Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Can't ******* wait for IT. Used to watch the of all the time as a kid with my brother and cousin, even though it creeped us all out :lol:
Film could be average as hell and I'd probably still dig it.
I can tell from the previews that they got enough "stuff" right to keep me on board.

The setting is perfect.
Could have sworn Baby Driver came out months ago
what was that Foxx movie called?
Sleepless lol.
Just watched Split for the 1st time. It was so damn good up until about halfway through, then it got really boring. Also I thought there would be more depth to it. I thought I would be constantly be looking for clues comparing elements of the story to aspects of the human brain, or the subconscious, or psychology. It just ended up being kinda shallow.

A MILLION times better than M. Knights last 5 or 6 movies. It wasn't outlandishly stupid so that's a step in the right direction.

on episode 10 of the iron fist. dude was "recharging" and i got flashbacks of the OA :lol:
shoot man, i hate when i feel like i'm in too deep already and gotta stick it out and finish off the season. unlikely that i'll watch the second season. not even sure i'll watch the defenders.

on a semi-related note, they've been filming the inhumans at my wife's workplace on the weekends.
on episode 10 of the iron fist. dude was "recharging" and i got flashbacks of the OA :lol:
shoot man, i hate when i feel like i'm in too deep already and gotta stick it out and finish off the season. unlikely that i'll watch the second season. not even sure i'll watch the defenders.

on a semi-related note, they've been filming the inhumans at my wife's workplace on the weekends.

IF is bad.. showrunner is doing inhumans :x

And even though I didn't watch I heard how poorly dexter and six feet under ended, well he did the last couple seasons for both

Yeesh, all these poor reviews for Iron Fist. Thank you all for providing your opinions, though

It'll save me like 13 hours of my life, since I'm usually the kind of viewer who will end up watching the whole season. I guess Marvel can't do everything well 
Some of us have none, and some of us have one, maybe two or three even.

For those of you who do have, what is your Perfect Film?

example: You guys know I listed Arrival as 8/8, I thought it was perfect, and have have very few of those.

I'm interested in hearing what some of you have as yours and why.
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Watching the new season of Hap and Leonard even though I don't like this voodoo/mojo stuff intertwined I like how the story is unfolding. Plus Tiffany Mack is gorgeous.
No perfect Movies eh....what a disappointment. 

This is like the offseason Movie thread.
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Some of us have none, and some of us have one, maybe two or three even.

For those of you who do have, what is your Perfect Film?
pulp fiction. if i could change one thing about it though, i would replace QT's part with a different actor.
apocalypse now. if i could change one thing, i wouldn't.
Some of us have none, and some of us have one, maybe two or three even.

For those of you who do have, what is your Perfect Film?

example: You guys know I listed Arrival as 8/8, I thought it was perfect, and have have very few of those.

I'm interested in hearing what some of you have as yours and why.
I've said this time and time again. Children of Men. My favourite movie. It's dystopian future isn't far off to possibly happening to us. the world we see isn't handed to us or fully explained which I think many movies don't do these days. I've seen it so many times I noticed new things all the time. Governments that are failing and politicians have started closing off borders (Trump's "wall", Brexit, travel bans), terrorist attacks on home soil, everyone's fear is heightened and this can be said for our real world in 2017 and the last few years even when the movie was made in 2006! a new thing I noticed was Clive Owen wearing a "London 2012" sweater throughout the movie for the Olympics they hosted. movie is set in 2027 so he is wearing an old shirt but when the movie came out it was just announced that they won the hosting rights. making a futuristic movie not so futuristic.

A world where women are infertile and the last child born was 18 years ago. we are 7 billion on this planet and yes infertility does exist but more and more in the western world we are have having less children. children that bring colour and brightness to the world that pop out to us. with no children everything is bleek, we smile when we see a baby laugh or see amazement when they finally see mickey mouse. The brightest thing in the movie was probably the famous London red buses and that's from traditional England culture.

There's a saying that "The sun never sets on the British empire" They controlled all the corners of the earth whether India, Singapore, America, Jamaica, South Africa etc that god always looks down on the Empire. Britain in general gave birth to numerous nations and powers and now its children are suffering. all countries are in chaos except for Britain striving on with what they have left. exactly like the core of the movie. women infertility.

Religion is played throughout the whole movie blaming each other for the destruction of their world. extremists from both sides. Britain with refugee(concentration) camps, constructing a police state. immigrants are kicked out with no trial. Separate Islamic terrorists groups fighting on britain's home soil for the uprising. The terrorist group that Julianne Moore is a part of kills police officers and persons within their own sector to achieve their goal. Kee, the first girl pregnant in over 18 years is a refugee, unwanted by the society she is in. when asked who is the father she claims she is a virgin. just like the story of Mary and being pregnant/giving birth to someone which the current society wouldn't be in favour of.

There are so many long shots which are my favourite. It gives total immersion as an audience member and leaves us right there as if were Clive Owen's shadow (he is in every shot of the movie). Acting is great, lot of C list actors that are now full A listers. The director (Alfonso Cuaron) and is partner in crime Emmanuel Lubetski (Gravity, The Revenant) are phenomenal. Music is timely, sad, depressing (when used) and iconic.

That's why Children of Men is my perfect 8/8.

TLDR; circle jerk of the movie Children of Men cuz I wrote papers on it in college so I cheated this. Its my fav
No perfect Movies eh....what a disappointment. 

This is like the offseason Movie thread.
I don't do the perfect movie thing, same way I don't like to do rankings.

If it's a movie I really love, I check myself on objectivity and realize its entering the group of my favorite movies not perfect.

The idea that there's a perfect film out there doesn't seem possible to me. That's a farther leap than great movies the maority agrees on or classic movies most agree on.
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