5 rings..... Sounds interesting. Kobes 31?.... If he gets 5 this year.... Can he get 2 more in a 5 year time span? He has a good 4 years in him. He sucked a bit this year due to injuries.... But he'll bounce right back
Originally Posted by never wear them

5 rings..... Sounds interesting. Kobes 31?.... If he gets 5 this year.... Can he get 2 more in a 5 year time span? He has a good 4 years in him. He sucked a bit this year due to injuries.... But he'll bounce right back

I think sky is the limit, he has his boy Pau Gasol with him for the next 3-4 years. 
Let's not get off topic again fellas, mods won't be too happy....

Spoiler [+]
Let's see if Phil decides to stay or head to the Bulls.
Originally Posted by al3x89

i think phil will stay if the lakers win another championship this year and if Dr. Buss is willing to pay the hall of fame coach a reasonable amount of money to stay.
Kobe V > Any Lebron shoe....

Phil is staying. Lebron is gone. Sorry Cleveland....You had your 5+ years to do it and failed.
It was either the POP or the Del Sol last with the FL coupon. I decided to get to POP. To me, I like them a little bit more than the Del Sol...
i don't even like the da vinci's.....they're blah to me. ehhhhhhh. i'm waiting on the finals editions.....
Originally Posted by bak ymmij

Just doing my late night web stroll and came across these, so how much are the Da Vinci going for?

Kind of surprised me, they were a limited release at Montalban right or not?

Got the last pair so no more left sorry.

what site did you find these on from? i'm always looking for new places to find shoes haha
 good job finding those tho! 
Originally Posted by lj12

Originally Posted by bak ymmij

Just doing my late night web stroll and came across these, so how much are the Da Vinci going for?

Kind of surprised me, they were a limited release at Montalban right or not?

Got the last pair so no more left sorry.

what site did you find these on from? i'm always looking for new places to find shoes haha
 good job finding those tho!
All sold out of those already. A lot of other kicks for good prices though.
i pretty sure this was asked before but, does anyone knw how long the laces are on the V's run??
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