Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Maybe i'll read the book first, need to read some reviews. I told myself i'd try the movie first since the book is always better anyway.

Wick got a new dog.

I think it's the one he saved at the end of the 1st one?
I think I'm starting to get it.

There's a disconnect between comic book fans and casual movie goers.

I never read the comic books and barely watched many of the cartoons besides TMNT and Batman.

I don't know much about XMen other then the movies and a few cartoons.

I thpught BvS was trash.

These last 3 Xmen >>>>> The OG Spiderman you comic fans seem to love so much.

I'm not in the comic book fan category. I only remember reading one comic book in my whole life (the 1st book in Frank Miller's Dark Knight graphic novel series). I've also never really watched any cartoons based on comics. So, I'm judging all comic book/super hero movies on their own individual merits as films. Some I like, some I don't, but my opinion never has anything to do with how the movies relate to the comics. DOFP just didn't do much for me. I liked 1st Class though. And I'll probably watch Apocalypse sometime when its on TV; I'm just not going to pay for it and will not be expecting much.
If you've see John Wick or Jack Reacher, there's no point in seeing the other, right? And if you've seen Jason Bourne, there's no point in seeing either one?
[quote name="6 rings MJ"]
[/quote]Wait, what?
If you've see John Wick or Jack Reacher, there's no point in seeing the other, right? And if you've seen Jason Bourne, there's no point in seeing either one?

I guess, if there is some sort of finite limit to the number of films falling into a particular sub-genre you can watch and enjoy, there would be no point. But I've watched and enjoyed both Wick and Reacher multiple times and enjoyed them every time.
I think I'm starting to get it.

There's a disconnect between comic book fans and casual movie goers.

I never read the comic books and barely watched many of the cartoons besides TMNT and Batman.

I don't know much about XMen other then the movies and a few cartoons.

I thpught BvS was trash.

These last 3 Xmen >>>>> The OG Spiderman you comic fans seem to love so much.

I'm not in the comic book fan category. I only remember reading one comic book in my whole life (the 1st book in Frank Miller's Dark Knight graphic novel series). I've also never really watched any cartoons based on comics. So, I'm judging all comic book/super hero movies on their own individual merits as films. Some I like, some I don't, but my opinion never has anything to do with how the movies relate to the comics. DOFP just didn't do much for me. I liked 1st Class though. And I'll probably watch Apocalypse sometime when its on TV; I'm just not going to pay for it and will not be expecting much.

I don't mind if a director didn't follow canon, but at least do something good.

The movie studios are killing the comic-super hero genre with an over saturation of very subpar movies. None of the X-Men movies have been good IMO, same for any of the Spiderman movies. I think Raimi deserves a Full Metal Jacket beat down also.

These are all the Comic movies/shows that were well done to me. I would put a match & burn everything else (no particular order).

- Cap Winter Solider & Civil War
- The first Iron Man.
- Nolan/Bale Batman trilogy. Begins & TDK were stellar movies. Rises was satisfactory. Trilogy as a whole = stellar.
- Guardians of the Galaxy.
- All the Netflix Marvel stuff.
* Ed Norton Hulk & Antman were satisfactory. I wanted to hate Antman because of the cast but it was decent.

I just hope Kathleen Kennedy steers the Star Wars material in a different direction than Disney has done with Marvel because most of those Marvel movies have been terrible. I guess I'll get a feel for whats to come when Rogue One comes out.
I don't mind if a director didn't follow canon, but at least do something good.

The movie studios are killing the comic-super hero genre with an over saturation of very subpar movies. None of the X-Men movies have been good IMO, same for any of the Spiderman movies. I think Raimi deserves a Full Metal Jacket beat down also.

These are all the Comic movies/shows that were well done to me. I would put a match & burn everything else (no particular order).

- Cap Winter Solider & Civil War
- The first Iron Man.
- Nolan/Bale Batman trilogy. Begins & TDK were stellar movies. Rises was satisfactory. Trilogy as a whole = stellar.
- Guardians of the Galaxy.
- All the Netflix Marvel stuff.
* Ed Norton Hulk & Antman were satisfactory. I wanted to hate Antman because of the cast but it was decent.

I just hope Kathleen Kennedy steers the Star Wars material in a different direction than Disney has done with Marvel because most of those Marvel movies have been terrible. I guess I'll get a feel for whats to come when Rogue One comes out.

To be clear, I wasn't trying to suggest in my post that your problems with the X-men movies all have to do with the films sticking to cannon. I was just pointing out that's not a factor at all for me.

I also agree with mostly everything you said above, especially about the oversaturation. 2-3 Marvel movies per year, plus multiple TV shows is just too much IMO. I really hope they don't go to that level of production with Star Wars. No more than 1 SW feature film per year, please.
I didn't take it that way lawdog1 lawdog1 ... I was just mentioning it to add my two cents. Of all the comic/hero movies though, I hate the X-Men/Spiderman movies the most which is a shame because growing up the X-Men & Wolverine were among my favorite comics to read.
Not going to get to them tonight, so if anyone here catches the premieres of Divorce and Insecure, please feel free to share your thoughts.
If you've see John Wick or Jack Reacher, there's no point in seeing the other, right? And if you've seen Jason Bourne, there's no point in seeing either one?
Is this sone sort of weird sarcasm?

Reacher and Wick aint the same.

Same for Bourne although that depends if you liked it or not.
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Wick and Reacher are greatness. The Bourne's are eh.

You said that on purpose, didn't you?

I liked premise of OG Bourne, then I watched 4 straight reboots of it. All 5 are identical.

New head of CIA, or FBI, whatever, "It's Jason Bourne, he's alive....we have to eliminate the secret we're keeping from him, other secret, no the other one, yeah this is definitely the last secret to hide from him, til they greenlight another reboot....he quick fights errrrrrbody, car chase for half an hour, roll credits......

It's one movie, five times. Worn thin on me after a stellar debut.
phew....was gonna argue that bourne identity was a great movie. i can see your point about the subsequent releases though. watched some of the newest one and got bored halfway in.
How was it?
It was at a nightclub in NYC. Number 8 backroom. Just my lady friend, me, him a chick and the publicist. It was chill, just shook hands. My friend knows him, I was just rolling a j. He dipped out like 5 minutes later.
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