Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Strange and roque 1 are the only films I'm really hyped to see right now

Need to look what else is coming out

Jack reacher too.. curious about assassin's creed
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I'm so interested in Every Westworld character that I have seen.:pimp:

So its worth a watch?

Just got done with Night Of.

It was meh IMO, no episode really wow'd me.
I would efinitely say so.
My Father hated it though.
Said "son you know I don't like Sci-fi"

I'm thinking "Dad, you know if we're watching a show about it they have probably already done something similar"

Yes. Watch John Wick. Yesterday. You're welcome.
so now in light of your criticism of the bourne series "seen one saw them all" what you think john wick 2 bringing to the table .

To me, one of the more unique things about John Wick, was that underworld of hit men that someone alluded to in here. That code of ethics, the interesting ways that the hit men can be operating in plain sight, the different types of "helpers" he had in certain situations.

It felt like we only got a glimpse of this unique world, so I think the main thing John Wick 2 will bring differently to the table is a full on experience of that world.

It will still most likely come down to x amount of men trying to kill him and he finds creative ways to dispatch them. If it keeps being well done, then I'll keep being entertained. Often times, it becomes a money grab though. Producers start cutting corners with their spending. Editing becomes awful. Marketing gets too much money, crappy scripts get rushed, etc etc etc
. If hope everything you just touched on is what we get.
Something tells me with 3 already in the works they will do it right.

Last thing I want to see is a movie that spends an hour and a half trying to top the Bathouse Club scene by throwing together some Carbon Copy fight scenes with some ill backdrop music.
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out of the movies and shows i've watched in the past few weeks, westworld is the one i've enjoyed the most.

the john wick hype in this thread is outta control :lol:
i enjoyed the movie but didn't think it was the masterpiece you guys make it out to be. i might have to rewatch it.
I knew the Accountant was taking a left when I saw the 2nd trailer and the guns came out so heavy.

I thought it was just gonna be about a genius autistic accountant for underworld criminals being pursued by the gov. Now it seems he breaks in to a full blown action hero in the 3rd act when one of his clients goes after him.

Still gonna watch it.

Always looked like A Beautiful Mind/Jack Reacher mash up to me. Which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing. I'm willing to give it a chance despite bad reviews . . . but probably not until I can watch it for free.
See those 2 movies sound like a good combo but I get a feeling this is gonna be some John Wick/Sicario type violence :lol: not just Reacher and that's not what I was expecting off of the first trailer.


See I knew I was right


People care too much about critics. :smh:

People just don't want to waste money & time. That's really it.

Hate wasting time and money cuz I'm usually not the type to walk out on a movie either.
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the trailer hurt the expectations , shoulda just promoted it as the equalizer, jack reacher etc from the get go . because the movie is awesome . it even had a few funny scenes that hit well with the audience.
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Ben should hold down rh Box office this weekend with limited competition, however if he doesn't I hope that doesn't slow down Warners interest in the standalone Bat film.

Next weekend should belong to Jack Reacher. :smokin
Anybody use the cheap charts app on their phone? Always love catching a good deal on some 4.99 classic movies. It's a good app, especially as we get closer to the holidays where prices are dropping like crazy.

The Harry Potter black friday deal still haunts me :smh:
Never been a Star Wars fanatic, but this looks amazing. Much, much more excited for Rogue One than I was for Episode VII.

All this.

While I love episode 1 for all the childhood memories it invoked ESPECIALLY after the prequels, they went safe and basically rehashed 'a new hope' with cameos from the old guys

But that's what they had to do for a new generation to introduce them to that world, I get it

I was born mid 80s and TV was extremely limited in the Bahamas, talking 1 Chanel until the huge satellites came around early 90s.. so I had an uncle that put the first 3 movies on a super long VHS.. I watched those movies all the damn time

But they had to introduce the world to a new generation, especially with the possibility that their only exposure might be the prequels (or on the positive clone wars)
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Disney already kicked the doors off. :lol:

They basically run the entertainment/film industry at this point.
This will be different. (IMO)

TFA was light and fluffy.

This will not be. I believe it will lead to even more darkness in tone, and they will have a balance, so to speak.

The "hero" side, hope, love, light and fluffy....
And the "Gritty" side, dark, despair, flat out depressing stories.

And those.....will be the films that truly take off. The real ****

It's gonna start with Rogue, in time, it will almost look light and fluffy to what will come. :lol:
40% was reshot? Didn't know it was that significant.

:lol: It's not.

It was a BS internet rumor the studio was unhappy with the film and ordered reshoots "sources say" 40%

They were scheduled reshoots, and touch ups, not half a film. :lol: :lol:

Dumb *** clowns held on to that 40% for dear life predicting Disney doom.
I'm not sure if we're to the point as if the world is ready to see a black James Bond, and it's ******* shame cause 1 color shouldn't matter and 2 Idris would kill it.

Didn't realize he was 45 already, i wonder if we have time to see him do it.

I'm over Craig as bond, Spectre was a mess and he looked checked out in it.

No Loki as bond either, villain yes, bond no.

Fassbender is intriguing though.
Just realized a John Wick type revenge flick with Benicio would be :wow:
Especially after seeing those flashes in Sicario

Ben should hold down rh Box office this weekend with limited competition, however if he doesn't I hope that doesn't slow down Warners interest in the standalone Bat film.

Next weekend should belong to Jack Reacher. :smokin
The movie could be Gigli bad. Batffleck movie happening no matter what.

Plus Ben's Live By Night still coming out in December.
I'm not sure if we're to the point as if the world is ready to see a black James Bond, and it's ******* shame cause 1 color shouldn't matter and 2 Idris would kill it.

Sadly, there for sure are segments of the world that aren't ready for that. But when you think about the groups of people who spend the most money on movies, which tend to be younger folks, most of them probably would be fine with a black Bond as long as the movie was otherwise good. Idris would be my personal choice to take over the role from Craig out all the other names that have been mentioned. He'd be great.
Someone being the goat bond would also depend on the movies he gets. Craig hit a grand slam with Casino Royale and the rest have been meh except for Skyfall which wasn't much fun.
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