^I'm in Queens, NYC

Sorry guys, I'm not meaning to break the Rules of Conduct and get this thread locked, but I don't know where else to go to find out info about this shoe... besides here.

I thought I found a pair in the buy/sell lounge, but he said he sold them off already.
Called HOH LA,  spoke to some girl and she said they are suppose get them but not sure about this saturday... Niketown LA said the same thing.
went to nike shanghai and asked around, only one dude knew what i was talking about, he says there's no "release date", they release whenever they get them, he said end of july to middle of august, that's what it's looking like for my shanghai heads....if there's any.
hey guys seems like there is already a release in asia, already got some stocks in.
Called HOH Chicago, some guy said they are not releasing any "Kobe Bryant's" this weekend, only "Jordans".

I hope this is not one of those releases where they just sell them as they come in. I hope there is a "hard" (pause) release date so that those of us driving 7.5 hours can be assured a fair shot at getting a pair like everyone else.
damn the only size they have left is 11, i got 11 blackouts and returned them because 10.5 is what i really am.. i cant wait anymore!
I don't even bother calling HOH LA anymore. I called several times last year for the IV's, even spoke to employees in person and it was ALWAYS a different answer.

Not one of them gave me the right date, smh.

It sucks because I live in the Inland Empire, can't just make the drive out their on assumptions so hopefully I get lucky this time around. Last year was a disaster for me.
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

I don't even bother calling HOH LA anymore. I called several times last year for the IV's, even spoke to employees in person and it was ALWAYS a different answer.

Not one of them gave me the right date, smh.

It sucks because I live in the Inland Empire, can't just make the drive out their on assumptions so hopefully I get lucky this time around. Last year was a disaster for me.

I live in the Inland Empire so I'm in the same situation as you are, but there are some peeps that always camp there for releases
& they always hit me up on release dates or if there's peeps lining up.
question: are the blackouts the ones made with the 'xdr' extra durable rubber outsoles?  i think i saw those on  nicekicks.  I ball mostly outdoors and these things don't last at all
Been away from the threads for a bit.  Glad to see some people back (Daniel/DFAB, Vince/V1NSANITY3)! Anyways, these release dates are way wack.  All I know is that I want:

x2 Home Big Stages
x1 Away Big Stages
x2 UWRs

Hopefully they won't  be very difficult to get.

Other news, went to dinner tonight and someone sitting almost next to me had all del sol IDs.  I could kinda hear their convo and I think they were talkin about shoes at certain times.... Maybe they were on a date???  I chuckled...

i called hoh serramonte 2 days in a row and they said they still don't know when they are gettin them.
i asked if they at least already had them in stock and they said no as well.
I had all the chance in the world to cop the two best cw of the KBIV last year but I snoozed. So this time I was with some lil luck as I got my very first pair of KBV's a while ago and I am lucky to find these and have my size at our local sports shop here in the Philippines

One more pair and I am done. USA cw!
Originally Posted by abstractability

Other news, went to dinner tonight and someone sitting almost next to me had all del sol IDs.  I could kinda hear their convo and I think they were talkin about shoes at certain times.... Maybe they were on a date???  I chuckled...

so you crawled under the table and took pics of their shoes 
why you gotta be so negative shaun..... but that is a lil creepy adrian lmao
ah i think i'm done with the Vs until the Inks because I probably wont get my hands on the big stages
and even then they're not doing it for me... I feel out of loop with this thread now lol
Hahahaha! Is that guy seriously wearing grey shorts with red shoes and black socks?

Like what Mugen said abstract, some ppl have no sense of style/taste. Smh.

Team Dri-Fit and 6Fig will be in "full effect"
Originally Posted by iLLGT2

Just called HOH in Harlem, after a friend that told me they release Saturday, and HOH has no idea when they are coming out........ Hrm

The employees there are morons.  They just eat Popeye's Chicken most of the day and try to come off as shoe experts.  They always change the roster of employees there.

USA and Big Stage Kobe V, and I'm done.
I gotta agree, lil creepy adrian, with taking pictures under the table of guys shoes..... =)
(you sure you weren't checking out his legs? the all del sols are almost cropped out of the picture)

MugenEP...I'm not a fan of ID's...but you are making a strong case to change my mind...2 of those 3 are pretty fresh....

The Finals are laggin'....and USA's are too.
I got money to spend finally dammit......July bonus to come after my last exhibit of the year to Vegas.
Mugen EP, the white/purple pair is sick. Is it an exact copy of the colorway Decpticon0 says Kobe wore? Anyone got pics?

I'm beginning to believe the Big Stages will be released as inventory comes in.
Thanks for the comments guys. I didnt realize I put the pics in here and not in the ID Was a late night last night.

I dont think Kobe wore the white/purple pair but I just wanted a Laker "Home" CW and I thought the Home GR was horrible. I'm really happy with the results and they sure do have a nice "pop" in person.

I'll post more pics tonight in the ID thread (where they belong). haha
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