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Which New Laker Acquisition Will Shine The Most This Upcoming Season?

  • Jordan Farmar

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  • Nick Young

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  • Chris Kaman

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  • Elias Harris

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  • Wesley Johnson

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  • Ryan Kelly

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There's no way you guys hate D12 that much to not know he's the best center in the league. And it's not even close....

I hate him as much as the next man but his numbers from this year don't lie. THE MAN WASNT SUPPOSE TO COME BACK UNTIL JANUARY...yea he is a douche but he will have career numbers next year like he does every year

But like I said in a precious post...we are gonna pretty much look the same this year. Unless we amnesty Kobe. It just won't help. There's no way we get under the cap so that means only the veterans minimum for us to use
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I would LOVE to get Marshon. Just a waste of talent on that BK bench. He should be at Klay status right now
Marshon must be an unspeakably bad defender for Bogans and Stackhouse to have played minutes before him...
What in the hell kind of basketball analysis is that.

Just an FYI... Point per shot #1 Kevin Durant 1.59 points per shot #1 Dwight Howard 1.59 points per shot.

FG% Dwight was 2nd

Just another stat I'll throw out there for you.. Double-Doubles Dwight was second.

Another point I'll make.. Dwight made 6.2 FG per game.. The highest in the league for Centers was 7.8 FG per game on 3.6 more shots than Dwight..

uhhh its mine?

so stats aside since we know thats your bread x butter....

You ABSOLUTLEY need 2 points ....who are you going to?

a. dwight
b. brook
c. Marc
d. Andrew (2011-2012)
e. DMC
f. Big Al

just saying.......
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None of the above.

I'm going to whichever scorer on the team has the hot hand.

Dwight is not a scorer. He CAN score, but that doesn't make him a scorer.

including Dwight in a list of options regarding an absolutely necessary 2 points to win a game is like including Steve Nash and Carmelo Anthony in a list of options regarding an absolutely necessary defensive stop to win a game. if they're on the floor, yes, you have to use them, but that's not going to be the focus of your playcalling at the moment.
How do you think we got Nash?
We have no 1st rounders for the next few years. :smh:

Honestly, you have to be a magician to fix this team with no money and no draft picks.

Gotta be realistic guys, unless we're lucky and miraculously a young athletic Monta Ellis type 2nd round talent falls to us, were going to look the same.

Our 2014 1st is actually lottery protected. So we at least have that to fall back on should we miss the playoffs.

Stern could always give us Wiggins as payback for the CP3 ordeal. :tongue:
uhhh its mine?

so stats aside since we know thats your bread x butter....

You ABSOLUTLEY need 2 points ....who are you going to?

a. dwight
b. brook
c. Marc
d. Andrew (2011-2012)
e. DMC
f. Big Al

just saying.......

Probably Al. Seems to have better go to moves in the post or better at creating his own shot.
None of the above.

I'm going to whichever scorer on the team has the hot hand.

Dwight is not a scorer. He CAN score, but that doesn't make him a scorer.

including Dwight in a list of options regarding an absolutely necessary 2 points to win a game is like including Steve Nash and Carmelo Anthony in a list of options regarding an absolutely necessary defensive stop to win a game. if they're on the floor, yes, you have to use them, but that's not going to be the focus of your playcalling at the moment.

i didn't say specifically 4th quarter or crunch time purposely ska,

but in instances where your team NEEDS a bucket, stopping a run...stopping a potential run...answering a big bucket...coming out of a time out...2 for 1 situation...theres more.

but there are times through ought the course of the game where you need buckets in order to guide the direction of the game in your favor....not just crunch time, shouldn't come to the crunch if you play smart enough.
starting pg NASH, back up BLAKE.

doesnt matter who else we have on the team, this is a recipe for DISASTER.

add to that SF MWP and we might as well tank the season.
CP glad you are ok my dude! Been a while since I have been on the board but glad to hear you are ok.

A lot of questions this off season...I don't know what the answers are, but I always believe in this organization...even with the shoty track record as of late.

Is it October yet?
CP glad you are ok my dude! Been a while since I have been on the board but glad to hear you are ok.

A lot of questions this off season...I don't know what the answers are, but I always believe in this organization...even with the shoty track record as of late.

Is it October yet?

Thank you bro.

So this could be a real thing. Highly, highly unlikely, but if the basketball Gods feel they owe us one now.

IF (I said IF, big IF, IFFFFFFFF) Chris Paul had an interest in us, LA COULD amnesty Kobe, trade Pau and sign both Paul and Dwight.

Now, how unlikely does that look to you all? Paul has no reason to like us, for the most part he hates us. I have no idea if Paul likes Dwight in any way shape or form, but he'd be joining the Lakers at the cost of killing Kobe. From a business perspective, getting Paul and Dwight for the next 5-6 years is better than Kobe's final 1-2-3. But Paul and Dwight alone don't guarantee us anything outside of just making the playoffs as usual. In 2012, we had Paul, Dwight AND Kobe lined up which would have made life much much simpler.

Again, IFFFFFFFFF, and to be honest, I don't see it as likely. I think Paul stays with the Clippers. Vinnie gets fired, Paul hitches his wagon to Blake and eventually someone else after they trim the fat of LO, Billups, Grant HIll, etc to clean up the roster a bit.

Bill Simmons (I know) seems to think LA is holding that card in their pocket in case they can somehow convince Paul to cross the hall, then they would cut Kobe. That's the only way they would use it, and in that case, I would agree with the Lakers, I just don't see it all happening.
I'm sorry, but what, exactly, could be a real thing?

The fact LA has one tiny small hope they can convince Paul to come aboard, which keeps Dwight, then they have to do something difficult, which is kill Kobe.

Outside of CP3, there's no other way Kobe gets amnestied.

I probably could have worded that better, my bad on that.
i don't even think that would get the amnesty.. after the past season, the media circus of amnestying Kobe isn't work it business wise.
i don't even think that would get the amnesty.. after the past season, the media circus of amnestying Kobe isn't work it business wise.
i don't even think that would get the amnesty.. after the past season, the media circus of amnestying Kobe isn't work it business wise.

I know full well what the backlash would be like, but business wise, IF both Paul and Dwight were to be had, then it would be worth it.

The future > 1 more season, or even 2 at the end of Kobe's career.

You know it, I know it, everyone else would know it in time too.
I'm sorry, but what, exactly, could be a real thing?

The only thing realistic about our roster next season is the same players minus Earl Clark, with the addition of Glock for the full season, and whoever we draft in the 2nd round.

Oh, and maybe Dwight. (who knows...)

Earl will be back... MWP is the most likely subtraction.

Unfortunately it will never be Pau :frown:
Reading Dave McMenamin's tweets, it seems likely that MWP is gone if he picks up his player option. :smh:
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