Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

IMDb ‏@IMDb · 55m55 minutes ago

.@realguyritchie to direct ‘Aladdin’ live-action movie for #Disney: http://imdb.to/2dGzVDB

Interesting choice. Not the first director's name whose name would pop in my head for remake of a Disney cartoon.
If you've see John Wick or Jack Reacher, there's no point in seeing the other, right? And if you've seen Jason Bourne, there's no point in seeing either one?
Is this sone sort of weird sarcasm?

Reacher and Wick aint the same.

Same for Bourne although that depends if you liked it or not.
You know what's not the same? Rambo and Up.

Know what else ain't the same? Les Miserables and Seven Psychopaths.

Titanic and Pulp Fiction.

Wreck it Ralph and Cast Away.

Let's not act like Reacher and Wick are so different that putting them in the same sentence is egregious. 
I liked premise of OG Bourne, then I watched 4 straight reboots of it. All 5 are identical.

New head of CIA, or FBI, whatever, "It's Jason Bourne, he's alive....we have to eliminate the secret we're keeping from him, other secret, no the other one, yeah this is definitely the last secret to hide from him, til they greenlight another reboot....he quick fights errrrrrbody, car chase for half an hour, roll credits......

It's one movie, five times. Worn thin on me after a stellar debut.
Yeah, they should have used a little more speed on all the reboots, and made them more aggressive.

Should have made them...

Faster... and more furious.

If you're going to redo the same thing over and over... and over and over... (and over), it should be fast and furious.

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reacher is meh.

I will bank yo **** boy.

The chase scene alone was worth the ticket.

Tom da gawd.

reacher built up the whole movie to what one expected a :wow: ending and it was a bum fight in rain in a construction site. lame mane. ill give the 2nd one a try though.

I liked premise of OG Bourne, then I watched 4 straight reboots of it. All 5 are identical.

New head of CIA, or FBI, whatever, "It's Jason Bourne, he's alive....we have to eliminate the secret we're keeping from him, other secret, no the other one, yeah this is definitely the last secret to hide from him, til they greenlight another reboot....he quick fights errrrrrbody, car chase for half an hour, roll credits......

It's one movie, five times. Worn thin on me after a stellar debut.
Yeah, they should have used a little more speed on all the reboots, and made them more aggressive.

Should have made them...

Faster... and more furious.

If you're going to redo the same thing over and over, it should be fast and furious.


:wow: :rofl: howlin
If you've see John Wick or Jack Reacher, there's no point in seeing the other, right? And if you've seen Jason Bourne, there's no point in seeing either one?
Is this sone sort of weird sarcasm?

Reacher and Wick aint the same.

Same for Bourne although that depends if you liked it or not.
You know what's not the same? Rambo and Up.

Know what else ain't the same? Les Miserables and Seven Psychopaths.

Titanic and Pulp Fiction.

Wreck it Ralph and Cast Away.

Let's not act like Reacher and Wick are so different that putting them in the same sentence is egregious. :lol:
It's egregious to me damnit!


Only similar on a surface level. Like they're both movies about things the same. Plus I'm sure I go in with the similarities of Rambo and Up :nerd:

reacher is meh.

I will bank yo **** boy.

The chase scene alone was worth the ticket.

Tom da gawd.

reacher built up the whole movie to what one expected a :wow: ending and it was a bum fight in rain in a construction site. lame mane. ill give the 2nd one a try though.

I liked premise of OG Bourne, then I watched 4 straight reboots of it. All 5 are identical.

New head of CIA, or FBI, whatever, "It's Jason Bourne, he's alive....we have to eliminate the secret we're keeping from him, other secret, no the other one, yeah this is definitely the last secret to hide from him, til they greenlight another reboot....he quick fights errrrrrbody, car chase for half an hour, roll credits......

It's one movie, five times. Worn thin on me after a stellar debut.
Yeah, they should have used a little more speed on all the reboots, and made them more aggressive.

Should have made them...

Faster... and more furious.

If you're going to redo the same thing over and over, it should be fast and furious.


:wow: :rofl: howlin
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: though
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[quote name="Master Zik"][quote name="DarthSka"]You know what's not the same? Rambo and Up.

