Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Dudes still renting movies from the library?
some of them even have the newest games 
Margin Call

St. Vincent
Dawn of the Dead (original)

It Follows

A Most Violent Year

Or read a damb book :lol: The Big Short (the book) is a quick read and much better at building the characters than the film (which was fantastic)
I just place the The Big Short on hold at the local library.

Will look into these films.
Margin Call is my most favorite finance film.

They even got the 'analyst working late nights on Excel' correct.
Might just watch Margin Call
Agreed with Slighted. Margin Call is the best finance focused film imo. It's realistic, set in a modern disaster and just put together so damb perfectly.
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so many years late, but the Royal Tenenbaums was a really good movie...

i didnt laugh once until the wedding, yet i didnt want to turn it off...
Watchmen slander :smh:

Maybe if I read the novel I'd feel differently. But I definitely enjoyed the movie.

I read the novel long before the movie. The book is always better, but the movie isn't that bad to me. It was a lesson learned for filmmakers though, make films like films and don't try to replicate comic panels.
I should be clear the movie is bad :lol:

Far from slander to call it what it is.

That seems to be Snyder's thing though. Copy comic panels to hide his lack of any sort of storytelling creativity.

Dude literally tried to cram 12 issues in to 3 hrs and failed badly at it. I barely remember the opening scene so I definitely can't agree it's one of the best in the history of film. As time goes on I realize more how there isn't anything memorable (in a good way) about the movie.

The whole tone of the Watchmen movie just falls flat.

Doesn't do proper justice to the source material :smh:
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I liked the movie. Guess it might be a better watch at home than at the theater. My friends who expected a typical cb movie hated it. I liked the story a lot and the characters were unique. Keeo forgetting to check out the source material.
I assume if you never read the comic and it's all new to you that some would enjoy the movie.

Big Little Lies, this husband of Kidman's character is incredibly abusive.
I assume if you never read the comic and it's all new to you that some would enjoy the movie.

Big Little Lies, this husband of Kidman's character is incredibly abusive.

Yep. Never read the graphic novel. Which is what I'm basing things on. The movie. That I watched.
Yeah, I get it.

I know how great the story is which is why I know they failed with the movie. Its very mediocre.

I don't have the luxury of not having read the book given its one of my favorites. Its par for the course with Moore comics that ppl choose to adapt to movies. They never measure up.
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Watching episode 3 had me thinking it was skarsgaard's character that assaulted Shailene bae until I saw a preview for episode 4. zoe kravitz has all the school dads sprung.
Yeah, I thought the same. Still think it's possible. She's not 100% sure it's that guy on the laptop.

Show makes me want to bang Reese even more too.
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The guy she googled looks like him too. She did say she was drunk at the bar and hotel. Now we gotta check what guy has dress shoes with that unique heel design.

Show was entertaining and still kinda light despite the abusive marriage until Jane told her story. She keeps that revolver close.

Still want to know the truth of who choked that little girl.
So do we all see that scene as rape? Cuz she was down to smash just not that super rough sex and she had no time to stop him or say no. Son just started jackhammering. Then he was out.

That little girl stuff been bugging me out. Either that kid low key got a monsterous personality or it's gonna be a kid we never expected abusing her. Maybe Reese's daughter.
I don't think she ever said she told him to stop or no. She said he started to be really aggressive and he was too heavy for her to push him off so she just took it until he was done. Sounds kinda bad from her perspective and traumatizing enough she has a gun and wants to find him now. The video extras also mentioned how she went into the ocean to wash herself like how we see rape victims take showers afterwards.
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I'm saying she had no time to do that anyway. Son was ramming away with no chill. Didn't even change positions.
Even in pron the girls know beforehand if the session is gonna be rough.

He went from 0-100. Choke a girl you just met or pushing her face in the pillow might land you a meeting with the cops in real life.
Show makes me want to bang Reese even more too.
Totally agree. This character brings me all the way back around on Reese. She's so annoying but it's a tolerable and lovable annoying. Ride or a Die chick.

I remember the first time I saw her in that Movie where she's a little trailer park girl that hitchikes with that Guy and he ends up kid napping her. (Checking IMDB)


(Anyway, all the way back on #teamReese)
Show makes me want to bang Reese even more too.
Totally agree. This character brings me all the way back around on Reese. She's so annoying but it's a tolerable and lovable annoying. Ride or a Die chick.

I remember the first time I saw her in that Movie where she's a little trailer park girl that hitchikes with that Guy and he ends up kid napping her. (Checking IMDB)


(Anyway, all the way back on #teamReese)

I watched that movie when I was like 8 or 9 and it scared the crap outta me. Funny movie though
Yea the movie was super creepy.

Big Little Lies though, man dude cannot keep his hands off of Celeste. 

nicole kidman sexy in this show too. Would bang laura dern hard on a desk that desk as well.
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