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Which New Laker Acquisition Will Shine The Most This Upcoming Season?

  • Jordan Farmar

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  • Nick Young

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  • Chris Kaman

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  • Elias Harris

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  • Wesley Johnson

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  • Ryan Kelly

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Kobe saying what he said now means nothing

Now this, I absolutely agree with.

His stance now is meaningless, 12 months from now is what's important. Lot can change in those 12 months. For right now, he's keeping his "leverage" and I have zero problems with that.

When they finally sit down, if he tries to cash in for a ton of money, then I get loud.
[quote name="franc"]you forgot KB8II.
[/quote]Daaaaaang, I forgot about those, too! Nah, those went hard. :smokin The all purple joints, please. :D
Now this, I absolutely agree with.

His stance now is meaningless, 12 months from now is what's important. Lot can change in those 12 months. For right now, he's keeping his "leverage" and I have zero problems with that.

When they finally sit down, if he tries to cash in for a ton of money, then I get loud.
Yeah. He's not stupid, he knows what needs to be done if he wants to win here again. 
If Kobe leaves I'm leaving with him. LOL nah but seriously I'll cheer on any team with him on it...I'll still mess with the lakers unless they are playing each other lol
I had a feeling I should of left the VIII's off the poll... I knew they're currently so hot they'd get a majority of the votes. My purpose was to see what people's favorites were from past shoes.

But oh well :lol:
I'm not saying it was the BEST shoe.
But the Adidas KOBE 1's are always gonna be my FAVORITE.

The joy of owning a pair of those when I was a kid is unforgettable.

I can't really afford Kobe's anymore unless they're in the outlets or on sale. But back then I got a pair as a gift and I felt like I was on top of the world. I had the all silver pair. Not as nice as the all white, but still

I felt like the happiest dude in the world wearing those to school. I didn't have the most swag as a kid I can honestly say, but the days when I was wearing those KOBE ONE's to school you can bet my swag was on a hundred thousand trillion.
i had the mesh playoff ones. memories guys, memories.

I see why P keeps his mouth closed more often lately now.
Everything is stretched into something totally irrelevant.

No one ever said pay the 35 year old Kobe the Max as if he was 19... :rolleyes

All i said was the guy even at 35 will deserve far more than the VETERANS MINIMUM.
At 33 the guy still played like he's 26. Even when he comes back from the Achilles injury, we all damn well know the only thing different about Kobe will be his explosiveness. We all know he will find a way to score his 25 a game, and still shoot 45% from the field, and still will his team to wins if he has some help around him.

Thats not a vet minimum contribution...whether at the age of 34 or at the age of 64...anyone who can contribute that much isnt going to take a vet minimum contract whether we like it or not.

I never said give him a max. I just said there has to be a middle ground, a contract that pays him what he deserves for his age and contribution...still allowing us to go out there and be flexible and pursue Max Contract player(s). But its not going to be no DAMN VET MINIMUM...so stop saying it.

Would i love for him to take that? Sure. But cmon man...BE REALISTIC.
He isnt going to ask for a max contract...but he isnt going to take a vet minimum either.
The reason he says he wont take a pay cut is strictly for business purposes...but its OBVIOUS he is going to take far less money than he is making now.

He just has to allow himself a little wiggle room to still make a decent amount of money for the contribution hes going to make to the team.
Whether thats 6 million, 8 Million, 10 million, 12 million... its gonna have to be something in between there to both appease him and his agent...as well as give the Lakers a chance of pursuing elite players.

If Kobe takes a vet minimum contract, even at the age of 34/35, while hes still producing like hes 27... it messes up everything the players association works for. It messes up negotiations for many other players who are still producing but getting up in age. Then everyones expected to "Take one for the team" and sign a vet minimum contract so they can pursue younger, fresher players. The Players Association is NOT going to be cool with that. Not every one has a bankroll like Kobe Bryant. Others still need big contracts, even as they approach their 30s... if they deserve it, they gotta get paid. Kobe taking a vet min contract when hes not a vet min player might help the Lakers tremendously, but it screws with a lot of other players and their contract negotiations.