Know what else ain't the same? Les Miserables and Seven Psychopaths.

Titanic and Pulp Fiction.

Wreck it Ralph and Cast Away.

Let's not act like Reacher and Wick are so different that putting them in the same sentence is egregious. :lol: [/quote]It's egregious to me damnit!

:lol:[/quote]Fair enough. :lol:

[quote name="Master Zik"]Only similar on a surface level. Like they're both movies about things the same.[/quote]Yeah, that's more what I was getting at in original question. Not that they are carbon copies, but similar enough to miss one if you've already seen the other? Because my next question to anyone who engaged was going to be which was better?
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I liked premise of OG Bourne, then I watched 4 straight reboots of it. All 5 are identical.

New head of CIA, or FBI, whatever, "It's Jason Bourne, he's alive....we have to eliminate the secret we're keeping from him, other secret, no the other one, yeah this is definitely the last secret to hide from him, til they greenlight another reboot....he quick fights errrrrrbody, car chase for half an hour, roll credits......

It's one movie, five times. Worn thin on me after a stellar debut.
Yeah, they should have used a little more speed on all the reboots, and made them more aggressive.

Should have made them...

Faster... and more furious.

If you're going to redo the same thing over and over... and over and over... (and over), it should be fast and furious.


No sir. You see, that franchise actually adds onto ,and builds the story.

Bourne is Groundhog day, with more *** kicking. F&F is not that, it's a story that has built over 15 years and soon to be 8 movies.

1 was about a crew robbin stuff, undercover cop gets in, and essentially becomes one of them.
2 was about former cop being used to infiltrate a drug trafficker.
3 was about a new cast in a different country
4 was about the reuniting of the OG cast, and adding one of the cast members from 3 and tracking down the man who killed Lety
5 was about the reuniting of the OG cast and adding more of the cast from 2 and 3 and 4 and stealing money from a corrupt businessman in Brazil while being chased by Hobbs
6 was about Hobbs chasing an international criminal and needing a team to counter his team, so he employs the cast from 5.
7 was about the brother of that international criminal coming after the cast from 6 for what they did to his brother.

You see, 7 films, 7 storylines. All built into one longer plot line. Jason Bourne has been in search of the truth (and his file) in every film, over and over and over and over again. Every film, there's a "new" wrinkle, in the same damn file.

JB 1 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 2 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 3 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 4 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 5 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"

It's the same damn file, hasn't he read it enough by now to know who he really is? :lol: I mean, in the 5th one, the big plot point was his father did it. Didn't he see that in his file in the first one, or the second, or how bout the third film when he got a look at his file and "found the truth"? Does the file just keep growing, even tho years have passed and new information shouldn't be coming in? :lol:

Fast and Furious 1 had them stealing TV's and DVD players. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 they aren't stealing TV's and DVD players. Not even close. See the difference?
I knew CP would write a manifesto in response to the shot at fast and furious :rofl:

Just couldn't give ska props for the clever jab and let it go huh man? :lol:
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Nah b, I didn't bother to at first but I could've easily pointed out what was wrong about what you were saying about the Bourne trilogy.

If you go in to detail about any string of movies you can name the differences between them.

Like peep how you don't even know the Bourne Legacy had nothing to do with Jason Bourne :lol: Just glossed over it to pretend like they're all the same with that jokey question.

Also as far as the 5th one, of course it wasn't in the file. The whole point was his father started the program and then found out what they planned to do and then THEY KILLED HIS FATHER! and covered it up as a terrorist attack to recruit his son. How the **** is that gonna be in the file?

C'mon now :smh:
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Fair enough, but to me, the Bournes are meh, solid first one, and the sequels have all been lacking big time, Reacher and Wick are both outstanding, and I hope the sequels do them justice. Was my original point.
Is there a consensus on the best Bourne movie? I re-watched them leading up to Jason Bourne. I lean towards Supremacy.
Nah b, I didn't bother to at first but I could've easily pointed out what was wrong about what you were saying about the Bourne trilogy.

If you go in to detail about any string of movies you can name the differences between them.

