't on COD4 - that'd be so muchfun, but oh well.. i'm guessing b/c the game runs at such a high frame rate that it would cause some problems with lag and such.
Originally Posted by CashmereThought96

Any Help

all you have to do is call xbox and give them the system serial number. you dont need a reciept... if its registered to someone else, tell them you boughtit offf ebay... most of the time, the previous owner hasnt registered the system yet...

on another note, i went 55 kills, 10 deaths a few days ago on cod 4, then went 46 and 7, and then last night went 33 and 1 starting off 25 and 0 with myfirst 25 kill streak. all in team deathmatch and with the MP5
On COD4 you can't make the g3 fully automatic, its all about the quickness of your finger.

Work out your finger and you shall unleash the power of the G3

so much power
if you were to have HD media downloaded on your computer would it be able to stream it as such with TVersity??
Question about Xbox Live,

Can you link accounts under 1 subscription? Like if my brother and I want separate accounts, can we do so under one subscription?

is live completly down or what? my little bro just told me it was completly down and it was lagging and wouldnt let him play online or anything.
What I do with GH3 is recognize patterns. That's all the game is. A lot of times you're hitting Green+Yellow, Red+Blue, Green+Blue, Red+Orange or any of the two next to each other like Green+Red, etc. That's what I do.
.: nnarum :.​
Originally Posted by daaznfella


if i buy a older xbox game, such as street fighter anniversary, can i still play it online with other people? ???

Yep I still play streetfighter AC from time to time.
anyone have this problem for madden online?

i go to play with a friend (ranked/unranked) and when they join the game you see their name but its just says none. it dosent show them picking a team either.your friend sees the same thing. why is this?
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

a) Is Halo 1 even available for online play through Live (co-op or vs)?

b) is the quality of the og x box games the same, or are they upgraded to 720p ? (one can wish)

all the games are just ported over, meaning it's the same as having the original disk, so that means no HD, no achievements, and no xbox live unlessthe original game had it (which Halo 1 didn't)
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