So you can say hes being selfish for not taking a 26 MILLION DOLLAR PAY CUT... but if he did, hed be selfish in the sense where hed mess things up for many of his colleagues as they try to get paid and feed their families. :smh:

There HAS to be a middle ground, a fair middle ground, which is why he said what he said.
Even if he takes a pay cut, negotiation tac tics still MUST BE USED.

It is a business guys.
This aint the damn YMCA basketball league. :smh:
You cant expect a player of Kobes caliber to take the same contract as Darren Collison whether hes 35 years old or whether hes 25 years old.
As long as he can produce better than 90% of the league, which he still will, he will have to be paid like it... or in this sense, close to it.

And before you go on me, of course id love him to take a cheap contract and help our franchise.
It would be great. Id love it.
But its not realistic.
There is a players association for a reason, its so situations like that dont mess things up for the rest of the league.

He'll take a pay cut.
Im sure of it.
He has to, he'll never make 30 mill in a season again obviously.
But it aint gonna be no dam 29 million dollar pay cut.
Nor should it be.

Hopefully he'll sign for about that range i said, 6-10 mill...and we'll still have a lotta flexibility to pursue our future studs.
Someone please Hand this man an award.
Kobe isn't stupid.

His comments are more of him saying he's gonna be getting back to Kobe Bryant level this year. Even he wasn't so sure he could a few months ago, but this is another way of him declaring (or challenging himself) to do it.

Not so much that he's actually gonna try to get a new contract that takes up over half the team's cap space.

He damn well knows he takes up significant space, that means no stars. No one's gonna wanna sign to the space they do have if the other featured guy is in his golden years. He knows all this hurts his chances of a 6th ring.

6th ring >>>> being the highest paid guy, or getting Kobe Bryant money cause that's what Kobe Bryant deserves, or anything like that.

He knows Mitch and Jim aren't stupid either. (Well, Mitch isn't stupid at least...) So they WILL tell him they're moving on, rather than wreck their 2014 we-have-all-the-cap-space plan.

Not to mention, if he's not taking a big paycut, Pau's not gonna man up and take the minimum either. And he would hate to see Pau leave. And he knows the Lakers didn't save up this space just to offer the two of them new contracts...

So yeah. Don't take him too literally. The minimum would be a longshot, but so would another near-max contract. He'll play at a discount, which for a legend like Kobe, could be around the $10-12 mil range. And if the Lakers truly sell him on winning, maybe it dips down a little more.
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1. He's the best SG in basketball and he knows it.
2. He's a top 5 scorer in the league and he knows it.
3. His ego is astronomical.

He's not taking a paycut, nor should he. I don't give a damn if he's 35 years old. There's other ways to win a championship besides having 3 max players that would probably take a couple seasons to gel anyways.

Pay the man.
Kobe isn't stupid.

His comments are more of him saying he's gonna be getting back to Kobe Bryant level this year. Even he wasn't so sure he could a few months ago, but this is another way of him declaring (or challenging himself) to do it.

Not so much that he's actually gonna try to get a new contract that takes up over half the team's cap space.

He damn well knows he takes up significant space, that means no stars. No one's gonna wanna sign to the space they do have if the other featured guy is in his golden years. He knows all this hurts his chances of a 6th ring.

6th ring >>>> being the highest paid guy, or getting Kobe Bryant money cause that's what Kobe Bryant deserves, or anything like that.

He knows Mitch and Jim aren't stupid either. (Well, Mitch isn't stupid at least...) So they WILL tell him they're moving on, rather than wreck their 2014 we-have-all-the-cap-space plan.

Not to mention, if he's not taking a big paycut, Pau's not gonna man up and take the minimum either. And he would hate to see Pau leave. And he knows the Lakers didn't save up this space just to offer the two of them new contracts...

So yeah. Don't take him too literally. The minimum would be a longshot, but so would another near-max contract. He'll play at a discount, which for a legend like Kobe, could be around the $10-12 mil range. And if the Lakers truly sell him on winning, maybe it dips down a little more.

Kobe would rather see the best center in the league walk than share the spotlight with him. And he did that TWICE. That speaks volumes to where his head is at.

He believes he can still get it done regardless. And the scary thing is, he probably can.
Kobe isn't stupid.

His comments are more of him saying he's gonna be getting back to Kobe Bryant level this year. Even he wasn't so sure he could a few months ago, but this is another way of him declaring (or challenging himself) to do it.