Like peep how you don't even know the Bourne Legacy had nothing to do with Jason Bourne :lol: Just glossed over it to pretend like they're all the same with that jokey question.

Also as far as the 5th one, of course it wasn't in the file. The whole point was his father started the program and then found out what they planned to do and then THEY KILLED HIS FATHER! and covered it up as a terrorist attack to recruit his son. How the **** is that gonna be in the file?

C'mon now :smh:

Oh. So that information just got added to his file, years later? It wasn't added for the other movies yet? :lol:

I know the 4th isn't about him, it's about another guy, who doesn't know who he is, but is one of them, so it belongs with the other 4 perfectly.

5 movies, all identical. I literally have no idea why you're fighting that.
Yeah, that's more what I was getting at in original question. Not that they are carbon copies, but similar enough to miss one if you've already seen the other? Because my next question to anyone who engaged was going to be which was better?

I liked Wick better because Keanu >>>>>>>>

And, in addition, I found the world created in Wick to be more interesting. The whole notion of an underground scene for assassins/dirt-doers, but who generally a code of ethics, was very compelling to me. Makes Wick more unique to me.
[quote name="CP1708"]JB 1 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 2 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 3 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 4 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"
JB 5 "Do you wanna know who you really are?"[/quote]lolwut?
Nah b, I didn't bother to at first but I could've easily pointed out what was wrong about what you were saying about the Bourne trilogy.

If you go in to detail about any string of movies you can name the differences between them.

Like peep how you don't even know the Bourne Legacy had nothing to do with Jason Bourne :lol: Just glossed over it to pretend like they're all the same with that jokey question.

Also as far as the 5th one, of course it wasn't in the file. The whole point was his father started the program and then found out what they planned to do and then THEY KILLED HIS FATHER! and covered it up as a terrorist attack to recruit his son. How the **** is that gonna be in the file?

C'mon now :smh:

Oh. So that file just got added to his file, years later?
It was never a part of his file.

Understand. The guys running the program killed the guy that designed it. That guy was his father.

The whole crux of the recent Bourne movie was yeah you know your past, you know what you did and how it all went down BUT you don't know the real reason WHY.

If you killed some dudes father in order to trick him to work for you why would you then put that in his file? I mean the **** shouldn't be in any file cuz it's incriminating but it would more likely be in his father's file and in the end the entire truth wasn't. Bourne had to beat the truth out of a bunch of ppl and then hunt down Tommy Lee Jones just to get it before he killed him so he could move on to the operative who actually killed his dad.

The whole thing connects to the themes of the Bourne movies if you pay attention.

I know the 4th isn't about him, it's about another guy, who doesn't know who he is, but is one of them, so it belongs with the other 4 perfectly.
What movie did you watch???! Legacy was the weak Renner flick.

He never had amnesia or didn't know who he was. At least pretend you know what you're talking about.

Legacy was all about another black ops super secret program like Treadstone where the operatives were given drugs to make them perform like Captain America physically and great tactical geniuses mentally for a short period of time. Some dude investigating comes across damaging video about the program. Scorched Earth is enacted so the heads running the program can cover their tracks and keep doing dirt. They begin to drone strike their own operatives.

Renner survives. Renner tracks down ppl involved to find out why this happening. Meets fine *** doctor Rachel Weisz who gets burnt as well with the program shutting down as they're all being targeted. He's beginning to feel the withdrawal effects from the drugs. She uses the super experimental drugs on him where they now become permanent. He survives them and basically becomes Cap with a mix of Bruce Lee and washes his assassins. Then boats off with Weisz somewhere in Southeast Asia.

The main similarities Legacy has with the other Bourne movies is secret American operatives having their government turn on them due to accountability. Then that operative washes every body and escapes.

There was no oh I thought Renner was dead, no Renner doesn't remember who he is, no Renner is targeting us, not one moment where dudes are in the computer ops room like "Oh ****! It's Jeremy Renner!".

5 movies, all identical. I literally have no idea why you're fighting that.
This is ironic as ****.

Doesn't watch or pay attention to the movie then talks out his *** about them to try and support an argument that all movies are identical :lol:

Meanwhile tries to front like FF ain't the same trash over and over :rofl: :smh:
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