Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I just watched her old interview with charlie rose where they talk about that. Really talented actress who was only 18-19 at the time. Adelé Exarchopoulos bae. The French women in these erotic French films are so damn fine.

Young and Beautiful is another good one. There’s also a netflix original titled Iris something that I started and need to start again.
Wow. Didn’t drake want to bring it back or maybe i’m confusing that with something else. Anyway, sully still a scumbag.
What's beef?


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American Made :lol: 6/8

Movie was wild.

A little too wild. After 15 min ya boy was in the **** and that's when he was just Buggin out working for the CIA. **** just got crazier.

Reminded me of Pain & Gain and War Dogs. All based on real events. Its just crazy to me how these main characters get in to this **** and don't stop at the beginning and say whoa this is insane I should stop now. Nope they always let it snowball.

This guy Barry Seal is the wildest. Basically helped create one of the most powerful and deadliest cartels. Had the Feds, DEA, ATF, and the state police after his *** :lol:
Just realized the same dude who wrote 2 transformers movie, amazing Spider-Man 2 and cowboys & aliens

Is the dude they depended upon to kick of the dark universe and write the mummy

That's like marvel lettting ole boy who ruined dexter, six feet under and their own ironfist do inhumans
Blade Runner 2049 is amazing to look at. Roger Deakins is a Nolan Ryan level old guy, still hitting triple digits.

The story is fine.
I was worried Blade Runner would not nail the landing at all despite the brave reviews for me personally.

To the point I wasn't even going to go see it.

Been waiting on reviews to sway me.
God damn, it's a gift and a curse when Netflix puts out a bomb miniseries (I just realized after the fact this is a pun) because instead of sitting down for a nice 2 hour long movie, I end up binging 8 hour long episodes.

Manhunt 7.8/8 so far

the story of how the FBI caught the infamous Unabomber. I haven't been able to take my eyes off the screen in 4 episodes. Like I literally put this on as some background noise to fall asleep to and I can't even turn my head to sip some water for fear of missing out. Don't know if it will stay this entertaining but it's got me hooked so far
Alien Covenant was soooooo bad! I don't remember hearing a single thing about it , good or baD but now I'm reading reviews and it got crucified :lol: I don't have the energy to list the reasons why it was awful.

Alien Covenant was soooooo bad! I don't remember hearing a single thing about it , good or baD but now I'm reading reviews and it got crucified :lol: I don't have the energy to list the reasons why it was awful.


Totally predictable and forgettable film.
Meant to speak on that. Warched it earlier.

Learned a lot about his personal life I didn't know.

The relationships in a lot of his movies make A LOT more sense now.

I use to think it was cliche when ppl say or ask what is the message the director is saying in this movie or this is the message that director is telling the viewer like there always has to be some overall topic and message to the story that may seemingly be unrelated but it is on the nose withba lot more Spielberg movies than I thought.

I saod it before in here and I heard it in the doc but I always considered Spielberg to be the gold standard of modern day (last half century) entertaining movies for any age.

May not be your favorite but he really is that great and a lot of his movies set the bar.
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