Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I will never understand ppl who say they loved BvS. That's a mother loving her ugly child kind of love. Blind and completely unconditional.
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I will never understand ppl who say they loved BvS. That's a mother loving her ugly child kind of love. Blind and completely unconditional.

Well someone paid to write said it was too smart for certain fans..

Only thing I can think of in that regard, is maybe batman was actually right in trying to kill superman and couldn't perform because of mommy issues

I say he was right, because maybe batman knew the monster that would be created by the mixing of human and kryptonian DNA.. And knew of the likely hood that superman wouldn't be able to control himself on earth
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^^^ Musicals aren't generally my thing, so I'm iffy on LaLa Land. At best. Will take some strong reviews and good word-of-mouth (Internet) to get me interested.
haven't watched a damn thing past week or so except for oitnb. all caught up except for the last episode of the recent season that i'm going to watch with my wife. show is okay. main character (piper) is such an unlikeable a character. some of the acting is good. some is horrible. not sure if i'll watch any of the subsequent seasons after season 4.

after oitnb i caught the first ep of mr. robot and am loving the return. such high quality everything in that show.

today i rewatched super 8. i still love that movie. et meets stand by me with some added explosions. the spielbergian overtones are still super obvious and i actually like that about the movie. jj puts out fantastic entertainment. wonder what he's directing next?
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I'm pretty excited for La La Land. Chazelle is on a roll and it'll be nice to see what he does with something light. 

Looking forward to this too 

Feels like I haven't posted as often but I hope to be more active and regular..

I've had my time occupied by my very awesome girlfriend the last few months.. as well as the promotion I just got at work. It's pretty legit. Huge bump in salary and benefits as well and it's been a long time coming with the amount of work I've put in

Just wanted to share with the movie fam.
New gf? I thought I remembered you saying you broke up in here (or the Knick thread) and you we're watching movies to keep ya mind off the break-up.
Yeah a new one. The last one... that was a special one and we ended on good terms she just moved away and it wasn't mean to be.

This one is awesome, though. We just chill and drink and eat and watch movies. And she supports my obsessive sports habits too 
Feels like I haven't posted as often but I hope to be more active and regular..

I've had my time occupied by my very awesome girlfriend the last few months.. as well as the promotion I just got at work. It's pretty legit. Huge bump in salary and benefits as well and it's been a long time coming with the amount of work I've put in

Just wanted to share with the movie fam.

Good to hear, man. Was worried about you since (I believe) you're in Orlando and it was a pretty rough June down there. Pleased to hear it was good reasons that kept you away.

Congrats on the new job and the new GF. Sounds like a potential keeper...
Feels like I haven't posted as often but I hope to be more active and regular..

I've had my time occupied by my very awesome girlfriend the last few months.. as well as the promotion I just got at work. It's pretty legit. Huge bump in salary and benefits as well and it's been a long time coming with the amount of work I've put in

Just wanted to share with the movie fam.

Appreciate the love fellas and Lawdog, Fortunately I don't live near the shooting and no one I know was affected by it.
 my god, give Tom Hardy all the awards for the mini monologue he gave in the season 3 finale of Peaky Blinders
Feels like I haven't posted as often but I hope to be more active and regular..

I've had my time occupied by my very awesome girlfriend the last few months.. as well as the promotion I just got at work. It's pretty legit. Huge bump in salary and benefits as well and it's been a long time coming with the amount of work I've put in

Just wanted to share with the movie fam.

There we go :Nthat

Finally watched Whiplash...

My god...

******* amazing

My favorite of 2014. I was floored after my first viewing. I need to watch it again.
Feels like I haven't posted as often but I hope to be more active and regular..

I've had my time occupied by my very awesome girlfriend the last few months.. as well as the promotion I just got at work. It's pretty legit. Huge bump in salary and benefits as well and it's been a long time coming with the amount of work I've put in

Just wanted to share with the movie fam.

The day I ever meet the one is probably the last day I'm on NT, tbh


But that day seems like it's never going to come so I'll be in nt till I die
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