Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

James Corden is doing that thing where he renacts scenes from an actors filmography.

He's doing it right now with Samuel L. Jackson :lol: **** should last 2 hrs at least.

he pushes a ******* torpedo 
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I saw The Kingdom but read Moonrise Kingdom in my mind

I was about to reply what are you talking about but I read the post again.
Watched Moonrise Kingdom last night (hadn't heard of until you posted this). Great movie. Sort of wish I was high.
Anyway for me to start watching Atlanta? tried searching On Demand and the FX website with no luck.
Watched The Kingdom for the first time tonight. Was sizing up to be a really good flick, but I was a little put off by the COD style turn it took and misplaced political message at the end. Seemed like an easy way out. Underwhelmed overall.

I saw you post this a few days back and I wanted to ask you a few things but I wanted to rewatch the Film first and make sure I was remembering it right.

I saw it saw it was on Television last night so I put it on, yet I wasn't able to make it more than 10minutes because I fell asleep but I can't wait any longer to ask you some things.

FIrst, I remember watching this like 10years ago and I distinctly remember loving the ending and how they put into perspective that (for me anyway) that there are always 2 sides so a story, especially when God, Religion, Faith or Spirituality is involved.

Like, simply put, how can you knock a man that believes that what he is doing is right in the name and Eyes of God?

Like who is right, those with him or against him?

Aren't they kind of the same?

Same struggle just from diff sides of the plate?

I don't agree with Terrorism and aggressive Muslim tactics/warfare but I understand it and sympathize with it on some levels. (forgive the ignorance here, I'm not trying to stereotype or Pigeonhole Muslims I'm just at a loss for words) .

When it comes to Faith, I just think it is a slippery slope to say the least but..............

Before I hit you with 1o para's of babble, what did you mean by "COD style turn" and "misplaced political message"?

I will watch this again soon and now that I'm pushing 40 instead of pushing 3o when I watched first, I'd like to see how much my perception has changed when it comes to topics such as this.

It almost feels like a new movie and that I am watching it for the first time, after reading your input and wanting to go back to it for another viewing.

I look forward to your feedback as well......
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Been watching The Man In The High Castle season 2. The japanese continue to be the most ruthless on the show.
Finally watching X Men Apocalypse. This movie is just a giant **** salad of poor writing and wack CGI. My bae Rose deserves better than this :smh:
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A couple movie related things that have me alllll sorts of pissed off lately.

1. Netflix has always had a "watch it again" category. In the past, you could just rate every movie ever made, then that automatically counted as you having watched it. So even though a movie you rated wasn't in their library when you rated it, it would automatically go in the watch it again list of it ever did get to their streaming library. It was an easy way to see when movies you love got added to their library without your knowledge. Just click on the watch it again tab and every movie you ever liked that they had streaming would pop up. That option is gone now, and you only have the like 10 options that show up in the preview menu. I don't know if all that made sense, but it's really ******* annoying and I have to look at other peoples Netflix pages sometitmes to find out some of
My favorite movies have been added.

2. The removal of the comments section on IMDB is kinda the end of that site for me. I can't really put into words how important that was for me. It drastically effects which movies I watch and don't watch.
Kong: Skull Island was entertaining but desperately needed tweaks to the script. From the middle to the end of the movie, the writing got very lazy. 6/10 to me.
Designated Survivor is getting wild stupid with how trusting and naive Kirkman is. Like you continually get information about a conspiracy involving your VP, culminating in you getting shot and you still give him temp Presidency?
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:lol: I missed the return ep. Need to lock back in. Hope it hasn't gone off the rails right after it came back from the break.
should i skip watching Passengers?

also gonna watch Kong this sunday. i don't expect it to be the best but taking it as a classic "hollywood epic theatre" experience
You won't miss much if you skip Passengers, nothing happened. You can build a better story in your head from the trailers.
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