Not so much that he's actually gonna try to get a new contract that takes up over half the team's cap space.

He damn well knows he takes up significant space, that means no stars. No one's gonna wanna sign to the space they do have if the other featured guy is in his golden years. He knows all this hurts his chances of a 6th ring.

6th ring >>>> being the highest paid guy, or getting Kobe Bryant money cause that's what Kobe Bryant deserves, or anything like that.

He knows Mitch and Jim aren't stupid either. (Well, Mitch isn't stupid at least...) So they WILL tell him they're moving on, rather than wreck their 2014 we-have-all-the-cap-space plan.

Not to mention, if he's not taking a big paycut, Pau's not gonna man up and take the minimum either. And he would hate to see Pau leave. And he knows the Lakers didn't save up this space just to offer the two of them new contracts...

So yeah. Don't take him too literally. The minimum would be a longshot, but so would another near-max contract. He'll play at a discount, which for a legend like Kobe, could be around the $10-12 mil range. And if the Lakers truly sell him on winning, maybe it dips down a little more.
Kobe would rather see the best center in the league walk than share the spotlight with him. And he did that TWICE. That speaks volumes to where his head is at.

He believes he can still get it done regardless. And the scary thing is, he probably can.
would u rather kobe beg for dwight to stay or something? it was dwights decision to leave bro. doesnt matter what kobe would rather want
Kobe would rather see the best center in the league walk than share the spotlight with him. And he did that TWICE. That speaks volumes to where his head is at.

He believes he can still get it done regardless. And the scary thing is, he probably can.
He didnt want dwight to leave but he also wasnt gonna kiss *** for him to stay he told dwight straight up knowing that he cant do it on his own and neither can dwight but dwight has the mental capacity of an 8 yr old & didnt grasp what kobe was saying. he cant do it on his own at his age & at the way MIA is stacked Kobe knows it. he isnt a kiss *** nor should he be at the amount of dedication he puts in year in n year out. kobe carried the team in to the promise land last season but was unable to step foot in it due to his injury. 
Kobe would rather see the best center in the league walk than share the spotlight with him. And he did that TWICE. That speaks volumes to where his head is at.

He believes he can still get it done regardless. And the scary thing is, he probably can.

Dwight's head wasn't where it should be. Kobe knew that.

I don't even think Kobe really believes he can stay on top 4 more years. He's not even sure how his body will respond once he's cleared to play.

He said that to Dwight to see if it would push his buttons (it did). And if it did push his buttons, to Kobe, it says: to hell with him, the Lakers can just move on, you might be the best center physically but not mentally and that matters. We're trying to teach you how to be a champion (no matter how condescending that sounds), and you're worried about who's team this is, and when it's gonna be all about you?
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1. He's the best SG in basketball and he knows it.
2. He's a top 5 scorer in the league and he knows it.
3. His ego is astronomical.

He's not taking a paycut, nor should he. I don't give a damn if he's 35 years old. There's other ways to win a championship besides having 3 max players that would probably take a couple seasons to gel anyways.

Pay the man.

The 3 max players aren't just about winning a title with or without Kobe in 2015 or 16, they are about rebuilding the roster and moving forward the next 5-6-7 years.

Another key piece after the 2017 season will be to stop selling/trading away first round picks so that as these max players get older, ala Kobe/Pau/Odom, they can stock up on some youth behind those guys rather than trade them all for one extra vet to compete one extra season.

The Nash for 3 1's could come back and bite us if this rebuild doesn't go smoothly. If we sign Maxes and stay in the hunt and the picks are 25-30, then it was worth the risk. If we give up the 8th pick in the draft in 2015 or 17, I'ma be PISSED.

'specially because it was Nash. :lol:
Dwight didn't want to be here from day 1. Why beg somebody to stay who clearly doesn't want to and he's not made for this spotlight. Let him walk and move on. It was just embarrassing seeing those "Stay D12 please" signs and Nash talking about statue's. :lol:

Hopefully we can get SOMEBODY that can guard on the perimeter soon.
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Speaking of Kobe's...
I just found someone on Craigslist who is selling a pair for only 60 bucks which is the range i can afford shoes at :lol: I put the picture in the legit check section...but idk how long it'll take to get a response. I need to get back to this guy ASAP.

You experts mind telling me if these are legit?

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