Home finals>away finals

Del Sols/Home grs/Away grs/both pairs of my IDs/ASGs/probably some others I forgot>both finals.

Too much hype already for these IMO. If they had some purple on em they'd be much better...

JMizzo...diggin that PS. That's how they should look.
both finals are
I need teem both
Originally Posted by jmizzo

i hope they dont come in packs.....just please do a GR/Limited release....
can i get an, "AMEN!!!" for a more available release for the finals?

IV home finals > V home finals and V away finals > IV away finals.  the gold with the black is just too sleek and sexy imo.
  it's x2 for the V away finals if kobe and dfish win #5 in the Vs.

Home Finals > Away Finals.

I am not feeling the mesh on the Away Finals. It has a whiteish shade to it which is much nicer on the Homes.  If only the mesh was a darker gold on the Aways, I would like them a little more.  Plus, I like the subtlety of the print on the Homes more than the Aways. It's too flashy on the Aways IMO. Wish they added in some purple. Even a purple gum sole on either shoe would have been real nice. Regardless, I'm going to get each pair.

Great game by the Lakers today (especially D.Fish). Two more!
Man, a few days ago peeps were hating on the homes because they were too plain, and now everyone is "both copped"....
Funny how everyone turns around really quickly....

Anyways.. From the first time I saw them I said the homes were nice and I would try to pick them up, but I think the aways are nicer.....
aways are looking good but i still like the IV finals way more than the Vs...i guess ill have to check them out in person when and if they drop for us kobeheads
Don't know how most people like either shoe. I like the homes more than aways, but neither are worthy of being purchased. WAY too much hype!
Lovin' the Aways more than the Homes. But I just like black shoes better. Both are a def. cop for me!
these shoes are so annoying!!! i have a paper due on thursday and i can't stop looking at the finals shoes!!!! arghhh
Originally Posted by peks03

Originally Posted by jmizzo

i hope they dont come in packs.....just please do a GR/Limited release....
can i get an, "AMEN!!!" for a more available release for the finals?

IV home finals > V home finals and V away finals > IV away finals.  the gold with the black is just too sleek and sexy imo.
  it's x2 for the V away finals if kobe and dfish win #5 in the Vs.

you know that's not gonna happen.  it's gonna be hoh, niketown's, and select retailers exclusive.  like nike is gonna let us breeze into the mall and buy the shoe with no problem lol

nike came through on the away's, can't really go wrong with black/gold and icey sole
Man the Aways are so much better than the Home's. I may have to make my first trip to HOH if/when they release........

I just pray its not when I make my visit to LA next month. I'll have NO chance up there
Originally Posted by daaznfella

kobe iv > V easy

but i disagree though, the over doneness of the finals iv's was too much for me, couldn't even pull the trigger to pick them up when they were at the outlets, and opted for a second pair of CD's instead

now....those away V' simple, and clean....S Dubl, you make sure you get a sz 9 when you roast out there getting your pairs
The IV Finals were never at outlets.
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