Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Those @notifications stopped a while ago.

There is a fault in the system. I get PM alerts but that is it, and all of my alerts are set to on...... It's like the block button, joint doesn't work for me anymore, and I can't turn my reps off.

System is all kinds of wacked up for me.
Yeah, pretty much. In the beginning, I was getting pm alerts and e-mails. Couldn't stand that **** so I turned off all alerts.

You have to ask a mod to turn off/remove your reps btw.
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The green mile
Forrest Gump
O brother where art thou?
Big fish
The sandlot
The matrix
Indiana jones last crusade
Pulp fiction
Shawshank redemtion
Moonrise kingdom
A Bronx tale

Just off the top of my head. I'm missing Kubrick, 90% of Speilberg, and Nolan.

On a slightly separate note, I feel like Jackie Brown had the most perfect ending out of all Tarantino movies. (pulp fiction doesn't really count because it was technically not the chronological end.) no revenge pron, sploshions, or dragged out nonsense, just straight forward hero getting the happy ending and the bad guys lose. Plus Pam Grier :pimp:. Anyways end of rant.
Pulp fiction was the coolest, with them looking each way.. throwing their guns in those small ***** shorts then walking out

inglorious bastards, would get my vote for the best
Just watched 13th.. man.. must watch

Especially now with certain terms getting thrown around and the larger meaning and applications

I tried to **** with Bronson so many times and I just can't vibe in.

It's like Clockwork Orange level of anxiety for me to watch.
It's just to ill.
I'm never in a space where I can relax and take it in.
Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie of all time but I can't call it perfect since Butch's girl always annoyed the **** out of me. I'd call QT's Kill Bill Vol. 1 a perfect film though.

Susan Sarandon is kind of killing it right now on the COlbert show.

Her face is pretty radiant and  tight for her age. She is still fine.

Definitely still fine but I was cringing while she was talking about politics. She's like the ultimate Bernie Bro
Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie of all time but I can't call it perfect since Butch's girl always annoyed the **** out of me. I'd call QT's Kill Bill Vol. 1 a perfect film though.

Susan Sarandon is kind of killing it right now on the COlbert show.

Her face is pretty radiant and  tight for her age. She is still fine.

Definitely still fine but I was cringing while she was talking about politics. She's like the ultimate Bernie Bro
Yea I have an auto tune when Politics come up, I don't even process the information anymore. It's such an act and a joke, but her wit and slap stick humor she was hitting Colbert with was gold.

I bet he was thinking in his head the whole time "I wanna smash"
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I dunno anything about perfect movies or if they exist. I just know that recent movies that I really enjoyed that popped in my head are Ex Machina, Mad Max: Fury Road, and Blue Is The Warmest Color.
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City of God
Hoop Dreams

To me, those films are "perfect"

Actually, I might enjoy "Friday After Next" over Friday now that I think it thru.

*looks at calender*

E everysingletime ... you son of a *****. You got me.

:lol: at two different ppl using the same gif on me in two different threads at the same time
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