Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

cordan's aight. Other shows always show his clips of carpooling / singing in the car with celebrities so good for him. One Brit whose show I do like is Graham Norton. I'll be on youtube browsing and end up watching his show clips for an hour.
I think I'm watching the Before movies today...

Or at least starting with the 1st one.

Easily my favorite scene is their phone conversation in the cafe

I couldn't find his side of the convo
^^^ I've never seen a single one of those movies. I'll have to check them out at some point.
rocky balboa is lowkey a good movie

his son is a wimp

the current champ is lame

but rocky dropping truth bombs all movie saves it 

they even have skip bayless trolling in this movie 
I definitely prefer Before Sunset to the other two.. but they all work and are vitally important to the overall story.
I think what makes Before Midnight so great is also what makes it the least rewatchable of all 3 movies. It's the after  in "Happily Ever After" that you always see in romantic stories. What happens when the guy gets the girl? The answer... a lot of stuff, not all of it's good. So seeing the years add up and all of the problems any relationship would have, especially one with kids, that's what makes it so unique and special. So while it's vitally important to the overall story and gives you a phenomenal conclusion, it's also kind of a bummer. It's just like Jesse said about the ending of his book.. it depends on your outlook and point of view, you either see the ending as a hopeful moment that despite everything these two have been through.. they still love and care about each other and they're going to make it work. The other side could say that they're only covering up holes that will keep opening back up and they're only delaying the inevitable. I think I'm an optimist, so I see the final scene as hopeful. 

Before Sunrise is just adorable and charming and romantic in all the right ways. You get the meet cute moment, you get the awkward getting to know you part, and then you get the real connection and moments of this new couple. Character wise, it's fascinating to see how their points of view and attitudes are different or the same at various points.. with this movie representing them at their youngest and most idealistic phase of their lives. 

But Before Sunset is just perfect. I think making it in real time adds another great element to the franchise and that sense of urgency is there, you know the sun is setting and the clock is ticking.. the story is accelerated. I remember being oddly nervous when I first noticed Jesse had a wedding ring as they feel each other out and try to see where they are in their lives. Their experiences have shaped their views and beliefs.. they're not quite the beat down and weary versions of themselves we see in Midnight, but they're definitely changed. A little wiser, a little more jaded, and but still the same people. Their guards are up at first.. like anyone's would be after not seeing each other for so long. But then it drops... and you get that conversation in the car... ugh.. when she reaches out to touch him but pulls back.. JESUS MAN


Where she sings her song.. and then puts on Nina Simone and the line "Baby.. you're gonna miss that plane". PERFECT

I ******* love these movies. But this one just gives you the best of all worlds. The romantic, hopefulness... the awkwardness and fear that maybe that other person doesn't feel the same still.. the new experiences you've had since you were last together.. it's just perfect.

TL;DR These movies are perfect and should be required viewing.
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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is so good, man. Shane Black with his quips, cleverness, playing around with the genre and format with the narrator and cuts and edits, then you get Downey Jr. doing his thing, and the real star of the movie.. Val ******* Kilmer. He's brilliant as Gay Perry. Quotable lines for days "Who taught you math?" 


And I'm a sucker for movies set during Christmas time
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^^^ At that time RDJ and Kilmer was a perfect pairing. Really wish Kilmer would make a comeback. Tarantino needs to cast him in something.
Monaghan is so fine. I thought Kilmer in MacGruber was going to be the start of his comeback.
That's Bridget Monaghan. Not sure if they're related. I think she looks better than Gisele.
Kiss kiss bang bang is a 7.5/8

Great movie all around

Just finished hunt for red October 7/8 only issues were dated cgi and green screen.
Ended the night with About Time.

I had already seen it, but it was still good the second go around. A bit sappy here and there, but I liked the sentiment and romance, plus the time travel and Groundhog Day-esque ideas. A nice little cast, Bill Nighy, Rachel McAdams, Domhnall Gleeson, good soundtrack. I liked that it didn't fall into the standard romantic film tropes and you don't get that big, predictable conflict. And it ended up being more of a father/son story, which I'm always a sucker for. 
About Time was a pretty good movie. I loved how they used the time travel too. GF and I was misty eyed at the end

Finally watching the Fargo tv show only on the first episode and man Billy Bob is an agent of chaos. Pure chaos. Good episode so far tho
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God damn you guys for bringing up About Time again :lol

The last time it was brought up in this thread, I youtubed the final scene between the father & son & straight waterworks ensued.
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Haven't seen or heard of About Time.

I'll be on that. Thanks for mentioning it
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"Does your Mum still look like Andy Warhol?"

"That's my daughter, have sex with her if you want to, apparently everyone else has"



What a dope Movie man. I've been missing out on that one there for too long man. Thanks again for the mention
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anybody hear anything about Sicario? its getting high marks on RT but ive seen no promo for it despite coming out tomorrow...

Emily Blunt and Benicio Del Toro...

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Nothing but good things. Great things, actually. I can't remember who, but someone in here said it was really good. I plan on seeing it first chance I get.
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